@nik282000@lemmy.ca cover
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar



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nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I love mc for its sftp/ssh capabilities. It makes it so much easier to do remote admin/support.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Taken from 'Don't Break Debian'

Take notes

It's easy to forget the steps you took to do something on your computer, especially several months later when you're trying to upgrade. Sometimes when you try several different ways of solving a problem, it's easy to forget which method was successful the next day!

It's a very good idea to take notes about the software you've installed and configuration changes you've made. When editing configuration files, it's also a very good idea to include comments in the file explaining the reason for the changes and the date they were made.

Taking good notes will save your as so many times. Good notes are as important as good backups.


nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Every day we stray further from god. I wonder if it could be used to make the worlds worst VNC server...

Pi.Alert is dead...💀 Long live NetAlert X 🚀 (network monitoring) ( lemmy.world )

After thinking for about a year about it I decided to rename the project to 🚀NetAlertX. This will help prevent confusion about which fork someone is using, and differentiate it from the now stale upstream project. With about 1800 or so commits over the stale project, I thought, this project deserved a new name. It will also...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I found WatchYourLan hosed my PiHole logs. Somehow the WYL instance got its hostname associated with ~10 mac addresses on my lan so more than half of my traffic comes from "watchyourlan.local". FML

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I recently setup Guacamole (Web based VNC/RDP/SSH) with totp and was able to close external SSH access. Now everything I run can sit behind a single reverse proxy, no extra ports.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Why would anyone NOT parse a tab as whitespace? Like, python really wants you to use spaces but will still let you use tabs if you are consistent.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar


They seem like a scam. Their "Free Scan" gives the same results on a 20 year old email address as it does on a 2 years old address.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

That's a permissions problem not a run as root problem.

nik282000 , (edited )
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Do not do this. "Run as Administrator" is a Windows answer to a Windows problem. The only time you should regularly need root privileges is installing software and editing system wide configuration files.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I've seen people say that a few times here but any time I use gparted I get the Gnome 'enter password' dialog which seems to work fine.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I love Mullvad and recommend them for everything other than torrenting. Once they disabled port forwarding I moved to AirVPN who seem to be pretty legit.

I'm not trying to keep my ratios up but I have a few torrents of media that are not available anywhere for sale and have less than 10 seeds, so I feel like I am helping keep the shows and movies of my childhood alive.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Hmm, TIL, thanks.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

For 16:9 (ish) displays you have more pixels left to right than up and down, it makes sense to use up your horizontal space first when placing permanent UI elements on your screen. Still up to preference though.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

God damn, what I wouldn't give to have a 4k 4:3 CRT.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

As soon as Google bought YouTube they knew who the users were and everything they did online. This was never not true. Their business is to log all the activity of all internet users, not to make them safe or happy, there is nothing broken in their platform as far as they are concerned.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

You expect a cop to understand both the threat and entertainment value of a Defcon talk?

Are you reusing one postgres instance for all services?

I have many services running on my server and about half of them use postgres. As long as I installed them manually I would always create a new database and reuse the same postgres instance for each service, which seems to me quite logical. The least amount of overhead, fast boot, etc....

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I keep each service separate as far as DBs, if something breaks or get a major upgrade I don't have to worry about other containers.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Namecheap, cheap, easy to use, easy to setup DDNS, helpful support staff. I have heard horror stories of them selling popular domains out from under their owner but none were recent.

Longtime Arch user, first time Debian enjoyer

As the title says, I've been using various flavours of Arch basically since I started with Linux. My very first Linux experience was with Ubuntu, but I quickly switched to Manjaro, then Endeavour, then plain Arch. Recently I've done some spring cleaning, reinstalling my OS's. I have a pretty decent laptop that I got for school a...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

As much Gnome can be a pain to customize, out of the box I still like it for its get-out-of-the-wayness. Tap the super key, type a few chars of the name of software you want to run, hit enter and its back to being a taskbar. Very similar to tab completion in the terminal for me.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh man, in 10 years of Linuxing this is the best description of WHY you would use these directories not just what they are for. Thanks!

(Constructively) What is your least favorite distro & why?

I’ve been distrohopping for a while now, and eventually I landed on Arch. Part of the reason I have stuck with it is I think I had a balanced introduction, since I was exposed to both praise and criticism. We often discuss our favorite distros, but I think it’s equally important to talk about the ones that didn’t quite hit...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I ran my ssh behind 53 for a while because it's rarely blocked. A few bots even got it right and figured out it was ssh.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Device agnosticism. Life is easier when it doesn’t take ONE laptop or phone failure to destroy all your data.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

So this is definitely not for everyone but Thumb-Key is privacy friendly and designed to be used with just one thumb. I have used Thumb-Key (and it’s predecessor Message Ease) for about 4 years now and they are way easier for me than qwerty, there are fewer buttons so typos are less frequent and you can access all letter/numbers/punctuation while holding your phone one handed.


nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

What made you initially look for an alt keyboard? I have huge problems hitting the buttons on querty and started by looking for a chorded layout.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

In general or just on phones?

