@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar



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owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

This definitely can't go badly.

Can it?


I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Try Linux Mint. You set it up on a USB drive, and you can try using it before you install it. So load it up, and try doing a few things you'd normally do (check email, etc.). This way, you can get your feet wet without committing fully. If you find you like it, you can do an installation (and it doesn't require any fancy terminal stuff).

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar
  • Support the police
  • Police shoot your dog
  • Shooting your dog is virtuous

It all adds up. /s

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Semi-related, here's a list of words that contain the word "meow":

  • meows
  • meowed
  • meowing
  • homeowner
owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

The only way you can hoard money like that is to convince yourself that poverty is a moral failing. Otherwise, your conscience can't handle it.

Nobody thinks they're the bad guy.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

The sad part is that he couldn't put two and two together. Health problem interrupting your job? It's not like poor people ever have to deal with health problems, they're just lazy, right? /s

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, Louisiana got a whole fleet of orphan crushing machines.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

That's honestly its biggest advantage over Ubuntu + Cinnamon.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

There's a reason they restrict these things. Trying to get around them is a bad idea. If you get caught, your professional life is over.

If you're that desperate, bring a non-office laptop and use a hotspot on your phone.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

While there are lots of programming courses out there, not many of them will explicitly teach you about good programming principles. Here are a couple things off the top of my head:

  • High cohesion, low coupling. That is, when you divide up code into functions and classes, try to minimize the number of things going between those functions (if your functions regularly have 6+ arguments, that's a red flag and should be reviewed). And when something needs to be broken up into pieces, try to find the spots where there are minimal points of contact.

  • Try to divide code between functions and files in a way that doesn't feel too busy. If there are a bunch of related functions that are cluttering up one file, or that are referenced from multiple places, consider making a module for those. If you're not sure what "too busy" means...

  • Read a style guide. There are lots of things that will help you clean up and organize your code. The guide won't necessarily tell you why to do each thing, but it's a great tool when you don't have another point of reference.

If you have a chance to take a "Software Engineering 101" class, this is where you'd learn most of the basic principles for writing better code.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

If you're already really comfortable with C, you could consider Java instead of Kotlin. The syntax is more similar, but Java doesn't have as many features built into the language (and I imagine it'll eventually be phased out anyways). You could try a sample project in each and see which one you prefer.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Scribus works, but it's not terribly user friendly. I've looked around for a while for something that is easy to work with, but haven't found anything better. For some forms, I end up needing to fire up my Windows VM and run Adobe.

An Idea to Steal Regarding Courts and Sentencing

In one advanced culture, which has largely achieved pacifism through technological and cultural advancements, legal cases are heard by judges who have studied law and ethics extensively. Their maximum sentencing, though, is limited to temporary incarceration. For more severe sentences, such as permanent incarceration or death,...

Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use?

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise...

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Acrobat Reader. There are a handful of fillable forms that only really work properly in the official Adobe reader.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

After trying 6 or 7 different alternatives for some very important government forms, I gave up and set up a VM. I do use other PDF readers whenever I can, but if someone is using features specific to Adobe Reader (outside the PDF standard), it's effectively a closed spec and there aren't alternatives for those documents.

I'm tired with all this Big-Phone-Elitism

I'm someone with relatively small hands, plus I want my phone to be on the smaller side since I prefer to use my tablet/computer/tv to watch content. But this trend where many manufacturers tend to keep futures away from smaller phones to drive people to bigger phones is driving me crazy and really makes it hard for me to buy a...

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

You can get away without a database (and assuming you don't need anything too complicated, I recommend not using one). I've had a good experience with GetSimple - it's a content management system (like WordPress) but uses regular files instead of a database. Great for basic content, and still easy to set up and manage.

Self-hosting is a bit complicated if you're not already comfortable running a Linux server. Not sure about privacy (though I'm not sure how privacy intersects a public-facing website), but there are lots of hosting providers out there. I use DreamHost and have had a great experience there.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

If you want the ease and functionality of WordPress, but you plan to have a relatively simple site, there are other CMS options that are lighter weight and easier to work with. I've used GetSimple for years with some of my sites, it's much more performant and easier to maintain. And the non-technical folks that manage content actually found it easier to use than WordPress.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

I've found GetSimple to have similar advantages. It's not as much a "static" site generator, but it uses flat XML storage for content instead of a database, so I can back it up in a git repo and deploy by just copying files.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Same--I use a line or two of PHP to avoid duplicating common header/footer elements, but it's otherwise HTML and CSS (no JS at all).


owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

It's the sound a Mid-Westerner makes when they're trying to get past you.

