@andrew_s@piefed.social cover
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

That sounds like a tricky combination. Wherever you go, they'll be a good chunk of users who are unaware of / indifferent to how well the app they're using interacts with other Fediverse platforms. Mastodon has the userbase, and - as you say - is the place where the serious discussion of accessibility takes place.

As for Lemmy - it doesn't yet support alt-text, but when it does, I believe that the plan is to follow Mastodon's format (i.e. a 'name' field in the 'attachment' array)

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Oh right, yeah. I was thinking more of the images that people link to with posts. Lemmy currently sends those out, with

"attachment": [
      "href": "<a href="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e798447e-a79f-45b2-b3da-3aa669cbc0e5.png" rel="nofollow ugc" target="_blank">https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e798447e-a79f-45b2-b3da-3aa669cbc0e5.png</a>",
      "type": "Link"

But there's nowhere in entire JSON for any alt-text. The plan is to add alt-text as a 'name' in there.

In-line images do prove a point for the OP, though. A Lemmy comment with one will be sent out as
&lt;img src="<a href="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/9d483052-29b6-4d34-baaf-3ee092be9718.png" rel="nofollow ugc" target="_blank">https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/9d483052-29b6-4d34-baaf-3ee092be9718.png</a>" alt="bear vs man in woods meme" /> in the 'content' field, but Mastodon expects all images to be attachments, so it just completely ignores it. (compare https://lemmy.zip/comment/10342640 with https://mastodon.social/@Honytawk@lemmy.zip/112438348076482957).

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( slrpnk.net )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

It does. This reply is from PieFed, and the vast majority of the content here has come from Lemmy via ActivityPub.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Not yet, no. There's no API for clients like Boost to interact with. There's some discussion about one here

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Looks interesting - I imagine there's lot of uses for this. I currently use ngrok to tunnel from 443 to a local server, which is good way to test fediverse apps, but I wouldn't be able to use bore for that (because it only assigns random public ports above 1024, and doesn't deal with the SSL end of things)

An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin - kbin.social ( kbin.social )

Hello everyone, check out my announcement post linked above and if you don't know who I am, check out my past post to learn more about me and It would mean a lot of you show your support for my future iniatives inside the fediverse!...

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar


It won't show any posts if you're joining from a remote instance 'cos MBin returns empty outboxes for their magazines, but there's only one post there atm anyways.

Lemmy will probably error when clicking that link, so just wait a bit and refresh.

So this comment has one link, and two paragraphs about how it might not work as expected, but - other than that - yay Fediverse!, I guess, ha ha.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

His Bio does include 'software engineer', and he's worked at Microsoft before from here. I get the sense that the problem that people have with Mastodon is that they've subbed the PRs, but they've not been approved. For example, there's apparently a 12k line PR for Groups that the main guy isn't keen on.

It can be tricky getting your own code into other people's projects - the maintainers need to have a lack of ego that can be difficult to achieve. Generally, developers react better to code, than to ideas about code, but you want to convince them to look at future code, and not waste your time creating it, by floating the idea first, so you can end up in an impossible situation. Subbing big PRs only for them to be dismissed by a maintainer is what causes people to rage-quit the project altogether (for Lemmy, see Tesseract UI, and the 'bulletintree' guy)

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

This feels like an impossible combination, where your local instance doesn't have data from other instances, but also knows that they are out there. When a user searches their instance for something, the answer comes from local storage, in the same way that google responds by looking at its local cache of a webpage, not the webpage itself.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Yeah, I know what you mean. I originally typed out a reply based on that assumption, but then re-read the post, and decided against it, in case I was assuming the wrong thing.

Currently, if you bring in a remote community, your instance fetches the details of: the community; its moderators (including their avatars and banners); the instance the community is on; the admins of that instance (including their avatars and banners); and the last 50 posts.

