
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

foggy ,

This would be a clear violation of ones first amendment right. Say it's your religion.

foggy ,

Not...really? Not in this context, anyways.

You cannot compel a person to remove their hijab, anywhere in the US, for example.

foggy , (edited )

Yes cops are bad. We all know. You don't fight cops at your arrest for justice. You fight in the court.

You're missing the point entirely.

Jfc room temp IQs in this thread.

foggy ,

As I said, you've missed the point entirely.

foggy ,

I've said all I care to say. You're being willfully ignorant. I don't care to speak with you any further.

foggy ,

That isn't what qualified immunity is or does.

foggy ,

Ok. Bye.

foggy ,

🙄 no u

foggy , (edited )

They chose well, dude is incredibly unlikable.

Have fun in jail, you once-rich failure.

What's a good NAS and server system under CAD$900 (USD$658)?

I am currently using an old laptop (circa 2015) with a 250GB SSD in it, and 4GB of RAM. It runs Fedora 39 Server, and only hosts a Jellyfin instance through Docker right now (though I want to use Nextcloud later too). There is only 15GB of storage left on it, and the CPU is constantly overloaded (due to forced transcoding). I...

foggy ,

If price is the deciding factor then just build one.

Get an old i7 for dirt cheap, cram the thing with ram and storage to suit your budget.

Run something lightweight like Ubuntu Server.

foggy , (edited )

It totally doesn't

I'm running a 14th gen i9 with a 4080. It's a power hungry boy. 1500w power supply. Generally using about 600-800w.

Running this 24/7 costs me <$10/month in electricity.

The old compaq presario with a Pentium II that probably pulled down 100w running Ubuntu server as described here made no statistically significant change in my electric bill. That is to say, it's about as much change as being good or bad at turning off your lights when you're not using them. It's negligible.

foggy ,

Idk what I'm paying per kwh, I am just going off my monthly bills.

There are other power fluctuates, I'm sure. I pay it no mind I just look at the bill. 🤷‍♂️

So far no bill has arrived that made me change behavior.

Edit: I've also never measured what my machine actually pulls down continuously/when idle. I just know that it's components demand that range, and that I need the headroom in my power supply for spikes.

foggy ,

No "old i7" as I suggested, is going to meaningfully increase the temp of your room if it has any cooling solution in place.

Your stubbornness around a perfectly practical solution is absurd. I won't bother convincing you further -- it's the obvious cost effective solution.

foggy ,

It is still by far most cost effective.

Your argument amounts to nothing.

foggy ,

I'm unsure but I see secret.yml in there. Is that sensitive? You might want to update that ASAP if it is.

foggy ,

Deadass laid off like 20,000 employees over 3 years while they retained the FART BUTTON team.

foggy ,

Yo so does this mean paid assassin is a legal job?

Poor Tim Lambesis... /s

How do I setup my own FOSS shopping website for my business?

Hello, I don't have much experience in self-hosting, I'm buying a ProtonVPN subscription and would like to port forward. I have like no experience in self-hosting but a good amount in Linux. I'm planning on using Proxmox VE with a YunoHost VM. I already have a domain name from Njalla. I'm setting up a website for my computer...

foggy ,

Yeah, anything you wanna do on WordPress, you can do. But someone else has also already done, and likely offers it through their plugin ecosystem. The question is, is that plugin FOSS, and if not, are you ready to do it yourself?

The caveat to doing anything yourself for e-commerce is liability. Just make sure your shit is secure, up to date, tested, encrypted, backed up, etc.

foggy ,

Setup a CS 1.6 LAN party arena.

No pen testing lab sounds fun. 8 PCs for a segmented network, a few red team PCs.

foggy ,

Setup Fail2ban

Login only with SSH keys. MFA on SSH login. Use SSH proto 2.

Disable passwords, x11 forwarding, root logins

Reduce Idle timeout interval

Limit users' SSH access

That should be more than enough for the average use case.

foggy ,

Yep. Use SSH keys, not just protocol.

On connection, it'll ask for your SSH password (this is different from the users password).

After that with something like authelia in place, you'll be asked for a 2fa code.

foggy ,

Yes it can. I literally have it set up right now.

When I connect to my vps I am promoted for the password for my SSH key. Only works on a machine that has the ssh key.

Then I need to use 2fa.

foggy ,

Click up! I think it's an excellent UI/UX. Highly customizable. I used it for like 2 years to great effect.

Don't be too off-put by the "get started, it's free."

It's totally free if you're using it for 1 project (yourself). If your a business with a dozen clients or something, you'll edge into the territory of needing to pay. At least it used to be!

foggy ,

I'd like to live in a world with a 1000x pay scale.

Whatever the richest person makes, the poirers must make at least 1/1000th of that amount.

Best resources to learn more about networking

I have been exploring the world of home servers/self-hosting for a little over a year now, and feel like I have at a decent understanding of a lot of things that go into this. The one thing I am not remotely comfortable with yet is networking. It's like a foreign language to me....

foggy ,

If you want dry and boring, do CompTIA and Cisco certs.

If you want fun, get into info sec and learn that way. Check out OWASP, Hackerone, Hack The Box, et al. These platforms will teach you about networking and security at the same time.

Neither is better. Depends on the person.

I recommend getting a VPS and playing around with all kinds of networking tools.

Qbit + VPN in truenas?

I'm trying to figure out how can I install a VPN on truenas that hides my IP. I have tailscale running so I can remotely access Nextcloud and manage it doesn't hide my IP. Wouldn't really throught on using it but my country recently published a law to lick Big Corpo in the ass better, the fines are pretty big so that's why I'm...

foggy ,

Yeah qbitorrent has this in their settings iirc.

