@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar



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Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

"Bicycle. Giraffe. Football. Umbrella. There, I'm done. Aced it."

"Sir, I asked for your name and today's date ."

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

In a sane country there would be laws to prevent this monopoly shit.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Looks at ballot.

"Is carbonite, like...an actual thing? Can I be frozen like Han Solo? I have a little bit of money saved up. Which stupid tech bro startup can do this for me?"

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

So you want to do something about it after they are a monopoly?

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry, replied to the wrong guy. Disregard.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Shut up and take my doge coins!

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I'm driven by convenience, FOMO, and peer pressure, so go ahead and destroy my privacy and security, Google!

Snark aside, it seems like a really neat useful little idea that will 100% be used for some creepy corporate shit.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

She doing a twisted admixture of "the cruelty is the point" and "I think I'm a badass who can make the hard choices" with this sociopath bullshit.

Sadly it will appeal to a certain type of voter.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Never underestimate how far they will go to track your movements, habits, etc. It's not even about "the gubment spyin' on me". It's about how valuable that data is to corporate assholes who like to target you with customized advertising, and resell your data, etc. (And yes, as a side-effect, the police can also sometimes take advantage of this ubiquitous data capture).

We live in a time when even our stupid cars spy on us:


It's why they push the internet of shit so hard. Nobody needs a "smart fridge" but by god, they really want us all to have one.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Great use for an old phone! I have some lying around. This is one of those forehead-slapping moments for me.

As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline ( getpocket.com )

Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I really hope it becomes the new normal to stop posting everything about ourselves non-anonymously online in general. But especially photos and information about kids. I am hopeful that in the near future, we'll all look back and say "What the fuck were we thinking? We all looked like narcissists exploiting our kids for likes!"

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Stuff people do online is potentially public forever. WCGW?

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Heavy Metal Crackers is a cool band name, but not a cool thing to serve to kids.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

That's Lemmy telling us to go outside.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Pitcher's mounds. When you watch a baseball game on TV, they often super-impose an ad on the damned dirt. Also graphics at the bottom of the screen will often have an ad box.

Every available inch of visible space must be covered in an ad. It makes me resent those brands.

In particular, I stew over insurance companies spending millions on celebrities in commercials and prime time slots. That's money that could have gone to pay claims that were denied, or lowered their ridiculous premiums.

And I'll never understand people who purchase expensive t-shirts or caps with some corporate brand's logo splashed across it. They are paying more to be a human billboard. Are we supposed to be impressed with their taste in something millions of others have bought?

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Would be entertaining to watch it unfold. I'm sure team 45 would try to horn in if it happened. Might bring a massive influx of users. Mixed feelings. But a good writeup.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, but I'm thinking they'd make some noise on their own, and/or infiltrate other instances en masse (potentially).

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Years ago, back before it was totally shitty, someone on reddit posted a gigantic, comprehensive, well-sourced list of all the horrible shit Zuck / Meta have done over the years.

It's unfortunate that long lists of damning facts can't seem to move the needle very much. People don't seem to care unless directly impacted.

I hate seeing Meta dig its tentacles in. Thanks for posting this.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

The one I'm thinking of was on reddit, and unfortunately I did not save the link. But I'm sure others have posted similar.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

This one is several years old, but is the version I could find. I think it got updated but not sure where that one is.


Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

And here's a new scandal to throw on the pile:


Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

The way our judicial system works:

  • You rip off working class people = Have fun, you spicy job creator, you!
  • You rip off wealthy people = You're going to jail, boy!
Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Great. Now fix healthcare.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Yup, I get it. It's important with regards to farm equipment and many other things. Just drives me crazy how they can't cover the fundamentals, but they get fired up about McD's ice cream.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I'm all for Right to Repair.

Unfortunately it's only one part of our very broken healthcare system.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Similar story. I liked him a lot, read one of his books, and started listening to his podcast. But the more I listened, the less I liked him.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

There's a few weirdos, but overall much better than reddit. And blocking is your friend.

How to constructively protest against AI voice transcription at work?

As a medical doctor I extensively use digital voice recorders to document my work. My secretary does the transcription. As a cost saving measure the process is soon intended to be replaced by AI-powered transcription, trained on each doctor's voice. As I understand it the model created is not being stored locally and I have no...

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Will they allow you to use your own non-cloud solution? As long as you turn in text documents and they don't have to pay a person to transcribe, they should be happy. There are a number of speech to text apps you can run locally on a laptop, phone, or tablet.

But of course, it's sometimes about control and exercising their corporate authority over you. Bosses get off on that shit.

