@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar



Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Her presentations are fun. Thanks! Great watch.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Her presentations are fun. Thanks! Great watch.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Gotta say, I'm liking the logo. The fact that the devs let you choose to keep one or the other is a really nice touch. I look forward to the release!

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Ever since bypass paywalls started getting hit and miss, I've been pasting this into my Ublock Origin Filter list. Works well from what I've seen.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

You're welcome.

In regards to which elements to pick out, I wouldn't know what to tell you other than monitor the Network tab in the browser's devtools and block one by one until it works? Other than that perhaps reach out to someone more experienced at generating these filter lists (like the Dev of the linked repo) and see how they go about it.

Cheers and good luck!

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Let the infinite forking on infinite platforms commence.

z3rOR0ne , (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Just use a Invidious instance. Don't even bother with YouTube. You can use an RSS feed reader to port your subscriptions, then use a redirection extension to bring you to the invidious version of the channel.

If you're so inclined, you can download the video using yt-dlp which you can use to download videos from invidious and even pass a sponsor block flag which integrates with the sponsor block api.

On mobile, if you have Android, you can use Tubular. You can request from Google to give you your subscriptions as a fifle that you can upload to these apps. Tubular also uses Sponsor block as well.

Lastly, if you're on iOS, the best I've found is simply to use the Brave browser.

Hope this helps.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

This is a very uplifting and interesting talk. Thanks for posting!

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

You can install multiple kernels along with their respective headers. As long as you create a hook that runs mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig whenever you update the kernels, you can then choose which kernel you want to use when the grub menu comes up.

This way you can always use whichever kernel you want, and is good practice should an update to one of the kernels have breaking changes.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Nice find. Here it is without JS, or giving medium your traffic:


z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I know. I have a bunch of redirect extensions on all my device's browsers, so this is what I get when I click on these links. No such extensions on iOS sadly.

Setting up such a bot shouldn't be too hard though, I see it all the time for YouTube to Invidious instances.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

It's not. The Movie Execs have no idea how people pirate their shit. The ISPs could block, but VPNs and I2P exist.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm looking forward to when the Linux community, and society at large, has forgotten about noninclusive Transphobic assholes like this fuck.

I honestly don't care if the work you've done saves the planet and proves you're the smartest human to ever live. If Vaxry can't understand why being sympathetic to the LGBTQ+ community by adhering to their conventions around identifying pronouns is a good thing, then he's simply chosen to align himself with those who don't care, i.e. Transphobic hate groups.

That's the company he keeps now, and it might as well be who he is.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I honestly, but respectfully, disagree.

Brodie has been playing the apologist lately, and finding himself on the defensive when Nicco criticized Brodie for giving a floor to Lunduk, who is another example of a toxic individual within the Linux community. Brodie basically has played the card , "I'll hear out anybody because it's important to get both sides of the story."

But imho it shows he lacks spine to take a real stand. I get why, he needs to retain his audience which is a mix of people from different political and social backgrounds. I just don't respect it.

This latest video of his shows exactly his own reasoning. He says something along the lines of, if you take a position, you're going to lose a lot of your audience. He was talking specifically about the FDO iirc, but he might as well have been talking about himself.

I do have some sympathy for Brodie, I've been following him from almost his first video when he was still in Uni showing off his BSPWM configs, etc. And I don't think he ever thought his channel would become politicized nor do I think he ever wanted to address his own political leanings on his channel. But in my own life I've just noticed you can't avoid that, even in a public platform. Everything is political, and if you don't show people who you stand with, (like solidly, on one side or the other, you CANNOT have it both ways) then you just are saying you'll sit on the sidelines while the people you're supposedly advocating for (the Linux community) burn from within.

Until he's willing to have Danielle Fore (Trans Developer on the Elementary OS Distro) on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, I'm going to say he's giving a lot more attention and positive exposure to toxic people than not. And he's not exactly actually on Both Sides, like he wants us all to believe.

z3rOR0ne , (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I really don't think he should take a stand, This is why I actually like him a lot more then pretty much any other linux youtuber. With him I don't need to worry about removed distro takes, stupid drama takes. Just information.

That's fair. I just don't see this as stupid drama. If someone is being a hateful bigot, and that is not an opinion it is simply a fact here, then that is the information Brodie should report, using rhetoric that reflects that. From my point of view, Brodie is either avoiding the certain left leaning politics because he's actually right wing, or he's too afraid to admit he's left wing because he'll lose a good chunk of his audience. Either way he's lost my respect.