But for real, it's because this was super common:

typedef struct {
   // data structure
} SomeDataStruct;

void SomeFunction(SomeDataStruct * data) {
  // lots of functions like this

Like many things, once OOP became a thing, people started adding to it. This is why you get a ton of different definitions and such.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

I use Dreamhost, can't speak to the privacy but the rates are pretty good

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

The duelers get to pick their weapons. Nothing in the rules says you can't fight to the death with dildos.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure what kind of tinker board you're working with, but the power of Pis has increased exponentially through its generations. There are tasks that would run slowly on a dedicated Pi2 that ran easily in parallel with a half dozen other things on a Pi4.

The older ones can still be useful, just for less intensive tasks.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

You should totally explain the concept of being heavily involved in your local bdsm community. I bet it's the last time they ask for anything.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

We had a wellness seminar at one point, mandatory. There was an excercise where we stood in a circle and threw a ball around. During cold and flu season. Some of us expressed concern, and were ignored. Entire group got sick and took a bunch of sick days. How's that for wellness?

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Nope, the high CHA character convinces the judge that the pieces touching the wood are, in fact, not touching the wood.

Alper_Celik , to KDE

yeah i reported my first bug to

see: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=479469

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar
owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, having your parents replaced must have been rough.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

In my (anecdotal) experience, software is best approached as an engineering pursuit. Almost anyone can write code, but building code that is maintainable, scalable, and reliable has a lot in common with building other things that we want to see similar features in.

There are plenty of math people who are good at this, but there are lots of other fields of study that are just as adjacent (philosophy and communication both come to mind).

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

There was a day and age when that was largely the point of college–to teach you how to teach yourself. There was a difference in expectation from the high-school level, where following directions wasn’t enough. You had to be able to do things you couldn’t do in order to make it.

Not that it’s the fault of current students–education has simply experienced inflation and everyone is trying to keep up. But it stands that those teaching-yourself skills will set apart a good developer from an okay developer.

Others have mentioned that the expectations can become toxic, though, especially from the non-technical crowd, and I agree. It becomes more of a question of efficiency than possibility. That is, if you’ve spent your entire career working on web stacks, and someone makes you program a PLC, it’s gonna take a very long time for you to do it even satisfactorily.

There’s definitely value to being able to self-teach and figure things out, but it needs to be paired with other soft skills, like “speaking manager” and setting appropriate boundaries.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

When I’ve been presented with expectations outside my field, I’ve replied with something along the lines of, “Programming is a bit like sports–they all share some common features, but the skill sets are very different. What you’re asking me to do is like asking a hockey player to participate in a professional badminton tournament. I can try, but it won’t be pretty.”

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Can confirm, I tried a couple of USB controllers and none were that great. Ended up getting a USB to GC adapter and it’s worked great.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Imagine this situation if a human replaced the AI.

Imagine a human who wants to write a book. They’ve read hundreds of other books already, and lots of other things besides books. Then they write a book. The final work probably contains an amalgamation of all the other things they’ve read–similar characters, themes, plot points, etc.–but it’s a unique combination, so it’s distinct from those other works. No copyright violation.

Now imagine that same human has only ever read one book. Over and over. They know only the one book. The human wants to write a new book. But they only have experience with the one they’ve read again and again. So the book they write is almost exactly the same as the one book they read. That’s a copyright violation.

Training an AI model is not a crime, any more than reading a book is a crime. You’re not making “copies” or profiting directly from that single work.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

I’m using Mint, but I’ve avoided using flatpaks (generally downloading DEB packages directly, or adding ppa sources). It’s worked pretty well so far.

I do have a handful of AppImages, but they’re a bit easier to work with.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

I feel the same way, though on LineageOS, I wasn’t able to get the double-click-power-for-camera to ever work properly. Do you happen to have/use that feature?

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Liberation Mono. It’s probably not the best out there, but I like it well enough.

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve had good experiences with GetSimple. It uses a flat-file structure, and there are lots of themes available.

Finally had enough of Windows. I'm packing up. I'm nervous!

Edit2: Writing this from Pop_Os! I had experience with Mint for my Self hosting rig and wanted to see other pastures. Decided to rearrange my three drives, two of them are still Windows, another I emptied and dedicated to Pop OS. That way I still have easy fallback to Windows if I need to do something fast and then I’ll know...

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Welcome! I made the leap not long ago as well. I’m using Linux Mint, and I’ve had a great experience with it (including gaming).

My recommendation: when you get to installing games, use something like Lutris or PlayOnLinux. These are frontends (like Steam) that will help manage any special configurations you might need. They can even connect to online sources and apply settings that have worked for other people. I’ve been using Lutris and it’s been pretty good (I’ve been playing a lot of BG3 lately, runs like a dream).

Welcome and have fun!

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

For what it’s worth, Mint has a Debian-based version that I’ve heard great things about. It would probably have lots of the legwork done for you (getting flatpak, etc).

owenfromcanada ,
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

Can confirm, Mint was easier to set up and have everything working than Windows. Couldn’t believe Linux had better driver support. What a world.

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