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@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar



I make art that’s totally mine because I did it through AI. imgur.com/a/Rhgi0OC

Nightshade software to protect your art

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar


Meta owns that, so it's complicated.


Elon owns that one.

That's a nah.

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

How does the metal detector work? I've never heard of a phone being able to do that.

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar


That looks too good to be true, do you use it? I've been not as happy with Firefox lately. They keep a record of all my bookmark history and update so often it makes your head spin. I couldn't tell if the updates are because they're doing something or it's so popular that they need to do that for security.

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thank you, I'll look into it.

Professor sues Meta to allow release of feed-killing tool for Facebook ( arstechnica.com )

The tool is nearly ready to be released, Zuckerman told Ars, but the University of Massachusetts Amherst associate professor is afraid that Facebook owner Meta might threaten legal action if he goes ahead. And his fears appear well-founded. In 2021, Meta sent a cease-and-desist letter to the creator of the original Unfollow...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Meta (or similar) probably is already running one of our major instances. We don't know who actually owns all of them.

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Why not both being an issue? Why wouldn't they say who they really are if they're a major corporation.

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm pro-fediverse, that's why I think it's just as bad. There is one instance in particular, that has the vast majority of Lemmy, that is controlling the narrative for most Lemmy users and it probably will only get worse. I was banned from that one because an admin was curating what I said. Now I don't really have a voice over there because I'm not savvy enough to do an alt that they couldn't tell. So here I am, not being able to let people know that I've noticed them being curated and they've also banned my community in the biggest instance (that one I like).

This fact is rarely discussed but a major factor why the fediverse helps with democratization of the internet. Free information.

Absolutely, I want to keep it that way. I think corporations taking over one of the big instances would be subtle and will have terrible consequences for the fediverse. People sign up for it, not knowing, and then get curated just like on Facebook.

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nice, it looks like you can do it manually too.

When I unfollowed everything for the first time, I did it manually. I spent hours using a Facebook-provided feature to click unfollow on each of my friends, groups, and pages.

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think we're on the same page, I don't care if they read my feed in the slightest. Reddit made a shit ton off of me and my friends and I didn't care about that either. They were providing a free service and I used it, make money. My issue with reddit was/is, they think they're the product and treat everyone as such.

Be the change you want to see

Yep, that's one of the things I'm doing right here by getting the word out for everyone to spread out through the Fediverse. People were saying that when I joined, but I didn't understand what the ramifications were. Of course, I can't tell anyone on the largest instance, lol.

Robot Makers Try to Reassure Public They're Legit After Elon Musk Fudged Demo ( gizmodo.com )

Elon Musk became the butt of more than a few jokes after internet users pointed out Tesla’s robot demo wasn’t all it appeared to be. As it turns out, a video the billionaire posted of Optimus, the company’s much-hyped humanoid robot, was actually being controlled by a human slightly off-screen. And it’s interesting to...


Microsoft’s VASA-1 can deepfake a person with one photo and one audio track ( arstechnica.com )

On Tuesday, Microsoft Research Asia unveiled VASA-1, an AI model that can create a synchronized animated video of a person talking or singing from a single photo and an existing audio track. In the future, it could power virtual avatars that render locally and don't require video feeds—or allow anyone with similar tools to...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's terrifying and super cool at the same time. I think all of the execs at these big tech companies need to rewatch the Terminator.

Here's Gizmodo's take: https://gizmodo.com/weird-teeth-fake-microsoft-vasa-1-ai-free-video-creator-1851420514

A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ Messages ( www.404media.co )

An online service is scraping Discord servers en masse, archiving and tracking users’ messages and activity across servers including what voice channels they join, and then selling access to that data for as little as $5. Called Spy Pet, the service’s creator says it scrapes more than ten thousand Discord servers, and...

The invisible seafaring industry that keeps the internet afloat ( www.theverge.com )

But Hirai also began to think about the work he knew lay ahead. The Ocean Link was one of a small number of ships that maintain the subsea cables that carry 99 percent of the world’s data. Positioned in strategic locations around the planet, these ships stand ready to sail out and fix faults the moment they are detected, and...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

I knew about the cables, I didn't know how extensive they are.

Google Podcasts is gone — and so is my faith in Google ( www.theverge.com )

The Podcasts app is just the latest product to go through a process I’ve come to call The Google Cycle. It always goes the same way: the company launches a new service with grandiose language about how this fits its mission of organizing and making accessible the world’s information, quickly updates it with a couple of neat...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

I've been using this app and have really liked it. Please tell me that I chose well and it doesn't have hidden problems: https://antennapod.org/

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

They already have tbf. Which is actually fine if we had universal basic income, then AI away. We don't though, we don't even have universal healthcare.

pelespirit OP , (edited )
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

In 10 years it'll probably be good enough to take over completely. Right now, it can take photographer and artist jobs pretty easily for news and online magazines.