Im not sure who that is, Was there some kind of drama involved here? It never made it across my feed personally and being honest, due to my recent findings of new time, I'm partially suffering terminally online syndrome. Not to sound demeaning, but I genuinely have no idea who Danielle Fore is outside of the small tidbit you just brought up. Can you tell me more about them?

Danielle Fore is a lead UX/UI developer on the Elementary OS
Distro who has documented her transition on Mastodon. She fields both technical and sociopolitical questions on her Mastodon account. She recently received some attention due to SwitchedToLinux spouting anti Trans rhetoric on his channel specifically referencing her, with both Trafotin and Nicco responding very negatively against SwitchedToLinux for that.

Her technical chops are up there with the best of them, especially when you consider ElementaryOS being known for their clean UX/UI design. If Brodie wants to truly take the mantle of an unbiased information only Linux influencer, then he should be covering the facts across the board, including her or at least someone who can speak from experience on the more than occasional occurrences of misogyny and transphobia that crops up in the Linux community.

Unlike Trafotin and Nicco, Brodie has chosen to handwave away this serious problem as drama while continuing to give a platform to those that are the toxic perpetrators of said rhetoric. All I ask is where is he platforming those who offer up counterarguments? People who are going to call it out for the toxicity it is? No? Nobody.... Guess that speaks to the company he's willing to keep and the company he's not willing to. And honestly that doesn't appear to be unbiased and willing to hear both sides. And it's not even just presenting the facts. It's hand picking them.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I agree, I'm just not one of those people. I'm personally very unforgiving of Nazis, Trump supporters, White Nationalists, homophobes, and transphobes, etc. etc. All the lefty wokisms right wing assholes like to dunk on you can apply to me (I don't care, come at me bro).

And when people say, why use their products then? Like this whole boycotting of Hyprland shit. No, use Hyprland, AND make such a big deal about it on their discord server that the toxic community is shouted down. Is told THEY are not welcome. And if you lose, then you straight up call them a Transphobic right wing community. That's what they will have become at that point. That is who they will have proven themselves to be should they be willing to turn a blind eye to hateful rhetoric.

Ignoring hate speech is endorsing hate speech. I invite anyone to prove me wrong.

z3rOR0ne , (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Misgendering someone by mistake is just a misunderstanding. Misgendering someone on purpose is a form of hate speech or at best, willful ignorance. It is a not so subtle way of dehumanizing them in not recognizing them as who they are.

z3rOR0ne , (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Exactly. His channel used to cover interesting command line tools, configuration instructions, explanations on technical topics, but my guess is that those subjects don't please the YT algorithm enough, and he probably noticed the more he covered Drama that takes place within the Linux ecosystem, the more engagement he got with his content.

Which is fine, but firstly, he's obviously pretending he hates the very drama he's engaging in, which is disingenuous. And secondly, he's playing the apologist for those spewing hate, constantly saying he "sees both sides of the argument".

To which I'll always point out, "I see you hearing out the perpetrators of the hate speech, Brodie, when are you going to hear out the victims of that hate? Where is the OTHER side?"

But yeah, he is just repeatedly revealing his lack of a spine, lack of integrity, and most pathetic of all, his lack of genuine empathy.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Why would it be hate speech? I'm not doing it because I hate anyone, I just don't have enough fucks in the bag.

You're unwillingness to do the bare minimum of simply addressing someone by their preferred pronouns means you're either okay with misgendering people or you intentionally want to.

If, however you mean what you say in that you don't intend to dehumanize those who wish to be called by their preferred pronouns, then I highly suggest you find those fucks and give them.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Its not an urge. It's a correction. If I tell you my name isn't Joe, it's John, and you continue to call me Joe, I'll have to assume you're either crazy forgetful or purposefully being an asshole.

If I tell you I'm not he/him, but she/her, and you continue to call me he/him, it's the same thing. Prove me wrong.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

In my experience, those that asked to be referred to as they/them identify as being non-binary, though in reading more on the topic, this is not always the case.

I only adopt the pronouns of those that the person in question expressly asks to be referred to as. Otherwise, if the pronouns are not explicitly mentioned, I default to the pronouns of the gender I perceive said individual to be presenting as until otherwise corrected.

In my opinion, it's simply a sign of mutual respect and acknowledgement that I recognize their identity as they proclaim it to be.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Meh. I'll stick with local llama and firejailed lmstudio.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

So if I'm reading this correctly, three of them have already been patched and the other has also been patched, but has an optional config flag you must enable to enable the patch and fix the security vulnerability?

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Thank you for the clarification.

