Rentlar ,

Good luck YouTube

The official YouTube app will provide one of the better experiences...

Ha ha ha ha... the author must be dreaming or hasn't tried many other apps. NewPipe lets you run videos at custom speed, and optionally pitch-shift videos. And you can save videos to watch on any app capable of playing video files stored on disk.

blindsight ,

Agreed... The second half of this "article" reads like an ad/puff piece.

A better researched article would go into the difference between API access, scrapers, and modifying the YouTube app, and question which of those YouTube will be able to detect. Maybe even discuss using region-pricing with a VPN to get YouTube premium for cheaper.

Never_Sm1le , avatar

And don't have to drag the seekbar, simply tap wherever you want to play

BaardFigur , (edited )

Even if I paid for youtube premium, I wouldn't get Sponsorblock or Return Youtube Dislike, so ReVanced is still the best user experience. I also block shorts, appearently that's also ReVanced only

BoxOfFeet ,

If my 3rd party app is broken to the point theh can't bring it back, I would like to say I'd drop YouTube like a sack of moldy tangerines. But I really don't know what I'd do without it. I use it about 8hrs a day.

Nia_The_Cat , (edited ) avatar

I don't think YouTube understands a lot of our willpower to just close their app the second an ad appears.

If there isn't a way to watch without ads, then I'm just going to download videos and watch them instead.

If they stop that from working, I'll figure something else out, do we need to get the shaky movie theater camcorder people to start recording their YT premium videos now too?

isVeryLoud , avatar

I have YouTube Premium but I have to use ReVanced to block shorts because it's terrible for my ADHD. My mental health has improved ever since I ripped that fucker out of my life.

I want to control what I see, and this isn't even about them being paid anymore, it's just about forcing me to see what I don't want to see.

Linguist ,

I know it will eventually be blocked by YouTube like Twitch did but you could try ublock Origin with this filter list or another custom filter list. Works pretty well for me.

isVeryLoud , avatar

Oh on desktop it's not a problem, I use an extension to block shorts

cyberic , avatar
isVeryLoud , avatar

Another good one I use! As well as AdNauseam and SponsorBlock, obviously :P

Blisterexe , avatar

i would recommend you the "freetube" client, it works very well, with no recommended feed

evo ,

You can hide them with the normal app. Just click the "x" on your main feed.

isVeryLoud , avatar

They always re-appear and I'm tempted to click on them, that's the main issue.

shortwavesurfer ,

If they manage to break third-party applications, and they cannot be repaired, then I am totally just leaving YouTube entirely. It's not worth it at that point.

Manmoth ,

I agree. I refuse to watch ads or to pay for an experience that offers less than a fraction of what Newpipe offers. When Newpipe is no longer viable I'll repurpose that time to chipping away at my reading list.

Squizzy ,

My third oarty app stopped working recently, went back to old youtube for my morning shit. Ruined my poo, absolutely not ever going back. Got my app back but grabbed a nebula sub and downloaded a few other options. Fuck youtube.

KirbyProton ,

I quit when they took away the dislike counter, so many said they would but didn't. All I ever see about Youtube is people complaining about their new shitty tactics... just leave, it''s the ONLY way to get any changes. They will never change if people keep using the platform.

Suck it up, leave, you won't regret it.

trk , avatar

But where do I go instead for my aquarium hobbyist videos? 😥

QuadratureSurfer , avatar

You're not going to find everything you want outside of YouTube just yet. But apps like GrayJay make it a lot easier to start transitioning to other platforms.

It combines most all of the video sharing platforms in one. From there you can start following creators if they have their channel setup on different platforms while still being able to keep your main home feed coming from YouTube if you wanted to.

BaardFigur ,

Return yotube dislike

lud ,

How did you quit? Is there any other video platform?

limerod ,

I use the official YouTube app with premium. But, it glitches and reloads on its own after a while. Not to mention the UI frame rate getting capped to the video frame rate when playing a video.

3rd party apps let me download and browse the videos in a better way and I can also download them in 4k resolution in HDR format.

Arelin ,


This article is just a youtube premium ad 🤢

As far as what you get when you go Premium, you won't see any more ads within the app or the videos that you're watching. Plus, you'll gain access to background play, along with being able to download videos on the go. And perhaps what makes this plan even more worthwhile is that you get access to YouTube Music, which features over 100 million commercial free songs. Now, the one drawback is that these features don't come for free, with a subscription costing $13.99 per month in the US.

overload ,

But premium doesn't have sponsorblock

tb_ , avatar

YouTube is testing a feature where it'll pop up a button to intelligently skip ahead if you skip once, or so I've heard.

That sounds a lot like sponsorblock.

Though it won't be fully automatic.

