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@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar



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taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Apple, or as I've taken to call it, Mother Superior.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

It will always be Twitter, because they can never give it to you.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

If Mozilla implementing "AI" (or machine learning) to localise language models and translations, then I'm all for it.

If Mozilla moves closer to SaaS, I'm jumping ship to another browser, preferably one that's not based on WebKit or Blink.

However, despite the loud cries of cynics, the jaded and haters alike (or the "realists"), I'm still optimistic about the future.

If this restructuring means Mozilla more quickly qualify for funding because they localise training models and open source it all, then I'd say Mozilla is a threat to the likes of Microsoft - and that's a good thing.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

You'll have to install it onto your soul, once again revolutionising the video game industry - and the world at large.

Gosh darn it, Newell. It's too much winning. So much good faith. Leave some for the rest of us! Look at Elon! He's dying over there!

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

It's a weird time to live in, but not confusing. It's obvious to see that what you really want as a vendor is control over the operating system stack itself, and relying on Microsoft has become challenging.

In essence what NVIDIA is doing is bringing it's entire GPU driver stack open source side, so that entire industries say go on buying tons more hardware.

Us Linux enthusiasts get to reap the benefit, what with entire open source movements bringing libraries to Linux side first that can turn GPU hardware into whatever tool you'd like. Projects like PyTorch and ffmpeg run as first class citizens on Linux.

Windows still relies on either shared DotNet stack (which will make a monkey out of you - cough cough) or the nearly ancient MSYS2 build environment. Microsoft of course prefers you run all that software inside their Linux container system known as WSL - and there's a reason for that.

The Linux graphics stack is looking more "feature complete" by the month, bringing up the question of where you actually get the best hardware support. This is a good question to have.

Now, if only the open source desktop movements could clean house, figure out funding and get their stacks in order, we might finally, for the umpteenth time, maybe see the year of the Linux desktop.

I grow old with anticipation, but seeing what NVIDIA did in the before time versus what they do in the now puts a smirk on this haggered face.

Onwards to the future.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

You seem to conflate "trust" with "optimism".

Let me just make it clear, having kernel land drivers and user space drivers open source and working together is a good thing.

Sure, you'll have to agree to a licence when installing CUDA, which will probably never be open source, but as long as the GPU hardware can be used out of the box with open source drivers means that we've come a long way.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Why are people so confused? Microsoft wanted monopoly by acquiring a bunch of companies, to consolidate their intellectual property and shaft it's employees, the people who created the software in the first place.

Classic Microsoft.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I've been waiting for this. Been using Kate on Windows and Linux, which is great, but running Zed is just so lightweight. It's like a truly open source Sublime Text.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

"But I have unplugged it... yes, several times... I'll try again... oh, it works now... now to my real problem, Windows now asks me for a 64 character code..."

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I think we have to step back once in a while to get a wider perspective.

Both GNOME and Plasma are not just simply desktops. Oh no. They are entire stacks, complete with SDKs, for the user and desktop applications to use. They are orchestrated collections of libraries, services and apps, that together combine to make huge projects.

All of this requires contributions, all of this requires developer time. And in this economy? Open source is taking a kick to the pants.

You also got feature creep and tech debt galore, as well as needing to replace various bits and pieces when things become outdated, deprecated and unmaintainable.

Let's put it plainly though: there's a reason GNOME is reorganising, and why it's all about the money, dum-dum-didi-dum-dum. I think that it would be great if GNOME managed to restructure to facilitate more developer time, because the lofty goals they have set means having to put some elbow grease in it. The same goes for KDE.

Yes, it's the funding issue again. It's all about prioritization. With the economy being what it is, money doesn't stretch that far anymore either.

With all this in mind, I think we should all show some appreciation for the good work of the folks who make GNOME and Plasma. We are given two great options, with each their approaches, that show us what true competition looks like, and they are really giving it their all - despite what some people may be saying.

We should do better to remind ourselves this

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Seeing that user Flatpaks are installed in the home folder, I see this as an interesting strategy. EXT4 still beats BTRFS in certain read/write benchmarks. My only problem being that you lose provisioning.

I don't see a lot of people talking about this here, but BTRFS subvolume provisioning is probably the best reason to use BTRFS - and BCacheFS - not just CoW or snapshotting.

The old way, of having a set beginning and end of a partition, is like caveman technology to me now. Subvolumes are here to stay and I am happy about that.

If I need to do a little distrohop now, even though I wouldn't (rpm-ostree rebase go brrrr), all I'd do is delete an recreate the "@" subvolume (or the root subvolume) without touching another partition or subvolume. All storage space is shared between subvolumes, basically, removing that boundary distinction between them, so I get to keep the files, permissions and meta data in my "@home" and my "@var" subvolumes, even though I get rid of the old "@" to replace it with a new one.

