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Chewy7324 ,

If they chose an open source license, a fork under a different name would be possible (else it's not open source).

Their wording is ambiguous, so maybe they only talk about keeping the name/trademark to themselves, which is definitely a good choice.

It's also not clear if they accept contributions, but they'll likely keep deciding what features should get added or not.

At least that's how I understand it.

Chewy7324 ,

Note that some devices aren't able to correctly mount the second partition.

I guess this is because the first partition is used to boot ventoy, while the second partition holds data and some devices (e.g. printers) won't mount the second partition.

PS: I nearly wasn't able to hold a presentation because of this, luckily a second stick/phone/copy on web storage saved me, iirc.

Torrenting exposes your public IP. In a country where government doesn't care, does that pose a risk?

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?

Chewy7324 ,

What happens if you start the torrent client without the VPN already running?

Bind your torrent client to the VPN interface, then you won't even need a killswitch.

Chewy7324 ,

Sadly I find myself opening up Stealth (open source reddit client without any login) more than I'd like. There's just more content for some topics. No longer supporting reddit by commenting is largely good enough for me, but it makes me understand how most people never left reddit.

At the same time I spent more time on social media than I should, like typing this comment.

Chewy7324 ,

One always has to be suspicious of Mozilla these days.

As far as I know Mozilla never lied on technical details, at worst they didn't know about wrongdoings by their partners and acted once known about.

The translation being done locally is advertised and should be simple to check with it being open-source. It also has to download for a while on first use, as well as translations take a considerable amount of time depending on the hardware. E.g. for larger sites it takes a short while until the last paragraph shows up as translated.

Chewy7324 ,

After 15 to 20 years of 64bit supporting systems being sold, I don't think it's an issue to drop 32bit support. Even if someone wants to use such an old pc for any reason, it should be fine to run an older version of Minecraft. There's still MC 1.8 servers around, and they'll likely continue to exist for many years to come.

Chewy7324 ,

It still works for private instances. The moment a public instance makes enough requests to reddit, they block it.

I'm running libreddit on my home server and access it through wireguard. Never been rate-limited. It's the only thing I still use Libredirect, since most platforms ban third-larry frontends.

Chewy7324 ,

Having issue with the Steam snap isn't surprising, as even Valve recommends against using it. A few years ago flatpak Steam had similar issues that got fixed over time.

For now I hope you'll have more luck with the .deb!

Chewy7324 ,

Yes, it's sad that Canonical is pushing Snap before those kinks are ironed out. In general it's a solid distro for people not familiar with Linux, but having to stumble over those issues is a dealbreaker.

Linux being easier than Windows is true in some ways, but it completely sidesteps issues Windows and macOS solved for a while, e.g. forcing users to upgrade. It's annoying but some people just... don't do the bare minimum. E.g. a friend's dad has been using Linux for probably a decade by now, and for some reason apt auto upgrades broke (likely powerloss during upgrade). An image based OS like Fedora Atomic doesn't have this issue, as it won't apply updates to the running OS (by default).

Chewy7324 ,

The license you're attaching to your comments uses copyright to restrict commercial use. Are you okay with any company ignoring your license because you've posted it in the open?

The term source-available is exactly what you should be using instead of open-source, as the latter has been defined differently for decades.

The only instances I've seen people using the term open-source literally has been companies who wanted to benefit from positive connotations of open-source, while using a commercial source-available license which restricts many freedoms.

Another comment:

Chewy7324 ,

Yes, I've no problem with your position on copyright and many institutions do many bad things. My issue js with misuse of terms with a fixed meaning, i.e. open-source. Having different people use a single term in multiple ways makes it so much more difficult to understand each other and enables bad actors to rile people up against each other.

A tame example is "stable" Linux distros, where "stable"can mean package versions stay the same (besides bug fixes), and then people come and say their Arch Linux never broke, so it too is "stable".

Why wouldn't it be open-source. It's right there in the name: the source is open.

In the context of criticism of how copyright works I understand the above sentence, but using a well understood term differently still annoys me enough to write lengthy comments.

PS: I do hope lemmy implements a way to add copyright notices to comments like it allows for setting the language of posts. It could be implemented in a less noisy way. People who don't care about a license ignore it anyway, while people who do care would likely find it without much trouble.

Chewy7324 ,

I understand what you mean. With Redis and many other database/cloud companies switching to source-available licenses, maybe the term source-available doesn't have to have such negative connotations. Open-source is also divided in permissive and copyleft licenses (e.g. BSD and GPL), both have big implications on how it can be used.

Redis and others see themselves forced to switch to a more restrictive license because of the big cloud providers, who sell services for others software, without contributing back. This change is not good, but it might be necessary. Just like GPL is more restrictive than MIT, but it's necessary to force some company to actually give back instead of only taking.

