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dubyakay ,

Expect that's not what happened? Why are you spreading misinformation? Blame them for what they actually did. Namely giving out metadata of an iCloud account, such as associated email accounts, owner name and address.

dubyakay ,

I'm working in fintech, and we share pii through DMs all the time (for investigation purposes). I'd be really surprised if the AI would need to train on that.

dubyakay ,

/s, right? I'm just hoping this is missing a /s.

dubyakay ,

What country is that? If it's Canada, then it was (maybe still is) available on stack.tv with ads through prime or apple(?). The delivery is atrocious and stack.tv is already pricey as hell, so I don't blame you if you pirate it.

Really good show though. Reminds me a lot of Les Maîtres du temps from the 80s.

dubyakay ,

I'd argue that no one gives a shit what the docx looks like as long as it looks good as a PDF or presentation slide.

And for that I use whatever is at hand, which mostly consists of Gsuite shit at work. Sometimes O365 for school (because NA is stupid) or work. At home it's Libre still Gsuite...

dubyakay ,

Why is this stupidity repeated ad nauseum? I've successfully switched from iOS to Android and back to iOS again without any hindrance.

It's not any different from switching from windows to Linux.

dubyakay ,

Can't you still connect to twitch chat via an IRC or XMPP client? Or did they axe that feature?

dubyakay ,

SCARY HEADLINE--- oh. It's just the US again. Not literally the whole internet.

dubyakay ,

These monolithic internet companies all have entities in other countries and are beholden to laws of said countries.

dubyakay ,

Don't forget steam hosting ranking ladders as well!

dubyakay ,

It's not outlawing. It's inlawing.

Wait. That's something different. It's regulating.

No wait, that's something different too. It's "but think of the children!!!"

dubyakay ,

How do you buy a second hand Puxl safely?

With iPhone there's so many horror stories. Mainly what they do is buy the phone through some means that opens up the possibility of credit card fraud, then pass the phone on. Then they do the charge back to reclaim the money. Apple then bricks the device of course due to non payment and you as the second hand owner are stuck with a decorative piece.

dubyakay ,

Oh! No-no. Must phone purchases in NA are made by CC at either the manufacturer's store / website or a telephone provider's store or website. The CC is not tied to the phone itself. But the purchase of the item is.

If you buy something with a credit card, you can dispute a charge and claim "goods not received" with the issuer of the credit card. After a time period you usually get the money back.

I'll try to demonstrate:


dubyakay ,

Photo development booths, printing centres and later phone repair shops (before phones regularly got encrypted) used to be the number one avenue for getting photos leaked.

dubyakay ,

Subways are usually meant for within city limits to relieve congestion. Not for intercity, so it's irrelevant if Texas is big.

Unless you mean that land with rails within city limits already exists. In that case grade level crossings are a major hindrance.

dubyakay ,

Wait, LA had a subway system??

~60 M ridership
109 miles network length

Dayyyuum! Must be nice to always have a seat on your commute.

dubyakay ,

The problem with grade level crossings, even if the lights are adjusted, is always rush hour traffic.

One good example of this is line 512, St Clair W of the TTC. It's a street car on well separated tracks but with many intersections due to it crossing dense neighbourhoods in addition to dedicated left/U turn lanes for 2x1 lanes worth of cars. Despite being only 2x1 lanes, the road being on the E-W makes it a major thoroughfare. The congestion can get so bad that at certain intersections the street car can get stuck for ten minutes or more until the blockage clears.

Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use?

I haven't used an Android device since my last one, the Galaxy S8. Beautiful hardware, beautiful design, but it was plagued with animation stutters and dropped frames. I switched to an iPhone and an iPad around 6 years ago. And the animations were buttersmooth. It was almost unthinkable to achieve such a fluid interface on any...

dubyakay , (edited )

I work in fintech and I had glimpses of raw API data that credit agencies, Mastercard and LexisNexis provide (among others). It's crazy detailed. Even just our query increases the query count by one and provides at least ten data points on the why and when.