Not sure which type of doctor you are, but there's a general shortage of NPI people. I hope you can fight back with some leverage. Best of luck.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I had another idea. You might be able to use something that distorts your voice so that it doesn't sound anything like you, but the AI can still transcribe it to text. There are some cheap novelty devices on amazon that do this, and also some more expensive pro audio gear that does the same thing. Just a thought.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that getting the point across and having them rethink this whole thing is a much better way of handling this than using a tech solution. I am just pessimistic you can change their minds and you might need a plan B.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I was afraid that might be the case. Was hoping they would let you upload the files as if you had typed them yourself.

Maybe find some studies / articles on transcription bots getting medical terminology and drug names wrong. I'm sure that happens. AI is getting scary-good, but it's far from perfect, and this is potentially a low-possibility-but-dangerous-consequences kind of scenario. Unfortunately the marketers of their software probably have canned responses to these types of concerns. Management is going to hear what they want to hear.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

It is true that Dragon and similar apps have been used for years. But I don't think it's fair to say OP is being paranoid and a luddite. Data breaches in the cloud are a weekly occurrence, and OP wanting to protect their voice / biometrics is not foolish it's smarter than the average bear. You can change a compromised password. You can't change your biometrics or voice.

Also, those products were used on local networks for many years before they entered the cloud. They gradually reduce our privacy over time, getting people numb to it.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with you but that ship has sailed. I work with big medical data and it's shocking the stuff that gets stored and passed around. The really big players like PBMs and major insurance providers are supposed to abide by HIPAA but they do not fear enforcement at all. Only the small fish like doctors, etc, need fear HIPAA.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I understand, and we're basically on the same page. I'm not fully anti-AI, either. Like any tool, it can be used for good or evil. And you are right to have concerns about data stored in the cloud. The tech bros will mock you for it and then.... oh look, another data breach has it been five minutes already. :)

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Do we work for the same place? 😆

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I was trying to be funny. The place where I work has a goulash of mismatched old and new software, too.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

In my experience these things are always a box-checking exercise to justify some useless person's job. As others are pointing out, participation can backfire because now the bosses know you have personal problems. (Everyone has personal problems, but formal admission will be punished in our toxic work-always-comes-first culture.)

It's a shame, because such programs administered in good faith could truly help people. But helping workers is never the real objective. It's only for the optics. "Look, we did a thing to address this".

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

They need to label it more clearly. The thing in the package is what the jack o’ lantern pooped out.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

It’s frustrating how many non-joiners are completely turned off by the part where you hunt for an instance to join. They act like it’s super confusing and scary (when in fact it’s ‘super easy, barely an inconvenience’).

Meanwhile these same people will scour the internet looking for a recipe or bootleg movie or whatever.

It’s really frustrating when you remember what a huge PITA it is to get your account going on reddit. Sure, the first part is easy enough, it’s just registering on the site. But then you find you can’t do jack shit because you don’t have enough karma and every sub you visit has 10,000 arbitrary byzantine rules to deal with because the mods got picked on in high school.

Lemmy is actually EASIER than reddit. But here we are.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Some instances disable downvotes, some do not. It’s a little confusing. I think lemmy.one is one of the instances (and beehaw and a few others) that have downvotes turned off.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

100% agree. Have encountered a few jerkwads on Lemmy but hey, blocking works. The overall vibe here is 100x better than schmeddit.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

It’s like a ratcheting effect. Every time schmeddit fucks up, we gain a few more. And if you can count on Spez for one thing, it’s that he’ll reliably fuck up on the regular.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Might depend on the instance or client. I’m using Liftoff. They cease to exist for me.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

There’s tons of articles out there on how to use old cell phones for this. Here’s one of zillions:


Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

I’m trying piped and invidious for now, but I like where you’re going with this. It’s a good opportunity to kick my stupid youtube habit.

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Pure speculation on my part, but large corporations like Google always have endless meetings full of people just looking for any kind of shit to justify their jobs. I figured it was inevitable before some goons there put their sites on ad blockers and am surprised it took this long. After all, those of us that use them (including me) are using their resources without giving them any revenue in return. (Well, that’s not entirely true, I was a Premium subscriber until they hiked the price again).

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Just be careful, there are some legit concerns that they could ban you. Getting banned from YouTube wouldn’t be too bad, but getting banned from all Google services could be highly disruptive for a lot of people (gmail, Android phones, maps, many other things).

Boozilla ,
@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

They have been cracking down on ad blockers (like Ublock) on the free version of YouTube. If you have YouTube Premium, they don’t care if you use an ad blockers, at least for now.

Google also has a project in the works where only “verified” browsers with no extensions (or only approved ones) will be allowed to use web sites that implement the restrictions. I don’t know the current status or if it will happen, but it’s scary stuff.


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