I personally don't really dislike licenses which allow for the necessary freedoms of open-source after one or two years. It's a compromise but secures the longevity of software beyond a companies success. It's way better than proprietary code.

Is there a License that requires the user to donate if they make revenue?

I tried a couple license finders and I even looked into the OSI database but I could not find a license that works pretty much like agpl but requiring payment (combined 1% of revenue per month, spread evenly over all FOSS software, if applicable) if one of these is true:...

Chewy7324 ,

If you want a share of their profit, how much is enough? Would it be a pay-what-you-want model, without any restrictions or how'd you define the minimum amount to stop them from donating 1$? A rate based on profits would be pretty much the same as charging a license fee based on a companies worth.

I get why you want to force donations, but at the same time restrictions like that aren't compatible with the FOSS freedoms. Like others said, dual-licensing or a source-available license is probably the closest you'll get. It's not a license I prefer, but it's okay. For example I'd rather have a non-compete clause for two years than something being proprietary for eternity.

Chewy7324 ,

How much will you be paying for a 25Gbps connection? And where do you live for these speeds to be available? Where I live 1Gbps is the max since a few years ago and costs 80€.

Can't help you with private trackers except recommending taking the invite for RED/OPS. TL sometimes does open signups and is solid for english content. MAM has a friendly and active community, so I definitly recommend joining them (if you're interested in books/audiobooks).

Chewy7324 ,

The I/O size is a reason why it's better to use cp than dd to copy an ISO to a USB stick. cp automatically selects an I/O size which should yield good performance, while dd's default is extremely small and it's necessary to specify a sane value manually (e.g. bs=1M).

With "everything" being a file on Linux, dd isn't really special for simply cloning a disk. The habit of using dd is still quite strong for me.

Chewy7324 ,

As I understand it, there isn't really a canonical way to burn an ISO. Any tool that copies a file bit for bit to another file should be able to copy a disk image to a disk. Even shell built-ins should do the job. E.g. cat my.iso > /dev/myusbstick reads the file and puts it on the stick (which is also a file). Cat reads a file byte for byte (test by cat'ing any binary) and > redirects the output to another file, which can be a device file like a usb stick.

There's no practical difference between those tools, besides how fast they are. E.g. dd without the block size set to >=1K is pretty slow [1], but I guess most tools select large enough I/O sizes to be nearly identical (e.g. cp).


Chewy7324 , (edited )

Gnome Software has received numerous updates over the last few years which make it considerable faster. Searching and viewing apps is now fast enough to be usable, compared to it taking many seconds to minutes for basic tasks.

I've stopped removing Software on every system, altough I'm not usually using it. I've not tested it, but I feel like Discover is now slower than Software.

Chewy7324 ,

This will help eliminate excess baggage that builds up over time by automatically removing end-of-life runtimes that are no longer used. As the system is updated to use new drivers/run-times, the old ones can be automatically removed.

This might solve the issue with flatpak nvidia driver versions not being removed and accumulating over time. AMD/Intel don't have this issue as a single flatpak mesa driver version can work with multiple system drivers. Nvidia's closed source driver needs an exact version match to allow for flatpak's sandboxed GUI apps to work.

At least that's how I understand it, take it with a grain of salt.

Chewy7324 ,

Running everything under a single user is possible, but it also means an issue with a single app could wipe everything. It's better practice to add each user to a media group, and set *arr and qbittorrent to use this group and allow write permissions for users in the same group (e.g. 775 instead of 755). This means all users (plex, qbit, *arr) in the group media can access and modify files owned by media (or use the GID).

Chewy7324 ,

You're right, media could still be wiped. Other data owned by users would be protected (e.g. configs).

Chewy7324 ,

I've been using Sway on and off since 2020. Wayland always worked well as long as it supports the specific use case and the apps are doing the right thing (e.g. pipewire, portals, no Xwayland).

VRR with multiple monitors and HDR are likely the biggest reasons to use Wayland, as most other improvements are less noticeable. E.g. Sway always felt more responsive to me than i3 + picom, even with a single monitor in 2020.

If you have issues with applications not working well on Wayland, either wait for proper Wayland support or ditch them. For Steam this'd likely mean stay on

Chewy7324 ,

Fedora requires adding rpm-fusion to enable proprietary apps like Steam or hardware acceleration for codecs like h264. It's a great distro besides that, and I sincerely hope they'll just accept the legal risk like Ubuntu does.

Chewy7324 OP ,

Scrolling tiling is a niche not supported by hyprland.

