
What are the rules for selling pork in your world?

One of the ideas that I had is that pork in the СШР is offered as a downgrade that costs less. The communist party would then pass laws mandating this since offering pork as a downgrade instead of an alternative as an upgrade would make it easier to get prosecutions for blasphemy and hate crimes if someone put pork into the...

What are methods of spiritual redemption in your world?

Transformniks don't believe in universalism because they believe that Satan and probably others will never repent and accept God. They also don't believe that permanent separation from God is never justified. There are Transformnik mystics share the belief from Christian and Muslim mystics that Heaven and Hell are states of...

What is the position of the religions of your world on mysticism?

There are Christians and Muslims who denounce mysticism as being dangerous while there have also been Christian and Muslim mystics. Transformatsiya is a fictional religion created from the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and was formed through mysticism and contact with the spiritual being Tanisha who revealed...

An Idea to Steal Regarding Courts and Sentencing

In one advanced culture, which has largely achieved pacifism through technological and cultural advancements, legal cases are heard by judges who have studied law and ethics extensively. Their maximum sentencing, though, is limited to temporary incarceration. For more severe sentences, such as permanent incarceration or death,...

Describe a major election in your world

The 2060 presidential election has a reemergence of the Radical Republicans. Joe Sullivan becomes the first market socialist president and the abolition of AI slavery was announced as one of his positions. The Democrats viewed this as an existential threat because they relied on android and AI slaves for the masses as the...

Using DNA hashing as a way to identify individuals?

This is something tangential I've developed for my science-fantasy world with intelligent animals. For context: In this world, different taxonomic governments represent groups of related species. You have the Felines, Vulpines, Rodents, Avians, etc. Each of them technically belong to a different State but frequently intermingle...

My world has an issue with people taking freely accessible resources for not their intended purpose and wasting them, what kind of policy changes might solve this?

For context, I have a science-fantasy world with intelligent, non-anthro animals trying to live in peace with each other. A major problem is of course what the carnivores eat, and their solution is something called Dietary Enzyme Supplements, which carnivores take in order to supply artificial, carefully engineered digestive...

Your world has to replicate Santa and his sleigh as best as they can with whatever magic or technology they have access to. What do they do?

The interdimensional Christmas bug is coming to town, and every world needs their own Santa. Doesn’t matter if they have no idea what Santa or Christmas is, participation is mandatory and they need to use whatever exist in-universe to replicate Santa’s flying sleigh as best as they can....

Does your world have heavens and hells that are the same place but different for who is there?

In my world, it’s ambiguous whether The God exists, even to the residents of the spiritual world. The demon-prophet of the Transformatsiya religion is believed to have been rewarded by God for working to convert people during the pre-historic time in Ancient Merika. The reward is living in a recreation of a rural city in...

How realistic or reasonable is it for a government to straight up ask another, more technologically advanced government for one of their State-employed scientists as a diplomatic favour?

For context, this takes place in my world with intelligent, non-anthro animals trying to live in harmony. This is part of the backstory of my main character and why she’s where she is currently....

Qharul ( )

There are multiple avenues for contribution to the World of Hub. You can make small contributions by participating in discussions with server members and giving your ideas or feedback and you can ask a member of the lore committee to make your contributions canon. You can roleplay as a character in the world by submitting a...

The Politics of Fantasy Maps: Are nation-states an accidental assumption you made with your map? ( )

After watching this video, I realized how little I’d considered the hidden assumption of nation states in worldbuilding. I am pleased to have avoided some of the issue by actually writing about some of the people who live outside of established kingdoms, but I do think I need to consider the subject more deeply with regard to...

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