@Zerush@lemmy.ml cover
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar



Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’

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Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Somewhat better than this useless USB thingy (from Temu?)


Summary by Andisearch

Researchers have developed a new quartz coin that can store 360TB of data for 14 billion years. This is a significant improvement from the previous quartz glass storage, which could only store data for 300 million years. The technique uses femtosecond laser pulses to write data in the 3D structure of quartz at the nanoscale. This makes it possible to store the whole of human history in a small coin-sized device. The storage system is also very durable, able to withstand high temperatures. This technology could potentially serve as a means of archiving important information for future generations or even extraterrestrial beings.

Is Privacy Worth It? ( blog.thenewoil.org )

When I announced I would be closing my communities earlier this year, a curious thing happened: a surprising number of regulars replied with some variation of “I think this is my exit.” While some were specifically talking about Matrix, claiming that mine was the only room they were really active in and therefore they saw no...

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Privacy on the Internet is certainly necessary and often synonymous with security. But privacy depends 80% on the user himself, who too often publishes sensitive data on the Internet too easily.

I know that every page I visit knows my public IP, the OS and Browser I use, my screen resolution and other technical details. This can of course be avoided and falsified, but this can have negative consequences for myself, for example that the page does not present correctly, that it does not fit my language or does not work at all.

What we must avoid is that pages load identifiers in the browser or in the system to track our activities on the network in order to sell this data to third parties for commercial reasons (as Google does among others), since we do not know how these buyers process and protect this data, which becomes, apart from a privacy problem, also a security problem, as several leaks in the past of hundreds of thousands of user data, including banking and medical data, already show.

I sometimes use a VPN, or rather a proxy, but only for the sole purpose of being able to watch videos and channels with country restrictions, not for other reasons.

100% privacy does not exist on the network, not even using the TOR network and VPN, we can only avoid the worst abuses and invasive surveillance of large corporations, the rest depends on our common sense and discretion with our data as the best tool, not a tin foil hat.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

I don't know, the last time I used Google search was about 12 years ago, I think.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

It is the gaming industry itself that plagiarizes and pirates others continuously since Pacman. But of course, they don't want others to do it.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

X can't avoid to seeing a growing amount of middlefingers, at least in the EU.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Even more using Q4OS, it's maybe one of the most Windows like, it has even an Windows installer, making it even easier to change.

Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Q4OS is a known nd reliable distro (Made in Germany Debian base, KDE<>Trinity) with active developement since 2014, I know several users which use and like it a lot, also very positive reviews in the web.



Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Not only that FOSS use GitHub and other proprietary hosts, they even in much cases contain APIs of Google, M$, Amazon, Fakebook & cia, APIs also offered as FOSS by Big Brothers. Since these companies have entered the world of OpenSource, what was previously considered free software is becoming more and more perverted.

It's ridiculous when I want to use an OpenSource service where an account is necessary, most of the time a window appears with the kind offer to log in with a Google or Facebook account or that this service send data to googleanalytics, googletagmanager and Alphabet, like ocurres with an account in Mozilla.

Time to update and redefine what free software should be.

What are the most private social media platforms?

I've been feeling uneasy about the privacy implications of using Lemmy and similar platforms. The ability for anyone to view your entire posting history feels to me like publicly sharing my browser history. In contrast, most other social media platforms allow you to limit your feed visibility to just friends or followers....

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

The most private in your home with your friends and some beer.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Logically, any service, whether private or not, is required by law to reveal the user data they have, if there is a court order for a criminal investigation.
Proton cannot refuse, if it does not want to face a complaint that could even lead to the closure of its service. That is, in this headline the "Proton Mail" can be replaced by any other email, host, chat, social network, VPN, Lemmy, it can occur in any of them.
As said, read TOS and PP of what you use

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

They don't have information about the content of the mails, but same as any other mail provider the account data and the IP, this is the data which they can provide to the police. The rest are informations from the ISP and from own investigations of the police itself. Because of this the title that "Proton discloses user data leading to arrest in Spain" is somewhat sensationalist.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar
Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Some articles eg in Nature are behind an account wall. This sit don¡t skip it, but redirect to the original paper if exist.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Not so difficult to sync yor photos or movies with an Cloud server

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Yo can use the vgy.me image sharer, it removes also the exif data by default uploading images there.

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

The base problem is the lack of an US privacy Policy, which don't exist. In the EU an invasive surveilling like this is only possible after an court order on investigated persons because of an crime, or in case of certain events where there is a high risk of an attack, but this decision never depends on the police themselves.

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Not to trust, but at least some principles

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Banning encryption was idea from the conservative and right wing parties, but no proceed. It's not all perfect in the EU, but in these aspects light Years from the USA, which we also notice in the EU products of the big brother companies. f not, the fines are drastic.

eg Microsoft US vs Microsoft EU

https://file.coffee/u/rbhaAApvhXyNxBi5wAU95.png https://file.coffee/u/-uoPJsvBagdHJQhqVvEjT.png

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

OpenSource is only as good as an active community it has, bad if not and with an lazy dev. FOSS without an update since years is risky crap.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Even Xiaomi has released the SU7, a real Tesla killer and also way cheaper. But not for the US market, but for the EU.

Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

The problem is an obsolet copyright law, made by big companies and elderly politicians confusing a remote control with a smartphone. Money is killing the culture and the knowledge.