Rexios , avatar

I have premium and SponsorBlock. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

overload ,

How does that work, do you still need revanced to modify the apk?

Rexios , avatar

I use uYouEnhanced on iOS. Also the actual SponsorBlock extension on Safari.

helenslunch , (edited )

I would gladly pay for Premium if it actually gave you a decent user experience but it doesn't.

I use 3rd party apps because they don't fill my feed with garbage content. They just show me what I ask for.

Not to mention apps like GrayJay that integrate content from other sources in the same app.

Or that it YouTube does nothing about creators filling content with their own ads.

I was really interested in Nebula before I glanced at their privacy policy and realized that it has all the same data-mining and selling as every other modern web service.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

We need better alternatives

Also YT premium is not a good solution as it does nothing for privacy

LordKitsuna ,

Piped exists and has continued to work smoothly for me this whole time. There are many public instances but running your own is best

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Invidious and piped are under attack by YouTube. We need YouTube alternatives.

underisk , avatar

Video is nearly impossible to host in a sustainable way. The bandwidth usage is among the most expensive things you can host. The only way you’re getting something better than YouTube is if it’s tax funded somehow.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Well I sure hope it isn't getting Tax funded

underisk , avatar

Why not? Nationalize it and treat it like the infrastructure it is. Take the ISPs, too, while you're at it.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

God no

EinfachUnersetzlich ,

Will that end up with countries or territories ring-fencing things they fund for their own taxpayers?

Ultragigagigantic , (edited ) avatar

Public libraries should host the peoples internet. As a service, not to generate tax dollars, not to break even.

Jumping from platform to platform is just delaying the enshitification.

woelkchen , avatar

Also YT premium is not a good solution as it does nothing for privacy

Neither is accessing any Google service in the first place, ReVanced or not.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Using third party clients does. Think invidious or piped with apps like Libretube

woelkchen , avatar

Using third party clients does. Think invidious or piped with apps like Libretube

It requires a proxy (Piped acts as proxy). A 3rd party client in itself doesm not because the video files are still streamed off Google servers.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Still good for privacy

woelkchen , avatar

Still good for privacy

No, non-proxied clients don't do shit for privacy. Accessing the video streams directly off Google servers is enough to be tracked,

possiblylinux127 , avatar

But there isn't any non-free code involved so all they have is your IP address at the time and what video you watched. That's it.

Not as great as a public proxy but it is way better than using the proprietary spyware

colonial , avatar

We need better alternatives

We'd need a quantum leap in storage and bandwidth first - orders of magnitude better, if we want competing to be financially sane 😮‍💨

Maybe when Google is (hopefully eventually) shattered into a million pieces by some US judge, YouTube could be splintered into several smaller companies, each with some portion of the infrastructure and channels/videos - thus forcing competition. Vaguely similar to the Bell divestiture.

woelkchen , avatar

We need better alternatives

Do it and host a fediverse video platform:

BaardFigur ,


MaXimus421 , (edited ) avatar

People really need to just stfu about a certain other app.

If ya know, ya know. Otherwise stop advertising it you morons. Of course, it's the internet and nobody can keep a secret but ffs why does every single gd post about YT have to be about ___ in the comment section.

STFU about it!!

When you mention YT and IMMEDIATELY bring THAT up publicly, you're not helping anyone. Publicly shitting all over Google with it isn't the brightest idea in the world. Good Lord, this is why we can't have nice things..

hushable ,


MaXimus421 , avatar


FutileRecipe ,

People really need to just stfu about a certain other app. If ya know, ya know. Otherwise stop advertising it you morons....When you mention YT and IMMEDIATELY bring THAT up publicly, you're not helping anyone.

Do you really think that Google is only going to take down an app or adjust the API based on some comments, posts, articles?

"Yo, Neal, did you see what that one person on Lemmy said? We gotta crack down on this API to fix that."

MaXimus421 , (edited ) avatar

Pal, any and every discussion about YouTube inevitably ends with it.

I think eventually, banning of entire Google accounts isn't out of the question. I didn't believe this 5 yrs ago. Today, I think it's quite possible. They have their 100 MILLION YTP subs.

I seriously doubt banning the entirety of.. non-conforming third party app users is something they would loose sleep over if it means stopping that in its tracks.

I'm just spit balling here. But I still don't see the pros of rubbing your thumb in their face with it, publicly.

I know, API, Spoofing, Ect.

I know. You've more faith in that than myself. To actually believe there isn't anything they can do to go the extra mile and end it, seems extremely nieve imo. It's just my opinion at the end of the day.

Once you make a public mockery of them, and their name is synonymous with ___ then you'll maybe get their full attention that we might not wish we'd receive in the end.

