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Public personal dev accounts: opinions?

I feel like there are many devs out there who expose a lot of personal details and opinions all over the web. Maybe it's just me, but when starting out with the internet I tried my best to separate my personal details (name, age, sex, country, ethnicity, family ties, relationship status,...) from usernames in public....

mesamunefire ,

I heard that there is a person making a bot to pull all linked comments/posts to the Anti AI license stuff as a joke. To train a LLM and create more comments.

This is a strange world.

mesamunefire ,

I have a real name account and a couple of one off accounts.

mesamunefire ,

Interesting. I use rss for the same thing.

mesamunefire ,

I know rss works but not sure about base lemmy.

mesamunefire ,

Thats a name I haven't heard in a loooong time.

I remember hooking into the API:

Its a good place to start after you build a couple of reports.

mesamunefire ,

It's not kuberneties, but I run a family sized yunohost. It's great at installing and updating webapps. They have an awesome selection of federation apps like mastodon, writefreely, misskey, bookwyrm, and more.

For less than 5 users, I personally don't need kub, but it f I were to scale I would probably go that direction.

mesamunefire ,

I've never received a job directly from it, but I've had prospective employers search my profile.

mesamunefire ,

It's been a while though...I hope it's coming soon.

mesamunefire ,

Theres quite a few sites that still use it and existing ones in the Fediverse have it built in (which is really cool). But your right, the general public have no concept of having something download and queue up on a service rather than just going to the site. And the RSS clients are all over the place with quality...

mesamunefire ,

That's going to mess up a lot of Google searches.

mesamunefire ,

I've used nextcloud with a dedicated folder before. Steamdeck and miyoo mini works with it well. That or good old fashioned sd card, look for .sav then push all into another drive.

mesamunefire ,

Game vault looks cool!

mesamunefire ,

I tried running my own instance. Got it setup, got an account, then started to follow communities. I couldn't get it to work with lemmy world and done of the bigger instances. I gave up after a weekend. It's unfortunate, the invites were stuck in pending for about a week or so.

I'm still using this server, but would like my own as that would ever do slightly help with this servers bandwidth.

mesamunefire ,

I'll try it again when I have motivation. Personally I just get weekends to do this sort of things. And with work wanting overtime..yeah I'll prob get around to it in 2025.

mesamunefire ,

I want to be part of matrix but don't know where to start. Any retro-gaming matrix?

mesamunefire , (edited )

Looks like there has been some significant changes from 2022. But it's arch based...and the expert install is the same. So I'm not sure what you mean. It's just Linux.

Either way, I'm glad valve put so much effort into Debain/Arch + Proton. Amazing what they can do + the community behind wine.

mesamunefire ,

I'm not too sure how unusual it is, but I have a satellite tracker on a pi 3 b+ based on satnogs. It helps other scientists get data out of cutsats and other satellites. It's pretty easy to set up once you know what to set up.

I once had a butler program on a pi 1 with WiFi chip back around 10+ years ago. No ai, just a bunch of batch scripts + espeak. It was a cool project that would tell us the weather, time, any to-do items, and internet usage ( att had a hard limit of 100gb and I used a script tu tell how much we used per month). Ran for a couple of years and then disassembled it. Still have the GitHub repo. This was many years before Alexa, Google, and the other such projects. It wasn't better at all (espeak sounds so robotic, even when tweaked).

I ran a Bitcoin miner on a pi and made -$4.50ish a month back a decade ago. It was my most popular wiki pages back when I self hosted one. People were really interested, but it never made any money. It was more of a proof of concept . It's pretty easy to compile, but hard to track down all the dependencies. That was waaaay before the asci miners came into play.

mesamunefire ,

Nice I have a MacBook pro 2016(?) that runs a flavor of Ubuntu over at a local makerspace. It was hard as heck to find and customize the driver's to get it working, but it does!

Are there any CPUs that work well with Linux that aren't made by Intel or another company on the BDS list/that supports Israel?