Google Podcasts is gone — and so is my faith in Google ( www.theverge.com )

The Podcasts app is just the latest product to go through a process I’ve come to call The Google Cycle. It always goes the same way: the company launches a new service with grandiose language about how this fits its mission of organizing and making accessible the world’s information, quickly updates it with a couple of neat...

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

As long as Google keeps making Pixel phones that support the installation of GrapheneOS, I'll still be using at least one Google product. Ironically, to specifically get away from the rest of Google.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Nice. I was looking to see if there was an easy way to somehow have a Non-JS version, but yeah, using Svelte ... Not gonna happen without more or less a separate rewrite.

I usually just browse invidious via a redirect extension and a !yt bang via duckduckgo, then just grab the invidious link to use with yt-dlp though, so I don't really even see the invidious ui for longer than a second.

This looks nice. Modern design looks well thought out. Good job.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I can see this being useful, especially if you could scale the space around the characters (i.e. customize the size of the keys). I also think adding more layers like with smaller ortholinear keyboards might be a good idea as well...

Hmm...gonna have to add this to the things to eventually make whenever I get around to learning kotlin/java for android dev.

Please recommend me some blogs about Linux or FOSS or similar that you follow through RSS.

Hi. I have a category Little Tech Blogs in my rss reader where I put those cool niche blogs mostly about Linux, FOSS, programming, etc... Many of them I found by articles linked in this community, so I was wondering if you guys know about more blogs like that. By little I mean it's run by one person or a small group of people,...

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Meh. I have a 1px gap for all my windows on bspwm. But I also have no bar at all. I just commit one workspace to a full screen btop on session start.

Am I wasting screen space? Probably...at the end of the day, I feel more organized, but others could easily point out that ideally I'd have 0 gaps and no btop and no bar, and that would be best for organization. Afaic, it's just personal preference.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I just use btop, and even though they recently added GPU diagnostics, there's also nvtop.

For GUI tools, there's cpu-x and for Nvidia GPUs, there's gwe, but I honestly barely use them in preference of btop and nvtop.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Good article. Makes me sad though as I'm a self taught web dev starting out. Just gonna keep going though. Nothing much else to do tbh.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Thank you for the words of encouragement.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks. Yeah, it definitely seems bleak. I just keep making things though while trying to basically get a CS degree without the actual piece of paper. Lots of resources online and I have family and friends in the industry, so that helps keep me motivated.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Good luck to you on the job search. I have hope that your hard work will pay off.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Why stop with Xitter? I personally feel like there should be a national equivalent to the corporate search engines, job boards, etc. National alternatives to everything.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

just keeps on keeping on with neovim, vimium, a tiling window manager, and an ortholinear keyboard.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Just installed it. Adjusted the settings to my liking. Very nice. Like OpenBoard, but has quite a lot of extras by comparison. Thanks for the tip.

z3rOR0ne , (edited )
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Most desktop computer users want a system that works out of the box, never breaks, and hides away the complexity behind a "we're doing magic under the scenes, give us a second" style screen.

And it appears that some distros, like Ubuntu, Mint, and PopOS, ElementaryOS, and ZorinOS, have either outright achieved this lofty goal or gotten very close (I am on Artix and haven't used these for any considerable amount of time but from the outside it looks like they've done so).

From my limited perspective, it appears the main reason behind noob friendly distros being even possible is the long release cycle of their base distro, Debian. Thusly configuration scripts for these variants are easier to upkeep than on Arch based distros because there simply isn't this rapid fire bleeding edge schedule that needs to be kept up on Debian.

I'm not opposed to recommending Arch for computer savvy noobs to Linux, even those that aren't necessarily familiar with the command line. As long as they show a genuine willingness to learn it over time. Especially if they want to be an engineer/ developer of any kind, they should become familiar with the command line regardless of which OS they use.

But if they're a normie, who just wants to try Linux because they're tired of MacOS or Windows and just want a simple OS that they can use for basic office tasks, browsing the web, answering emails, playing video games, watching videos, etc., then don't send them down the Arch rabbit hole. They'll simply not want to spend the time figuring it out and they'll just go back to Windows or MacOS. Recommend they try ElementaryOS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, ZorinOS, or PopOS depending on their use case.

Arch requires constant maintenance and a bit of discernment/vigilence to keep going and that's something most users aren't willing to go through.

It's like getting people to learn how to drive vs becominng your own mechanic. Sure, people are willing to learn to drive, they can immediately see the value in it, they want to get to places and have their own autonomy. But Arch is becoming your own mechanic (with Gentoo being like also being your own machinist). Most people don't want to be their own mechanic, most of the time they just want to drive from point A to point B.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm in general agreement on that. If the person is coming from a somewhat technical background, or is simply curious about learning the ins and outs of their system, then Arch is as good a choice as any imho.