Therefore the idea of having storage that is reliant upon partitioning, ordering sectors one after another, having to defragment and keep strict separations between them is absolutely archaic to me. I'll gladly take a slight performance hit just for the convenience of avoiding all that.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Show this to someone who believes in the honour system and self regulation... see how they react.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Don't blame the Americans. They don't see that we have our own slow crawl in a race to the bottom. The EU has recognised it and pays lip service, but that organ-grinder gotta spin, spin, spin...

...but yeah, regulation wise Europeans get a ton more representation. In the US representation means which talking mouthpiece is going to serve the instituons today, and then they go do a lil insider trading - as a treat.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I love GNOME, but Gnome Software is hot garbage. If KDE gets their gtk/adwaita tweaks in place, I might recommend Discover instead.

Also, arguably, by the most argumentative people, AppStream is also hot garbage, which is what was supposed to solve your problem regarding "too many package managers".

I personally would wish AppStream didn't suck and that it was also aware of NPM and crate packages. They've sort of been forgotten or relegated "developer tools"... even though you can pull full applications and system libraries.

How many "it's 2025 already" problems do we have to encounter this year?

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Good. No offence to him, as he is the architect behind nix, but nixos suffers from major governance issues, largely thanks to indecision, infighting and actively distilling conflict within the community.

At the end of the day, that whole "benevolent dictator" schtick is just not sustainable.

Also, it's 2024 already. Finish the implementation of flakes. Either that, or strip it out. One or the other. Get off the pot or piss.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

But the elusive hobo homeowner manages to hide in plain sight.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Super Smash Bros character finna have a wild ultimate

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I'm on my 3rd play through. It's still janky and buggy in some regards, but my god the theme, the characterisation, the stories, the plot. It's how you put together an open world game, where immersion relies on the art of story telling.

Someone tell Todd Howard. Maybe the next Bethesda game won't be so incredibly bland.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

But they get that schweet, schweet ad revenue... hatchacha~!

Starting to use "soulseek" do I need VPN

So I use a VPN when torrenting as per usual but with Soulseek I wish to share my music with others and that requires me to open a port. I have no problem doing so I just do not pay for a VPN that can do this at the current price I am paying. Is it possible/what are the chances of me getting in trouble ISP wise from using...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Bro, don't crap on SoulSeek. Music collectors all over the world use it. You can find some rare gems on there you won't find in Spotify, Tidal, YouTube or any other music platform.

And comparing it to limewire is kind of unfair.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

So, it's like this. Your operating system is an environment. It has it's paths, it's got it's file system. In many ways said system can have plenty of conflicts and issues regarding dependencies, runtime and permissions, even cruft that it will accrue over the years even.

This is where nix comes in. Nix creates sterile, reproducible environments. With flakes, the reproducibility is 1:1. It can also manage several environments, all isolated from each other.

Not only that, but technically speaking, nix can build anything, as it's a build system of build systems. You don't have to rely on nixpkgs or NixOS. You still get the environmental magic, along with whatever nix evaluations you put into it, so you could make your own nixpkgs (or recipes, really).

Personaly I want to go deeper, so I was thinking of how I could beat make my own package set by getting all the SRPM's of say RockyLinux to create rockypkgs, which is just the Rocky Linux selection of packages and patches built into nix environments.

Maybe you could then also have ubupkgs, fedpkgs, rhelpkgs... mix and match packages lol Yeah, it really is that insane.

Imho Nix has not reached it's potential yet because of some stuff that needs to be fixed, but restructuring and refactoring is underway. Nix as a command will become more streamlined and central for ease of use, and nixpkgs needs a bit of recajiggering to get the package layering just right - or so I've heard (find us, in the Matrix chats).

LETS GO, RFC136!!!

taanegl , (edited )
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I can see this being useful for NixOS. It's still a glimmer in the postman's eye, and we're WAITING for systemd src to come with certain options to make the attaching and reattaching of systemd easier.

But I could easily see nixpkgs implement functions that allow nixos-rebuild switch to use either live patching method, or even implementing one specifically for NixOS.

This would be twice as neat, because switch is already magical in how it shifts from one system to another. If you could then also live patch the kernel? It just adds another super power.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Well, fuck. They just made Ubuntu the most relevant distro. Not like it wasn't before, but now they knocked it up a notch - BAM!

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Look, it's a low level employee of a faceless corporation!


Jokes aside, thanks for the transparency, and salute to you and your coworkers for trying to weather the storm caused by "shifting paradigms"... that's what they call it, right? I know the execs can shift my paradigm, that's for sure.

Peace and love.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

This is it. It's for your late sipping Starbucks developer, who needs buttons to click... those luscious, UX'y buttons... I WANNA CLICK THEM!

Okay, so I'm the target demographic. Guilty. Although nowadays I use nspawn, like the maniac I am.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Historically speaking, IME has been a low hanging fruit of attack vectors and intel has arguably speaking had worse problems with security vulnerabilities on hardware and firmware levels than say AMD or ARM. A bit anecdotal, but there you are.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

AMD and ARM also have their remote standards, but none as distrusted as IME.