Should I move to Docker?

I’m a retired Unix admin. It was my job from the early '90s until the mid '10s. I’ve kept somewhat current ever since by running various machines at home. So far I’ve managed to avoid using Docker at home even though I have a decent understanding of how it works - I stopped being a sysadmin in the mid '10s, I still worked...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I use LXC for all the reasons most people use Docker, it’s easy to spin up a new service, there are no leftovers when I remove a service, and everything stays separate. What I really like about LXC though is that you can treat containers like VMs, you start it up, attach and install all your software as if it were a real machine. No extra tech to learn.

Your Smart TV Knows What You’re Watching ( themarkup.org )

These TVs can capture and identify 7,200 images per hour, or approximately two every second. The data is then used for content recommendations and ad targeting, which is a huge business; advertisers spent an estimated $18.6 billion on smart TV ads in 2022, according to market research firm eMarketer.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

God damn webp, why is support so inconsistent?

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

The price of TVs is heavily subsidized by the “smart” features. Same way that PCs are subsidized by having Windows pre-installed.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar


Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Because they are the Crayola of fuckin computers?

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Do people not sanitize links they share? 90% of an amazon url is garbage referrer info.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Apps are legitimately great.

Except they are mostly just lobotomized websites where you can’t copy the text or save media to your local device.

Switching to Debian on my gaming pc

Hello everyone - I have been wanting to ditch windows on my gaming pc for a while now, and since I have recently finished a large project, I now have the free time to switch. I am relatively comfortable with Debian having used it for a while on my web server as well as school laptop, but I am concerned about using it on my...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Late to the thread but I would say yeah, Debian is good for gaming. The only place I have issued is with VR, otherwise it’s been smooth sailing for the past 3 years.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

When it comes to security, particularly at boot time, fuck the user. Users don’t interact with devices at boot time so it doesn’t matter if it shows a blank screen, a mile of logs or a screaming clown penis. If it was up to users no device or service would have a password or security of any kind, and every byte of information about your life would be owned by 'The Cloud." Let the marketing wanks insert their logo into the Windows boot process,

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

You gotta hold ctrl alt shift honk at power up.

New to Linux, have a few questions

I currently use Windows 10 and I’d like to try out Linux. My plan is to set up a dual boot with OpenSUSE tumbleweed and KDE Plasma. I’ve read so many different opinions about choosing a distro, compatibility with gaming and Nvidia drivers, and personal issues with the ethos of different companies like Canonical. I value...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

From wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian#Take_notes

Take notes.

It’s easy to forget the steps you took to do something on your computer, especially several months later when you’re trying to upgrade. Sometimes when you try several different ways of solving a problem, it’s easy to forget which method was successful the next day!

It’s a very good idea to take notes about the software you’ve installed and configuration changes you’ve made. When editing configuration files, it’s also a very good idea to include comments in the file explaining the reason for the changes and the date they were made.

This has saved me so much grief. If ever I mess up a system so badly that I want to re-install or when I want to set up a new machine, having a clear set of notes makes it a breeze.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Debian. On servers, on laptops, on desktops, even on my high speed camera. It’s simple, it’s reliable, it doesn’t push updates that break my stuff.

Linux distribution for gaming and media centre.

Heya! I’m looking to install Linux for the first time on parts from my old pc builds to use as a media centre and multiplayer gaming system in my living room. Something with as clean as possible interface with room for customization would be cool. Oh and support for my old nvidia gpu....

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re in the wrong sub. OP didn’t ask which Windows should I install.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Easy mode: LMDE/Mint. They are all geared towards a good user experience and trying to keep you out of the terminal. I would recommend them to any new Linux user.

For a slightly more advanced experience, Debian with XFCE as the desktop. The installation is slightly less friendly and they expect you to be familiar with using the terminal and tinkering with the guts of your OS from time to time but you can have a ‘lighter’ installation with less background services. (I run Debian on all my machines so I have a bias towards Debian and LMDE).

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I run Debian, it told me to run Debian. No hopping for me I guess.

What should be used for anonymous usernames?

More often than not, the best way to hide is to simply blend in with the crowds – this also encompasses one’s choice for a username. It is relatively simple to make a single throwaway account – just come up with a username, and off you go – however, if one makes throwaway accounts often, the task of thinking of a unique,...

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Go to reddit, pick a username from the front page, use that. Any searching into your use of it will lead to that front page post and its reposts on click mills.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar


I’ve used VirtualBox for years and only just tried virt-manager. I wish I had tried years ago, so much simpler and it is in my distro’s default repository.

nik282000 ,
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Big Clive, Ben Krasnow, Mike’s Electric Stuff, Folding Ideas, Practical Engineering, Nurd Rage, Alpha Phoenix, Ben Eater, Diode Gone Wild, EEVBlog, Huygens Optics, Jeri Ellsworth, Woodgears, every god damned DefCon talk.

The ONLY saving grace of YouTube is that you can fucking learn anything on any subject if you can find the right channel.

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