KDE Connect should only enable downloading files from allowed directories, right? [issue report found, may be very old notifications]

I was working on some stuff on my PC and stepped away for a bit, and on returning noticed notifications on it that some files had been downloaded via KDE Connect from my phone. I was using my phone at the time, and didn't send the files....

Fix for the capslock slow response

This is an issue that I know for a fact that is not specific to plasma, but I came here to ask for help since I run Plasma and I'm hoping that there is something I can change on the DE to fix it. Caps-lock is very slow and causes THis ISsue, and it is driving me crazy. I'm the person who can never learn how to use the shift to...

Enable/Disable KWin Scripts depending on current activity?

So, I like working with tiled WMs sometimes though not always. And Polonium is working great for that in Plasma 6. But as I said, I don't want it enabled 24/7. And rather than open settings and toggling it on and off every time, it'd be wonderful if I could harness the power of KDE activities and automatically toggle it on in a...

Plasma 6 graphics tablet driver issues

I have a wacom graphics tablet that I want to use, but the builtin drivers of plasma 6 do not have enough customizability for me/don't do what I want them to, so I wanted to use the opentabletdriver package, which worked well for me on plasma 5, but the builtin driver is still active even when opentabletdriver is and I then have...

Discover - possible to limit download speed?

Hi, sadly I have a very limited internet connection (10 Mbit). When I'm watching a video and then install something in Discover, it takes almost all the bandwidth and the video begins to stutter & buffer. Somebody knows if there's a way to limit the download speed for discover - preferably without installing additional software?

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