In some cases, Arch is a better choice if you need more up to date software (although 3rd party packagers like Flatpak appear to solve many of these issues on scheduled release distros as well).

There sadly is a lot of gate keeping in the Linux community which leads to a lot of blanket statements that pervaid discussions, especially when it comes to how best to grow the Linux community. And "don't recommend Arch or Arch bases distros to noobs" is one of them.

Should you recommend Arch to a new Linux user? The answer is never a direct "yes" or "no", but rather, as always, "it depends."

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Interesting. The creator included the !bang feature. Nice. Gonna have to play with this more.

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option ( www.howtogeek.com )

Ubuntu's popularity often makes it the default choice for new Linux users. But there are tons of other Linux operating systems that deserve your attention. As such, I've highlighted some Ubuntu alternatives so you can choose based on your needs and requirements—because conformity is boring.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Well as a psychopath, I always recommend beginners start with Gentoo. Guaranteed they won't go back to Mac or Windows.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Its not lost on trans activists that trans people themselves can engage in the same type of careless behavior that results in the support of bigotry.

If they enjoy HP, that's fine, but to deny that positive discourse around the franchise supports JKR and subtly and overtly, as well as reinforces her bigotry, is naive.

There are plenty of people who are willing to do the easy thing even if it ends up being harmful to themselves and others. Trans people are no exception to this kind of behavior.

It's not like I haven't encountered abrasive trans people, but oftentimes their anger and resentment comes from a place that is completely understandable. They often have to put so much of their grievances aside to assuage the masses because otherwise they are immediately villified, even amongst those that are supposed to be their supporters.

I personally don't have much respect for those that are willing to turn a blind eye to the harm others obviously do just to go support them directly or indirectly for the sake of enjoying a piece of somewhat entertaining content.

The discomfort of seeing trans people getting angry about this shouldn't inherently mean whoever brought up the grievance in a vehement manner ia immediately in the wrong. Sure, maybe they were a jerk about expressing it, but it doesn't mean they were wrong. And dancing around it trying to be nice about the ”seeing both sides of the story" disxourse has proven ineffective at changing the discourse, so yeah, people are emptional and human and get frustrated when they dont feel heard, so they shout.

They know it won't help, but what other option have you left them then? You've proven with your words, silence, actions, and inactions, that ultimately you don't stand with them. You stand with HP, and as uncomfortable a truth as it is that you all refuse to acknowledge, you stand with JKR.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Not a quote. You're intentionally misinterpreting what I posted. I'll just keave this here for you to read again because you obviously would rather engage in throwing hot garbage around than produce a valid counterpoint.

My original post again was:

Its not lost on trans activists that trans people themselves can engage in the same type of careless behavior that results in the support of bigotry.

If they enjoy HP, that's fine, but to deny that positive discourse around the franchise supports JKR and subtly and overtly, as well as reinforces her bigotry, is naive.

There are plenty of people who are willing to do the easy thing even if it ends up being harmful to themselves and others. Trans people are no exception to this kind of behavior.

It's not like I haven't encountered abrasive trans people, but oftentimes their anger and resentment comes from a place that is completely understandable. They often have to put so much of their grievances aside to assuage the masses because otherwise they are immediately villified, even amongst those that are supposed to be their supporters.

I personally don't have much respect for those that are willing to turn a blind eye to the harm others obviously do just to go support them directly or indirectly for the sake of enjoying a piece of somewhat entertaining content.

The discomfort of seeing trans people getting angry about this shouldn't inherently mean whoever brought up the grievance in a vehement manner ia immediately in the wrong. Sure, maybe they were a jerk about expressing it, but it doesn't mean they were wrong. And dancing around it trying to be nice about the ”seeing both sides of the story" disxourse has proven ineffective at changing the discourse, so yeah, people are emptional and human and get frustrated when they dont feel heard, so they shout.

They know it won't help, but what other option have you left them then? You've proven with your words, silence, actions, and inactions, that ultimately you don't stand with them. You stand with HP, and as uncomfortable a truth as it is that you all refuse to acknowledge, you stand with JKR.

I'm somehow failing to find your misquote within my original post. Could you please point out which line has this hot garbage?:

"those trans people don't act the same way as me, so they're obviously wrong."

Cuz nowhere did I even indicate this. I don't want them to think the same as me. I'm expressing my opinion that you obviously disagree with. But to misquote me is petty and pointless. Either present a valid counterpoint or take your ball and go home.

z3rOR0ne ,
@z3rOR0ne@lemmy.ml avatar

Whoa, lots of whataboutisms going on here. I don't think you're making these questions in good faith, but hey, I'm always willing to field questions from z'haters.