I'm not surprised that the car manufacturers are selling this data to LexisNexis who in turn sell it to insurance companies.

dubyakay ,

I like the lack of in-jokes, one-liners and endless popculture references.

dubyakay ,

That would require them to not be US based.

dubyakay ,
  • Xitter: seize the means of shitty one liner communication (done)
dubyakay ,

Reading the article, I think the biggest hurdle for adoption of DDG in Europe is simply that the search results in non-english suck in comparison to other search engines. Not only that, but if my language contains characters outside of ASCII, performing a query and then repeating the query with a bang to get better result from another engine results in failure to redirect. Now I have to cut the query, repeat the bang and then paste the query into the other engine manually.

dubyakay ,

Sorry, had to clarify. The results suck for non-english content.

dubyakay ,

Thanks for the link. This was a good read.

dubyakay ,

Why don't you move there, tankie?

Oh wait...

dubyakay ,

You don't say? I did that three times. You know what the first time the reason was? The very act that the definition I labelled you of was born out of. You might want to look it up.

dubyakay ,

Boycott HP though.

dubyakay ,

They are one of the biggest enshittificationers of their products. And they help the Israeli apartheid government. These might be two different companies (HP Inc. and HPE), but who gives a shit.

dubyakay ,

I have no way of seeing that on my client. Do you see that information on your's?

dubyakay ,

No such option sadly.


Edit: select text does it.

dubyakay ,

I've had similar experience. I wanted to resub after a year of D+ and Prime. Guess I'll stick to Paramount+ and binge nutrek shit.

dubyakay ,

Discovery s1/2 so far are a mess. Picard few episodes I've seen were.... out of character to say the least...

However Lower Decks was fun. Kinda how The Clone Wars or Futurama were fun.

dubyakay ,

If that comic defines what dwarf games and dwarf fortress plays like, then am I a dwarf for exclusively playing indie roguelikes and roguelites?

Microsoft stole my Chrome tabs, and it wants yours, too ( www.theverge.com )

Last week, I turned on my PC, installed a Windows update, and rebooted to find Microsoft Edge automatically open with the Chrome tabs I was working on before the update. I don’t use Microsoft Edge regularly, and I have Google Chrome set as my default browser. Bleary-eyed at 9AM, it took me a moment to realize that Microsoft...

dubyakay ,

I've been a lifelong windows user (well and DOS and whatever cartridge I used with the C64/C128) but I think it's just time to uninstall the OS instead.

dubyakay ,

It looks ready to me. Just need to figure out equivalents in software, many which I'm sure are similar or better.

dubyakay ,

Which distro did you try last time? Just for future reference.

I've installed Linux mint for a family member on a netbook back in 2008, and it worked splendid ootb. At least for surfing the web, watching streams and movies and playing Solitaire or something. But can't expect too much from a netbook.

dubyakay , (edited )

Well, doesn't matter if it's proprietary. Just need to sniff packets and you'd find out if they are encrypted or not, no?

Edit: looks like it's not E2E truly. It might be encrypted in flight, but snapchat as an entity can read anyone's messages. They have a policy to act on threats within thirty minutes and report it to the authorities. Dystopian.

dubyakay ,

Yeah, see my edit.

Before the edit, I just meant the technicality itself: is it actually encrypted or is it plain text? This would have mattered if the state intercepted the message somehow, spying on their citizens. But apparently they did not, because snapchat leaked the data to them in a semi-automated manner: auto-generated incident report based on filtering gets escalated to authorities.

dubyakay ,

Does it really matter though that iPhone has less RAM? Their architecture is super efficient and can get by with less than android bloat.

dubyakay ,

No. No it doesn't. Israel might be a shitty country built on apartheid and illegal settlements, and netanyahoo might be genociding Gaza via IDF, but that doesn't mean every individual should be regarded with a blanket statement.

But fuck ZippoApps anyway.

dubyakay ,

This website is a true Linux experience. Can't click on Start on mobile because the language selector overlaps the button.

dubyakay ,

Why would I disable Mozilla's telemetry though?

dubyakay ,

How is it a privacy issue? Reading their information page on telemetry data, they don't collect personal data except for temporary collection of the IP address, which gets deleted every 14 days. Do they collect more than they claim?

dubyakay ,

Keep it default until you encounter a website that doesn’t work. Then swap it temporarily either manually or with an extension. And then swap back immediately. Then send the webmaster a complaint.

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