Randomly getting Notion email, after having deleted my account years ago... ( )

Welp I guess this is the perfect example of companies not deleting your credentials and account info when asking for it... I deleted my Notion account several years ago. And completely randomly today got an email from them about data retention, assuming this is one of those "important" emails they have to send out. Sadly, years...

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

Trying to understand Consent Forms, Cookies and Third-Party Vendors ( )

Yo peeps, I'm currently looking into TCF Vendors, Ad partners and their whole corporate greed hellhole of tracking. I am writing a paper on this, and would like for everything to be factually correct. However, I am struggling to understand one particular part of this "transparency framework" and hope someone can help me clarify...

[solved] Audiobookshelf not fetching latest podcast episodes ( )

Hiya, quickly wondering if anyone has had any issues with ABS not fetching/pulling latest podcast episodes? I added my podcasts via OPML, around a week ago, and it doesn't seem to be pulling in any new episodes. I've set a schedule to scan the lib each hour, but im assuming this feature is just for scanning for new local files...

NPM - What services need what toggled? ( )

Hiya, just got NPM installed and working, very happy to finally have SSL certs on all of my serivces and proper URLs to navigate to them, what a breeze! However, as I am still in the learning process: I am curious to know when to enable these three toggles and for what services. I assume the "Block Common Exploits", can always...

Is it possible to change the View in the file picker on pop os? ( )

When I'm trying to pick a file say when I click Browse on the Image section of making a Lemmy post the file manager doesnt have a button to change the View to Grid so I can see what the image I'm selecting is. I can't tell what image is what by the tiny preview

First keyboard build! ( )

So, after some playing around trying to figure out a preferred physical layout, I decided a Hillside 46 splayed keyboard would be about right. Thanks to Leo at Beekeeb for answering all my questions before ordering and during the build! Surface mount soldering was tricky, but everything works on the first try! I finally can use...

r/dndmemes mod u/Dalimey100 is a fucking legend ( )

u/Dalimey (who appropriately identifies as “LAWFUL STUPID” shared a warning from reddit admins issuing their final warning against making the sub NSFW (despite the fact that the users of the sub are in full support). They promised to reply to it with “roll for persuasion or intimidation” if they got 10k upvotes, and here...

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