I have a Ryzen 3 1300X at the moment and it's always had this soft lock freezing bug on Linux. I used to dual-boot Windows on this machine and Windows never had the same problem, so I think it is an issue with the Linux kernel (I've also replaced nearly every bit of hardware that I originally built the PC with, except for the...

mesamunefire ,

Gitlab has really good automated tools for the initial pull from GH to GL. I remember coming across some GitHub actions and ci/cd tools that auto push changes from one fork to another. The biggest issue is the bundled binaries. I dont remember seeing any automated tools for that.

mesamunefire ,

Thanks it looks good on Jerboa

mesamunefire ,

I know its been a while but I think I found a really good tool. I have a couple mirrors set up now. It even pulls in binaries and releases! Its pretty well made too, a fork of gitea.

mesamunefire ,

I have the same issue. I have a very small instance and seems to not work no matter what I do. I can get lemmy ml no issues and done if the others but for done reason world just won't work with and communities, like everything is blacklisted or something.

mesamunefire OP ,'s unfortunate. There's a good discussion over at hackernews here

Looks like it's a dual licence now.

mesamunefire ,

Both projects could run and integrate with each other. I like it.

Surfacing Content from Smaller Communities on Lemmy

Before the scaled sort was introduced, the hope was that it would provide a solution to surface posts from smaller communities, without being overrun by memes and political posts from larger communities. However, the scaled sort has been ineffective so far, as most posts appear with a single vote, making it practically the same...

mesamunefire ,

Reddit was like this when it started. I was there when Dig was a competitor. It took a decade of constant posts by people who really loved their communities to really take off. And reddit, when it started, didnt have subreddits, it was closer to hackernews.

Not saying your arguments are wrong per-say. But it will take some time to get started. The good news is federation means different instances will come and go but the protocol means we dont need to stay on any one kind of server. Kinda like email. I use mastodon to talk with peertube creators and use lemmy to talk to other lemmy instances all the time.


I think you are spot on here. We need this kind of functionality in order to keep up with instances. For example, and, etc... could all bu there own multicommunities. Something like /mc/technologies or something saved on a per user perspective. It would transform lemmy overnight I think. multicommunities would make those niche topics have a great deal more action.

mesamunefire ,

I wouldn't put anything on GH at this point, not with lawsuits going around.

mesamunefire ,

Sometimes games that won't work on 10/11 work happily on wine/proton. Fun times.

mesamunefire ,

I always just use git commit -m foo.

But thanks, never heard of citool, thats a new one.

mesamunefire OP ,

Ive seen a couple people recommend Gitea. I might give it a shot.

First time ive heard of Codeberg. Thanks!

mesamunefire OP ,

I do that with a couple of essential repos with GitLab. GitLab has been a bit slow lately and I kinda want to find other alternatives (hence the post).

mesamunefire OP ,

Nintendo took down quite a few smaller repos too. And links to the Link remaster project. Plus the app Tachiyomi Extensions. Ive just been noticing 2023-2024 has had an increase of code removals. Github is very public now, and any repo that circumvents any kind of hardware/software restrictions is getting more scrutiny.

mesamunefire OP ,

There are smaller services that have not been taken down and have been around for over a decade. It pays be under the radar.

Plus I don't want to put all my repos under just one service. GH is good don't get me wrong, but if it ever goes under or starts doing sketchy things that I don't like, I need an alternative.

mesamunefire ,

Cool! There is also funkwhale ( its pretty cool and fediverse compatible.

mesamunefire ,

Funny thing Google plus took this idea from Diaspora, a social media platform that is still around.

mesamunefire ,

It would be better for them to use Activity hub or at least hook into it. Leverage Mastodon/other services.

ajsadauskas , (edited ) to Technology avatar

My real worry with Google's voyage into enshittification (thanks to Cory Doctorow @pluralistic the term) is YouTube.

Through YT, for the past 15 years, the world has basically entrusted Google to be the custodian of pretty much our entire global video archive.

There's countless hours of archived footage — news reports, political speeches, historical events, documentaries, indie films, academic lectures, conference presentations, rare recordings, concert footage, obscure music — where the best or only copy is now held by Google through YouTube.

So what happens if maintaining that archival footage becomes unprofitable?


mesamunefire , is where a lot of these videos are getting archived.

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