Let see how long would be exist these

If not, the alternative

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, hard times for Google, Amazon, MS, Fakebook & cia

Besides lemmy, what's another good reddit alternative?

Hi! Recently exiled reddit user, here. I'm curious what other alternatives to reddit there are, besides Lemmy, and Raddle, of course. Also, imho, Phuks is a good alternative, there's no hate-speech (that I'm aware of) and people are pretty respectful. Anyways, let's hear your suggestions! Thank you!

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

That isn't the point, it is not that you can select a browser, it's about that you can select only an another browser after selecting Safari, not in the first setup in a new iPhone (smooth and fast?WTF, every phone in this priceclass is, maybe even more)

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Only in the EU the browser companies can use their own engine in iOS, in the USA they only can use Apple WebCrapKit

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

There isn't a paywall, only a subscription banner which you can close.

What are your thoughts on Invizible pro ? ( f-droid.org )

The app seems fairly small in size compared to orbot which is really old and also invizible pro seems to do a ton of things that including firewall vpn etc . So does it connect to tor network properly and pass all your traffic through it as good as orbot and completely block internet acces to not whitelisted services as good...

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm using it, but mostly only as Proxie. it also avoid a lot of ads in the Android apps. I2P and TOR network only occasional. It's a good app and FOSS.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

For me YT is without ads using Violentmonkey with these scripts:

But there are more and more YouTubers which promote products in their Videos and promotional videos between the shorts and other in the suggestions list, but at least they can be ignored or skipped.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm since a half year withot ads since I use these scripts, obviously not detected by YT in their battle with uBO and other known adblocker extensions.Userscripts are a really good alternative to mainstream extensions and independent from the stores. In Greasyfork and OpenuserJS are very interesting scripts you can use. Using them with Greasymonkey or Violentmonkey or in Vivaldi installing them directly as extensions (but then you must update these by hand)

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Ehm, yes and no, it can only if the sponsorblock is marked as such in the Video, but not if, for example the author, while he speaks about his teme, also said that he also want to agree the Energy Drink which sponsor his vids, presenting the Brand. That can't avoid none of the sponsor block scripts, because its in the same video presentation.It's exactly this what ocurres more and more.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

MS-DOS, Source public available on March 25 2014 with MS Research License, released with as Free Software MIT license in 2018, this yer released as Open Source MS-DOS 4.0.
Anyway, the Source code was available since 2014, only different licenses since then.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Legitimate interests may be those that allow the functionality of the service as such (eg. technical details), all others are blocked or fed with false data to make it clear to them, where they can introduce these "legitimate interests" with Vaseline.

Are there any tools out there to compare Privacy Policies against each other?

Hiya, just quickly wondering if anyone know about a good tool for comparing Privacy policies against each other? Im currently downloading each PP, then using self-hosted StirlingPDF to compare 1 on 1. However, I am looking for a more efficient tool, to compare multiple at the time, if there are any. Any tool that can handle...

Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

There is a general rule, the longer and more claused a TOS/PP is, the more they intend to hide. TOS and PP are legal documents and companies are required by law to specify their policy, if they track and profile the user they must specify it in these documents, for this reason they try to use long texts with a lot of legal jargon as much as possible, so that the user gets bored of reading it completely and does not understand even half of it. Tosdr is fine, but lacks still the analysis of much sites, now with the proliferation of AI services even further. Only very few have a TOS/PP like eg Andisearch, most others are welcome tools used by large corporations to collect user data.


Zerush , (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

In the EU the law always permits to access the user data and can force the network owner to give this data, if he had accss to these, normally not possible with encrypted datas. But anyway the law only can force the webowner or the ISP to give the user data only with a court order in a crime investigation. Without this, the big middle finger. But I think that it isn't needed in Fakebook, X, etc, probably for these is enough a phone call (US laws)

Zerush OP ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, there are several p2p apps. Some years ago I used O&O FileDirect, which is very good, free, private (by deinition in this type o sharing), fast and easy to handle, but it's proprietary soft by an German company and Windows only.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, but same of other free maps, is only another fork of OSM.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

The EU standard also leaves much to be desired, although it is still light years away from the (non-existent) US regulation.
Now, the terms must be separated, it is legitimate for a company to finance its services, either by a monthly payment, or by placing advertisements. What is not legitimate is placing advertisements based on the user's activities and data that are recorded and sold to third parties, because this, apart from a violation of the right to privacy, is also a real risk for the user, since they have no more control over this data and how it is used or protected. Dozens of sensitive data leaks (banking, medical and others) in the past from Fakebook, Google, Amazon... clearly show this risk.
It is therefore to be welcomed that the EU cuts off the tap on these companies.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Even problems to watch a lot of Videos in FreeTube, it listed the Videos, but don't reproduce them. Because of this I put SMplayer as extern player, which don't have problems to reproduce almost everything.
Other possibility is to search the YT video in Andisearch, which permits to watch it sandboxed without ads in the searc results, or embedded and proxied, if the Video is restricted outside from YT (clicking on the video in this case).
Front ends certainly are going worst, the best which stil work fine are LightTube and ViewTube, PokeTube for some Vids.
In YT Itself you can watch it still without ads, tracking and/or nags, using these scripts in Violentmonkey or Greasymonkey, Tampermonkey is also valid, but it is proprietary soft.


Ultimate YouTube Ad Remover and Detection Bypasser

A lot of YTubers are changing to Odysee because of this crap.

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