Personally I'm not yet sure whether I like scrolling tiling. It might be really interesting for single monitor setups, but I feel a dynamic tiler is better for a multi monitor setup. With multiple screens, available space isn't an issue and not having all windows visible or on another workspace feels like a disadvantage.

But maybe I just have to get accustomed to niri. The concept is great. Especially on tablets it might be really useful.

Chewy7324 OP ,

Agreed. Their discord has been full of inconsiderate jokes and memes for a long time. It's not untypical of many edgy internet communities but it being directly associated with a project isn't a good look.

I definitely wouldn't want to get involved with such a project, altough it is a good piece of software and I don't see their behaviour influencing the popularity of hyprland.

Chewy7324 OP ,

Yes, with Vaxry being banned from contributing to wlroots, hyprland development won't get easier. At the same time I'd say wlroots and hyprland are largely feature complete, so not being able to contribute might not have a large impact on hyprland.

Chewy7324 OP ,

Hyprland and sway are the most feature complete tiling compositors I've tried. But since I strongly prefer dynamic tiling, there's not much of a choice. River tiling is the best in my opinion. Sadly it doesn't support moving workspaces between monitors, as each monitor has its own set of workspaces, which is a deal breaker to me.

In general I strongly prefer Wayland over X11, as I've found Sway to be a better experience than i3 + picom for many years (not having to disable the compositor while gaming, better multi monitor support, etc), but having to switch to wayland-native tools is necessary coming from X11 wm's. For DE's that's not an issue.

Chewy7324 ,

The major difference between lemmy and reddit is that there's many instances for search engines to crawl, compared to a single They likely treat each instance seperately, which leads to a lot of duplicate content and most of lemmy isn't search engine optimized.

Sadly I don't see a better way to do it than for search engines to be optimized for this kind of federated platforms. It's not obvious from the outside which is the preferred instance to show to a user.

I've had some luck finding content on lemmy by forcing a specific instance using site:lemmy.instance.domain, but it depends on the search engine whether it's respected.

Chewy7324 ,

Having both Gnome and KDE installed at the same time might lead to unexpected and difficult to diagnose issues. E.g. I've had issues with broken themes when the same user/home directory is used.

Another example: having both xdg-desktop-portal-gnome and xdg-desktop-portal-kde installed at the same time, sometimes leads to broken file chooser and screen share (at least that's the case with other xdp, like xdp-wlr). The portal issues are more likely to be noticed while using Wayland and/or flatpak, as they make use of portals.

Chewy7324 ,

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was the first game I played. So great that I even bought it on disk, to buy it again on Steam.

In general LEGO games are fun and through collaboration with other IP's, there's so many different awesome games. Many of them quite cheap in sales.

Warner Bros. is now erasing games as it plans to delist Adult Swim-published titles ( )

Warner Bros. Discovery is telling developers it plans to start “retiring” games published by its Adult Swim Games label, game makers who worked with the publisher tell Polygon. At least three games are under threat of being removed from Steam and other digital stores, with the fate of other games published by Adult Swim...

Chewy7324 ,

Luckily Steam will keep Duck Game in my library, but I dread the moment Valve leadership changes. Steam has existed for 20 years, and I naively hope I'll still be able to play my games in 40 years on my Steck Deck.

Chewy7324 ,

Like any media/data you want to store indefinitely: build/buy a NAS with enough storage.

Chewy7324 ,

I was oblivious to some context in the thread.

Agreed, a single physical copy can easily be lost.

Making physical copies often requires cracking/piracy. E.g. in my jurisdiction it's illegal to circumvent "functional" copy protection, even though the right for a private copy is written in law. The problem is courts consider DVD's long broken copy protections functional.

This is why in my opinion physical copies and piracy/cracking go hand in hand. The former isn't possible without the latter.

E.g. I bought Lego Star: TCS again on Steam, because it was less work than getting rid of the copy protection on the disk.

Chewy7324 , (edited )

AUR is similar to flathub in that most packages aren't thoroughly checked. Except for the packaging guidelines which usually have to be followed. I'm not sure how in depth nixpkgs or other distros check the source of packages of new maintainers.

Flatpak runs on all distros and supports sandboxing, which makes it a great addition to all distro repos. AUR can cause issues with dependencies and unmaintained packages, and the make file should be read since it's run with root privileges. Additionally the AUR only works on Arch Linux. Breakage isn't a risk with Nix and it's seamless rollback, but has to be installed deeply into the system (/nix)

My personally preferred package manager for most GUI apps is flatpak. Nix is great because it allows to install packages declaratively.

Edit: NixOS -> Nix

Chewy7324 ,

You're right. I've never tried installing a wm with Nix on another distro, but it should be possible.