Also, this: Waymo and Uber Eats start human-less food deliveries in Phoenix

Project Ghostbusters: Facebook Accused of Using Your Phone to Wiretap Snapchat ( gizmodo.com )

Thus, Project Ghostbusters was born. It’s Meta’s in-house wiretapping tool to spy on data analytics from Snapchat starting in 2016, later used on YouTube and Amazon. This involved creating “kits” that can be installed on iOS and Android devices, to intercept traffic for certain apps, according to the filings. This was...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

They can get your info in other ways if you visit sites that have links to meta products on your phone. You probably know that though if you don't have them on your phone, this is for others that don't know.

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Doesn't Ublock Origin work on phones now?

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

It looks like it doesn't work across the board, but thanks for the heads up: https://adaway.org/

Ads are not blocked when on mobile data connection!

AdAway will not work reliably when on Mobile Networks like 3G. You can deactivate that proxy by going to your selected APN (On Android 4: Wireless and networks -> More… -> Mobile Networks -> Access Point Names) and remove the value in the proxy field.
Ads in Chrome are not blocked!

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar


AI learned how to sway humans by watching a cooperative cooking game ( www.sciencenews.org )

In the study, the UC Berkeley researchers used a video game called Overcooked, where two chefs divvy up tasks to prepare and serve meals, in this case soup, which earns them points. It’s a 2-D world, seen from above, filled with onions, tomatoes, dishes and a stove with pots. At each time step, each virtual chef can stand...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wasn't sure if this was the right place to put it, it seems tech to me since they're making tech gateway, decisions for social platforms? I'll delete if it's not the right place.

Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent ( arstechnica.com )

Monica joined Glassdoor about 10 years ago, she said, leaving a few reviews for her employers, taking advantage of other employees' reviews when considering new opportunities, and hoping to help others survey their job options. This month, though, she abruptly deleted her account after she contacted Glassdoor support to request...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Please note that withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

Wtf does that last bit mean? Also, are there alternatives, that was a good resource.

Facebook, Instagram may cut fees by nearly 50% in scramble for DMA compliance ( arstechnica.com )

But EU privacy advocates like NOYB have protested Meta's plan to offer a subscription model instead of consenting to data sharing, calling it a "pay or OK model" that forces Meta users who cannot pay the fee to consent to invasive data sharing they would otherwise decline. In a statement shared with Ars, NOYB chair Max Schrems...

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

None of the paperwork says what company he worked for, which is strange.

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Right, I think the clients of the telecom company should know if someone was sim swapping their accounts. Then again, they might have already been told.

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

If it's seems a little shady, probably AT&T.

ASCII art elicits harmful responses from 5 major AI chatbots ( arstechnica.com )

ArtPrompt is what’s known as a jailbreak, a class of AI attack that elicits harmful behaviors from aligned LLMs, such as saying something illegal or unethical. Prompt injection attacks trick an LLM into doing things that aren't necessarily harmful or unethical but override the LLM's original instructions nonetheless.

Hackers can read private AI-assistant chats even though they’re encrypted ( arstechnica.com )

But now, researchers have devised an attack that deciphers AI assistant responses with surprising accuracy. The technique exploits a side channel present in all of the major AI assistants, with the exception of Google Gemini. It then refines the fairly raw results through large language models specially trained for the task. The...

pelespirit ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is a yikes, they're doing the Westboro Church tactics without wanting the money, just to harass.

The Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth’s founder and president Chris Cooper suggests using the app to conduct neighborly activities such as putting on a barbecue for potential converts, but scattered throughout the app’s training and promotional videos are suggestions to undertake the controversial practice of “prayerwalking.” An idea becoming increasingly popular among Christian supremacist groups, prayerwalking involves believers flooding so-called “un-Christian” territories in order to combat “demonic strongholds.” In practice, it varies from blessing new neighbors to gathering groups to pray in front of everything from mosques to drag bars in service of “spiritual warfare.”

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

I hadn't heard of it before. I think what it's indicating is even more dystopian, they want to be able to tell the difference between human and machine? Yikes, and people agreed to do it.

Can you manage your house with a local, no-cloud voice assistant? Mostly, yes. ( arstechnica.com )

“As it stands today, we’re not ready yet to tell people that our voice assistant is a replacement for Google/Amazon,” Schoutsen wrote. “We don’t have to be as good as their systems, but there is a certain bar of usable that we haven’t reached yet.”...

pelespirit OP ,
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

That would be the one thing I'd want it for, I'm thinking about it. I never really found the need to use one of those until I was making a large dinner for friends and they used their watch to help me keep track of everything.

pelespirit OP , (edited )
@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

Holy shit, does that mean there are ways to check if it's a bot because there are triggers?

Edit: Meaning, if it doesn't have these weird titles and otherwise seems sort of legit.

Edit 2:

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