xilliah ,
@xilliah@beehaw.org avatar

I use Rider. I like the clean interface and haven’t had any performance issues even though it is feature rich. I also would like to try vim but I’m worried it’ll take quite a while to configure and in the end it’ll miss a feature that I am used to. What I appreciate a lot is that it can make suggestions and simplify code for me. They also have a beta for AI integration and I’m looking forward to try that out one day.

linad ,
@linad@lemmy.world avatar

neovim cause writing ig?

wviana ,


jelloeater85 ,
@jelloeater85@lemmy.world avatar

Micro for quick CLI edits. VSCode for mashing text and PowerShell JetBrains Suite for everything else. LazyGit is amazing BTW. Pairs well with LazyDocker.

ggnoredo ,
@ggnoredo@lemm.ee avatar

Emacs because i feel like dumb on other editors, on emacs every action is instant with out any mouse input

barrett9h ,

Vim + fugitive

nnullzz ,

Was on VSCode, tried switching to neovim, ended up with JetBrains Goland. I might try neovim again but getting everything setup and learning new shortcuts was starting to eat up my work productivity. With Goland I have everything I need in one place.

It probably didn’t help that at the same time, I also tried to learn to use a moonlander with a different keyboard layout.

Teddly ,

I had a couple aborted attempts to switch to neovim, www.lazyvim.org is what finally got me to switch. It has what I needed to get going, and I bookmarked the keymaps page as I got familiar.

Gadg8eer ,
@Gadg8eer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Notepad++, because I mostly program OpenTTD mods.

sorrybookbroke ,
@sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works avatar

You are a God amongst men

9point6 ,

VSCode for anything complex and running locally, vim for everything else

Blackthorn ,

Personally, I mostly use neovim, both at home and at work. My reasons are:

  1. I hate any kind of screen cluttering. The minimap comes straight from hell.
  2. it’s very responsive. I don’t even bother using language servers as they occasionally introduce micro delays that I hate.
  3. it helps me in organizing the code better. No minimap means I keep the file size manageable, not seeing the definition of the function straight away means I keep the static complexity of the code in check (tend to reduce the number of delegates). It doesn’t help when I have to read cose from legacy codebase, but I don’t care too much about that.
Ismay ,

You do know you can remove the minimaps (that do come from hell) ?

Other than that, I started trying neovim. I like the concept of not having too move your “mouse” hand but boy it’s a chore to start xD

minyakcurry ,

While I always remove the minimaps, may I ask someone more experienced than me why minimaps are even a thing in VSCode? What am I supposed to see? 1 pixel tall gibberish?

giloronfoo ,

A more detailed version of the dots in the scrollbar.

It’s quite useful files that are thousands of lines long.

Why that log? Because it’s 15+ year old code.

courval ,

In vscode you can see git changes, errors, search matches. Personally I couldn’t live without it. Great to pickup from where you started and code reviews/git diffs.

Blackthorn ,

Ofc I knew! Yeah, (neo)vim takes time to adjust. Personally I only use a bunch of commands, never bothered with the advanced stuff.

tebro ,

Neovim here as well. Though I do use LSPs. I write mostly Go in a fairly large code base so “go to definition” is pretty much a must have.

I was considering going without and just using grep like tools, but not yet.

0x0 ,

vim, vscodium, android studio 'cos i’m forced to.

theRealBassist ,

Was not aware of VSCodium! Does it still play nice with the plugin system and such?

0x0 ,

Depending on your plugins you may have to fiddle with it to fetch from the official store instead, but generally works great.

It actually honors the “don’t guess the encoding, use this one” config.

JackbyDev ,

No. Not really. And it’s not Codium’s fault, it is Microsoft’s. Codium seems like Chromium but with how Microsoft’s extension marketplace’s terms of use work and the licensing terms on compiled extensions it is sadly different. This is all the more reason to use Codium and to encourage devs of extensions to host extensions on the open marketplace in addition to or even in place of the official one.

yournamehere ,

how much time will it take?

just an edit: nano

maybe use some highlighting: xed

more than 15min of work: atom

lolcabanon ,

Is there a fork of atom or you are still using the latest version (1.60.3 or something?)

It was my IDE for some time but i’ve been using codium since it’s been deprecated.

yournamehere ,
neonblade ,

Helix text editor

case_when ,

Reading these comments, there sure aren’t a lot of R programmers out there.

RStudio for R, Spyder for Python, Emacs for either of the above when I want to be cool.

python ,

Exclusively IntelliJ Ultimate, cause that’s what my work pays for. I try not to program outside of work.

dsco ,

Geany for quick edits, and VSCode for everything else. Think I may try Sublime soon.

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