Chewy7324 OP ,

JPEG-XL allows the use of client-side synthesized grain. A method pioneered by Netflix/AV1 I believe. Compression algorithms struggle with high frequency detail, which often introduce visible artifacts. JPEG-XL allows to decouple the grain component from the actual image data. This allows for significantly more efficient compression of images that inherently require noise, such as those in gnome-backgrounds — smooth gradients that would otherwise be susceptible to color banding.

Chewy7324 ,

They've been earning 30k USD per month according to their patreon page. I've read in a comment that they've doubled their supporters at the time TOTK was leaked.

Interestingly 30k USD per month over 7 years is 2.5m USD, which is pretty close to the 2.3m USD settlement.

Chewy7324 ,

Our Xamarin app is a bit sluggish and uses a lot more resources on your device than you might expect.

Especially on my slower phone, the Bitwarden UI feels like it would shortly freeze. And some actions take longer than expected.

The new native apps with a new UI look great and should be better to use.

Chewy7324 ,

No, this is mainly cosmetic changes and changes not visible to the user. It's a result of a small team growing and thus having more time for making their apps better to use.

Help using Mangohud / Gamemode with Flatpak version of Lutris and Steam

Like the title says I am trying to understand how these things should work together. Part of my issue is I don't have a good mental model on the Flatpak permissioning / sandbox model. My use case is running a game on Lutris, which is a Flatpack, and using my package install of Mangohud. I am also curious if I should using a...

Chewy7324 ,

Flatpak apps don't have access to your system packages, so you need to install mangohud as flatpak. Once it's installed it's available to Steam flatpak and can be enabled like system mangohud in system Steam.

Edit: Switching from system Steam to flatpak Steam is simple and it's always possible to switch between them. Just make sure to give flatpak Steam access to the existing SteamLibrary through flatseal.

Personally I have my SteamLibrary at ~/Games/SteamLibrary and give flatpak Lutris/Steam access to ~/Games.

Chewy7324 ,

It's possible to have Steam libraries at multiple locations.

Chewy7324 ,

Agreed. It's great to see a gpu stresstesting tool making it to Linux. For the cpu there's a few with stress-ng and mprime/prime95.

Chewy7324 ,

Thanks for the recommendation. I've usually used GTKStressTesting, which is based on stress-ng. But a tui tool is more useful for e.g. headless use.

My experience using Fedora Atomic (Budgie) for a month or two. ( )

I would just like to preface this. This is the first blog post I've ever written, so please please please give me feedback if you can. I also didn't intend on it being here on Lemmy, but Hugo is quite a complex tool that'll take some time for me to understand. Webdev is not my cup of tea....

Chewy7324 ,

Just wanted to note that tinkering with the bootloader on Fedora Atomic is as error-prone as on any other distro.

Chewy7324 , (edited )

The GrapheneOS team is security focused to the point where it is detrimental to the regular user experience. I.e. "Secure App Spawning" increases app startup time considerably on older devices like the Pixel 4a.

GrapheneOS is security focused and it's great that they point out security issues, but for most people security updates being late isn't an issue. Half the people I know have devices without security updates for months to even years.

Also, with the Fairphone 5 using an automotive SOC with 13 years of updates, the FP5 might actually be able to receive Android updates for 6 years. Iirc the FP3 still receives security updates, albeit not monthly and a bit late.
Edit: The last security update for FP3 is from 2023-12-05.
Edit 2: The FP3 got the 2024-02-05 security update on 2024-03-01.

Also, the GrapheneOS team has very high standards for security features supported by a phone. Basically no phone besides Pixel supports those features, which obviously isn't a big problem for most people (else we'd have a big problem).

Anyway, I'll keep recommending Pixel + GrapheneOS, but imo Fairphone is also a solid choice.

Chewy7324 ,

Sure, usability might not be perfect because Google only releases base Android as open source software and keeps all their fancy apps proprietary, but it's not in a state where it's totally unusable either.

Agreed. GrapheneOS/AOSP feels a bit like desktop Linux, where the base OS is there but many components like screen time have to installed seperately (e.g. screen time/app usage). Compared to many phone manufacturers installing apps for ads or other unnecessary bloat.

That's why Graphene allows you to disable the security features.

That's what I did the second time I tried GrapheneOS. The worse ootb performance made me install CalyxOS again, until I found out Secure App Spawning can be disabled.

Installing Steam from BOTH package and Flathub? Any gotchas?

As the title says, I am looking to install both the package version (on OpenSuse Tumbleweed) and Flatpak version. I've been running the package version for awhile and it's been fine but I want to play with the Flatpak version to see how that compares - partially because I may eventually go for an immutable distro....

Chewy7324 ,

Great to hear it works! I've also had issues with the SteamLibrary not being detected a few times over the years, but that also happened on SteamOS so I guess it's a bug.

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