If someone spends money on leisure in the states for example, are they supporting racism, transphobia etc due to their moneys going to states like Florida, Texas etc?

No, only if they knowingly support the businesses of those who are racists, transphobes, and other hate groups. Yeah, their tax money goes towards very hateful politicians, but as long as their beliefs don't align with them, then they're just people trying to survive in a state run by shitty politicians.

What about people that buy video games even though companies are known to work their employees into depression and have harmful ethics regarding female employees with sexual harassment?

Yeah, don't play those games, and let those companies know why! Video games and entertainment aren't inherently necessary to your survival, and if you knowingly purchase, and engage in positive rhetoric around those games, you are endorsing the bad practices that made that game possible. I know game devs just need to make a living in a shitty industry, but that industry will remain shitty unless you hit those corporate asshats where it hurts, and the only place it hurts is their wallets. It sucks because the devs don't deserve to be dragged down monetarily with the asshats up top, but that's the way the capitalist cookie crumbles right now, and the only moral choice in my view is to not buy those games at all.

Are people that buy games endorsing that culture?

If they buy those games specifically, while also knowing about the disgusting business practices that were engaged in during it's production? Yes.

How should those victims view fans that continue to make those companies money?

As ignorant participants in a flawed corporate infrastructure in which they are trapped in at best, and uncaring knowing participants at worst. If these employees speak out, they are left without a means of a living wage income due to horrific minimum wage laws and no social safety net. I've met people in the video game industry, gotten beers with them, talked with them, most of them didn't know how toxic it was going to be when they got into it. But they invested so much time, energy, and usually also money in their education, that they have little recourse now to abandon their job for my "purity test", as you put it. I am sympathetic towards their plight because their livelihood and lifestyle depends on it. The same cannot be said of those wanting to create a little HP fan club.

What about companies that outsource their manufacturing processes to China?

Ah yes, the big elephant in the room, right? You can't get away from Chinese products, their everywhere! You can't live cheaply without China's horrible work practices, right? All the while they additionally suppress public forms of dissent, have a literal dictator for life as a "president", have displaced the Dalai Llama, have imprisoned dissidents in Hong Kong, refused to acknowledge the statehood of Tibet and Taiwan, not to mention the horrific treatment of the Uyghur Muslims. So yeah, it's a shitty situation and in the US, many goods are difficult to find that don't come from China, and most cheap goods are produced in China. So what about that?

My take on it is if you can do without Chinese products, do it. If you don't need it for work or school, then yeah, you get a pass from my "purity test". If you can't afford to buy a more expensive product that doesn't come from China, and again, you really actually need it (and don't simply want it), then buy it. Then go out and condemn the Chinese Communist Party regardless. Condemn them loudly and in public, on the internet and IRL, as often as the subject comes up. Bring up the topic from time to time if it bothers you, and it should.

Ultimately your bad faith arguments are basically saying "There's a lot of bad in the world, and if you do any of the things I mentioned, your hands aren't clean! You're not holier than me, you're just like the rest of us, so STFU!" But that's the whole thing, I'm as disgusted with this shit as the rest of you, the only difference is I refuse to STFU about it and say nothing.

I'm not blind to the fact that some people are in bad situations they can't get out of. Capitalism as a whole and the history of racism, homophobia, and transphobia that have plagued human history has put us all in a shit situation that we can only play our small role in, and survive in. But that doesn't mean things can't change. Slavery was once thought a necessary evil that propped up the American economy during the 19th century, the Feminist movement was ridiculed as promoting an "unnatural" restructuring of the existing social hierarchy, Racism was silently accepted by the majority until the Civil Rights movements upended the status quo, and Homosexuality only became more socially accepted after the Stonewall Riots occurred and people died for their right to personhood. Societal change has never been solved by a comfortable nice conversation or sticking your head in the sand. It has always happened because disenfranchised people stood the fuck up, said something, and did something, and very often this had to happen many many times over before society at large got the fucking message, heard their voices, and changed (we're still addressing all these issues on some level or another right now, and our rhetoric around these subjects continues to change, overall for the better, thanks to these initial challenges to the status quo).).

Now, you could argue that joining an HP fan club can do the same from the inside, but, obviously, I disagree. Many of these aforementioned movements didn't succeed because they ignored the bigotry around them (though trust me, many of them wanted to, they tried, and they failed). These movements only succeeded when they called out the hatred, bigotry, and INDIFFERENCE for what it was over and over and over again.

So...what about your next whataboutism?

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