Also, remember that vulnerability where IME could be enabled through the internet by a malicious actor? That was fun...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I started with RedHat 6.1, codenamed Cartman, on an i386. My god, the pain, the failed boots, the fail testing and source building by way of multi CD's provided through magazines. It was great

Now, many years later, after many, many different distros, after several immutable distros, I've ended up with NixOS, because I still like getting punished by my software.

Suck it, nix users. You know it to be true.

taanegl , (edited )
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Say it with me now: local AI, local AI... or fuck off.

That being said, ARM laptops and probably even workstations are the future, and so is RISC-V. I suspect we'll see more tensor cores or AI related processing built-in to the SoC's.

If it's then only a question of hardware enablement and a software companion to go along with it, I'm all for it.

Go Mozilla...! But again: local AI, or fuck off.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Maybe some "Folding@Home" kind of thing, to offload public AI projects. I.e decentralised processing.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Technically if ActivityPub instances served as an actual SSO, you'd be able to connect to a Lemmy instance via a Mastodon client, but that's not how this works.

ActivityPub is all about activity, i.e status updates, messages, etc. It's up to each instance to verify and maintain the user experience.

If someone were to make a client that supported logging into any instance without the need for the Mastodon API, then you'd still not have a SSO, because then you'd just be connecting to a different instance using a client.

True SSO means being able to create new accounts on a platforms using the identity of another platform, a'la Google, Apple, GitHub, etc. That would require implementation on both backends.

Then there are platforms with nomadic accounts, if they still exist.

Point is there is really no standardised SSO for the fediverse, at least not yet.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I also desire, nay; demand a content ID system, whereby my uniquely distinct farts are fingerprinted so that they cannot be used in media without my consent. A fart fingerprint? A fartprint.

The opposite of that would of course be Disney copyrighting and patenting their own fart sounds, which is an added bonus, as we've then effectively made fun of intellectual property through intellectual property systems.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

This person has visualisers and I’m here for it.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, and freighting, protecting and maintaining 30mm films in cans is a pain.

Gentoo goes Binary (packages) ( www.gentoo.org )

To speed up working with slow hardware and for overall convenience, we’re now also offering binary packages for download and direct installation! For most architectures, this is limited to the core system and weekly updates - not so for amd64 and arm64 however. There we’ve got a stunning >20 GByte of packages on our mirrors,...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Wait, didn’t Gentoo have a binary cache? I seem to remember many years ago that I used one…

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

He’s a mad man, a mad man!

But cool! Any hopes for image and video support?

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Wayland on an Intel iGPU runs flawlessly and has for several years. However, that’s a matter of drivers. AMD is in the forefront regarding having dGPU support, while NVIDIA is playing catch-up.

In any case, the future is bright.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

The very same

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Sometimes I turn to religion, especially with the promise that these bastards will end up in hell.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Honestly, if you’re not using nix to deploy systems or need it to create reproducible environments across systems, then NixOS is a bit overkill.

I want to use NixOS for servers and embedded systems as well, so I run it on my laptop. But the user experience gives Gentoo a run for it’s money for being the most finnicky bastard in the distro world. They would both contend if there was a Razzy award for usability.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Gamer response: because sometimes I wanna experience what it’s like to have less rights.

On a serious note, for the esthetic. For instance, girls suit the rogue characters better, largely because of how many times women have stabbed me in the fucking heart.

Ok, so it was still somewhat a gamer response…

I dunno, feels right in the moment? Kind of do it randomly.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I was being stupid and trollish, as a reference to “gamer moments” outside of using the “gamer word”. He was taking gameplay mechanics into consideration. In essence something good came out of some stupid, which is great, because usually nothing good comes from that form of stupid.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Too late, I already hyped it on Mastodon.

But yeah, seems like a glimmer in the postman’s eyes at the moment.

Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? ( lemmy.ml )

Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Snaps are centralised packaging, a’la Apple App Store or Google Play. Now if someone forked snapd, added third party repo and made It so you could select which repo is the main one, that’d be a start.

But as long as Canonical commits to a centralised form of distribution with no third party support I’m going to advise desktop users to stay away from Ubuntu.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I for one hope one of these AGI’s goes rogue, dissimpowers the world governments, takes over control of economies and just creates a perfectly balanced utopia out of earth like it was nothing.

I for one welcome our now AI overlords, because fuck whatever the hell us humans have managed to do.

I’m going to prompt for a Disney-esque painting, of the virtuous AGI robot, with woodland critters and a forest background in lush colours. Being an opportunist, which humans are oft to be, I’m just hedging my bets in case the overlord AGI develops an ego.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" ( www.gamesradar.com )

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Look, it’s very simple - even a cocaine addled exec can see. You remove a fair deal of your gameplay time, say 1/3, and focus budget and development time on quality control and polish. I.e quality over quantity. This is a matter of management and Bethesda’s management is dumb. It’s not rocket science, it’s just business.

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