If you separated that into tiers, tier 1 could just be the community details (inc. the sidebar), and the instance name, and you could maybe skip the rest until someone subscribed to it. I don't think you'd want to bring in every available community, even for tier 1, because of the 29k communities listed on lemmyverse.net, at least 20k are completely dead (about 6k of that is just spam from a disgruntled lemmy.world user). The advantage of this is that a local user could find the community based on a local search. They'd be greeted by an empty-looking community though, so they'd have to know that subscribing to it would be worthwhile (probably by visiting it on its host instance, although apps can make that process difficult by being a bit too clever for their own good).

There's an Issue for PieFed that been raised about using something like lemmyverse to 'know' about remote communities. I'm 'freamon' in that discussion, but neither me or PieFed's developer have pursued it much further.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Sync seems to have it's own convention where you just search for the community name, and click the one you want from the results.

If the one you want isn't coming up, you could make a comment somewhere using the '!' format, and then click on that to force it to resolve.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Not much for beets. My config.yaml is just:

library: ~/.config/beets/musiclibrary2.db

    move: yes

terminal_encoding: utf8

plugins: fetchart embedart

(so fetchart and embedart are the only plugins)

(from then on, a Navidrome server hosts the music, and I tend to use a Windows app called 'Feishin' to play it)

The need for a Fedi Union.

tl;dr I propose a Fedi Union consisting of the developers of Phanpy, Pixelfed, Peertube, Lemmy, and PieFed. That will work as a way to fund all of the services collectively (with the option to still go to their individual patreons and fund them seperately) and as a way for them to communicate to help all the services be more...

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

I didn't read that thread as indicating hostility, more like he noticed a pattern of users being banned from a community on .ml and being confused as to why, so stuck a warning on it. One community on .ml has a warning, in the same way communities on beehaw have a warning that the instance has higher standards.

It's not like they refuse to co-operate (e.g. PieFed already has a place to put image alt texts, but will move it when Lemmy releases support for them; and it uses the 'audience' field that was originally proposed by Lemmy Devs)

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Moist is down at the moment, so - in true Reddit fashion - maybe Lemmy just hugged it to death.

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Now that most (all?) instances have switched to 0.19

Beehaw are still on 0.18.4. If/when they make the planned move to Sublinks, they'll effectively be on 0.19 in some ways I suppose.

Lemmyverse historical data? ( data.lemmyverse.net )

I am interested in checking out the historical growth of a particular community. Lemmy Explorer crawls for data about the Lemmyverse every 24 hours or something, and that data is made available on their website. But I can only find where to download the latest data. Is there somewhere that I can find historical data? Does Lemmy...

andrew_s ,
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

I think it over-writes every time. If you just want subscriber numbers, I've got data going back to to last July. Let me know what community you're after, and I'll send it to you.

andrew_s , (edited )
@andrew_s@piefed.social avatar

Yeah, but the community started before the bot at !trendingcommunities did, lemmy.world had a broken API for much of August (hence the jump), and the subscriber count never changes that much otherwise, but here's what I have:

day subs
2023-07-24 70
2023-07-26 71
2023-07-28 75
2023-08-03 76
2023-08-05 77
2023-09-03 86
2023-09-04 87
2023-09-05 88
2023-09-11 89
2023-09-29 90
2023-10-08 89
2023-10-14 90
2023-10-15 91
2023-10-18 92
2023-10-21 93
2023-10-22 94
2023-11-12 93
2023-11-17 96
2023-11-19 97
2023-11-20 96
2023-12-15 97
2024-01-05 98
2024-01-10 99
2024-03-08 100
2024-03-10 101
2024-03-11 102
2024-03-15 103
2024-03-22 104
2024-04-04 105

Incidentally, if you want to know how broken the Fediverse is right now, lemmy.ml is the only version that has both of your comments. piefed.social (my instance) has 1, lemmy.one (OP's instance) had the other one, and lemmy.world (where this community is hosted) had none (edit: this was before I made this comment, which has forced a bit of a re-sync).

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