FutileRecipe ,

I seriously doubt banning the entirety of.. non-conforming third party app users is something they would loose sleep over if it means stopping that in its tracks.

They would do it happily.

I know, API, Spoofing, Ect. I know. You've more faith in that than myself. To actually believe there isn't anything they can do to go the extra mile and end it, seems extremely nieve imo.

You're not quite getting what I'm saying. I think they absolutely would/will crack down on this, but they're going to do that regardless of what we say here. I don't think our comments are going to push them into doing it faster, and us not saying anything is going to make them go slower. With the resources/money/monitoring/tech/etc they have, they are well aware of all these tools before most users of them are. Us saying nothing is not keeping a secret, nor is it guiding their actions. You give our comments too much weight, and much more than they will, if they even think of us.

MaXimus421 , (edited ) avatar

Oh I disagree wholeheartedly. It's not "comments". It's entire discussions and detailed descriptions and directions on how to get it done.

Any social media platform. Be it Reddit, Lemmy, Insta, Twitter ect.

You mention YouTube and you're getting a discussion about the alternative. And some asshat will inevitably explain it for others that aren't hip to it.

It's point blank - in_your_face discussion about side stepping them. Over and over and over again every time YouTube is brought up. It's not a "they aren't worried about forum comments"


This will eventually lead them to have no other choice but respond accordingly imo. Again, IMO.

You say I give our comments and discussion too much weight.

I hope you're right. But poking a bear has no benefit. I'll die on that hill.

You wanna learn about ways to sidestep YT? There is an old term used by old school pirates of the high seas.

You can find out more at "the usual places".

No need to have discussions about this publicly when you have literally NOTHING to gain and something to lose.

Talk about it in the correct channels. Not in a fucking Reddit comment section. Why this method of security is worth clutching your pearls over is absolutely comical as if it's difficult to comprehend.

But go on, pretend your Superman and ____ is beyond any semblance of being squashed. GL with that, pal.

calcopiritus ,

If you know about it, google knows too. They have an army of lawyers, they can easily find YouTube 3rd party clients.

petrescatraian , avatar

@Wahots guess they'll do just like they did with ublock origin ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯.

Reveal/hideI still use ublock origin without an issue

Ilandar ,

Interesting, I guess we will have to see how quickly and widely this is enforced. I haven't used the official YouTube app for a very long time and have relied heavily on third party alternatives (Vanced/ReVanced, NewPipe, LibreTube, Grayjay). There is absolutely no way I am paying $17 a month for YouTube so I think a family plan would probably be the best option, though at this point I think I'd be more likely to just abandon the platform altogether.

southsamurai , avatar

If they hadn't gotten so obnoxious with ads that it was impossible to use YouTube without blocking them, I wouldn't have used the vanced/revanced stuff in the first place.

They find a way to prevent using those, I'm out totally, including on the few devices I didn't care about playing the ads because it was just background noise.

Oh well

Wahots OP , avatar

I even had Youtube premium for a bit. Revanced is nice just to dial back some of the bells and whistles that isn't relevant to the video platform. The official app feels clunky.

independantiste , (edited ) avatar

Id really like to use revanced while paying for premium if it means it doesn't get borked every x months and I don't risk getting banned, kind of like Spotify tolerates 3rd party clients as long as they are premium accounts

Starb3an ,

I mainly watch it on my Roku TV and it is TERRIBLE. Idk if they've updated it in years.

TheOctonaut ,

I had YouTube Premium after Vanced was killed. I gave it a fair go. No ads- great, it is now back to how it was a decade ago. But also no SponsorBlock - and my God, how many channels I realised I couldn't listen to anymore when 50% of every video was an ad for one of three online services or games I'm definitely not going to ever pay for. So now I just... don't watch YouTube on my phone. Hurray?

Seriously, if the ads are supposedly worth €15 a month, pay the fucking YouTubers enough that I don't have to listen to a linguist try to sell me WarThunder

Khanzarate ,

I know, right? So many creators even explain why they do that, it's because they can't make enough from youtube to do this full time, but they can from raid shadow legends.

YouTube premium would be worth something if all the creativity their creators have to use to make a living despite the pay was used for better content.

dmtalon ,

I still think premium should allow you to block sponsors. YT should make them be sections that are removable.

cole , avatar

yeah I use revanced + YT premium for sponsor block. Haven't experienced any issues yet though

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Wouldn't mind the ads if they weren't deliberately twice as loud as the music! That's just fucking rude

Mikufan , avatar


Get fucked Website.

PlutoniumAcid , avatar

I'm sure they meant "in the end" and not "it's about time".

Mikufan , avatar

The entire article is a YouTube premium advertisement.

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