Do ifconfig before VPN, then after. Identify what your VPN connection is (likely TUN0). Then you tell qbitorrent to ONLY use the VPN one.

That way if you suddenly lose VPN service it won't fall back to your actual IP. (This is how the guy that hacked ubiquity got caught).

foggy ,

Hey so I'm intermediate at best. This to me sounds like permissions/routing problems. No user name specified in startup packet?

This sounds to me like you edited something that starts up postgres such that when it is started up it is not receiving a username at all

Shooting in the dark here, but perhaps take a look through logs for postgres. Check postgres and redis configs in these docker containers, they might be set up expecting something you changed, so they're not receiving anything at all.

You're sending an unmodified username to a new host name from what I see, right? Is the other side of this connection aware of these modifications?

Fuck that sounds vague. I might not even be right. I'd be digging through error logs for clues.

Like others have said, though. The whole benefit of dockerizing/containerizing services is so that that Docker container can contain anything that might otherwise conflict with it running in your systems environment. So it's okay to have a doctor container where you're using some environment variable like "database". You don't need to make it "service_database" in that services container.

Hope I am am providing some value here. It's possible I not 🤷‍♂️

foggy ,

I also asked a local instance of the Mixtral llm:

Database URL Format: The DB_URL in the .env file is defined as, which is unusual for a PostgreSQL connection. PostgreSQL typically uses a connection string format, not a URL starting with http://. The correct format for a PostgreSQL connection string usually looks like: postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/database. Changing the DB_URL to match this format might resolve the issue of the application not recognizing the username.

Environment Variable Consistency: Ensure that all references to the database, Redis, and other services within both the .env file and the Docker Compose file are consistent with the new names and ports. This includes checking that the DB_HOSTNAME and REDIS_HOSTNAME in the .env file match the container_name of the services in the Docker Compose file.

PostgreSQL Connection String in Docker Compose: The environment variables for the Immich services in the Docker Compose file are focused on POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, and POSTGRES_DB. If Immich constructs its own connection string internally using these components, ensure they're correctly configured. However, it might be worth directly specifying a full connection string (if supported by Immich) that includes the username, password, host, and database in a single variable, to reduce the chance of misconfiguration.

Network Configuration: Verify that Docker's network configuration hasn't been altered in a way that would prevent containers from communicating properly. Docker Compose services communicate over a default network, but if you've made network modifications, ensure that these don't inadvertently block connections between services.

foggy ,

Did ya get it? :)

foggy ,


foggy ,

pulls gun on man with 10 kids

Man with 10 kids opens mouth, grabs gun barrel with two hands, inserts barrel in mouth "Do it, let's go, bitch. My shift ends in 30 minutes I ain't got all day."

19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles ( )

The crying "History" button at the top right sends its regards. Yes, the World Jewish Congress has published a report that demands Wikipedia add a feature to view the history of articles, see what actions were performed by whom, and "host forums and discussions within the Wikipedia community to address concerns about neutrality...

foggy ,

No red flags here at all.

All good. Make sure those dissenters get revealed.

I just -- wtf is wrong with the world rn...?

foggy ,

I mean it's easy to point a finger at an out-group and 'orher' the problem away to something amorphous like fascism or conservatism or theocracy... But it doesn't help right what's wrong.

I think it boils more purely down to education. People haven't been getting a good public education in this country aside from New England, New York, and the West Coast. Some watery areas of the Canadian border, and Colorado too. But beyond that? We've kinda incubated a big dumb angry cohort that eats this shit up.

Are you reusing one postgres instance for all services?

I have many services running on my server and about half of them use postgres. As long as I installed them manually I would always create a new database and reuse the same postgres instance for each service, which seems to me quite logical. The least amount of overhead, fast boot, etc....

foggy ,

Nothing worse in Linux communities than gatekeeper answers like this.

It's fine to point out that something's challenging to someone who may be a novice, but to suggest it's above them? Eat it. At the very least, provide a resource and let them confirm for themselves.

foggy ,

Shout out to hack the box.

If you're a noob or a veteran in any branch of IT looking for a good cybersecurity community/platform...

Most of us IT folk check the box of "knowledge peaks and valleys". They're the first community I've found that seems to actually respect the idea that someone might know way more about XSS and SQL injection in react apps than some other guy knows about binary exploits through packet disassembly, and that both of them are fucking experts and neither of them are lacking for not knowing what the other knows.

foggy , (edited )

This is my thought as well.

Those services are running on some ports and someone was able to see that there are services running on those ports. Now they (or more likely, their script) is trying to find out what those services/versions are to see if there are exploits.

So to OPs question should they be worried? No. This is par for the course today. But is a great example of why you need to be vigilant in updating your services and platforms, use strong passwords, MFA, etc.

Here's good piece of guidance for any and all who are managing a domain/network.

The lower on the pyramid of pain you can make it a pain in the ass for a would-be intruder, the sooner they'll give up. In OPs example, they are moving from 'Domain names' to 'network/host artifacts' if they fail to get enough info to keep digging down, they'll likely stay there and persist for awhile and then give up if they don't find a crack.

Is there a community list of VG company not to buy from? ( )

After reading today EA's takes on AI and strategies about boosting user monetization promoting and exploitation of user's gambling addiction, I asked myself "How can someone defend those company agains boycotting and piracy?"....

foggy , (edited )

Do you not know about Sony's sordid past?

Google 'Geohot ps3'. Then google 'Sony rootkit CDs'.

George Hotz was the first person who jail broke a ps3. and taught others how to do it, until Sony sued him. Then anonymous fucked Sony, hard. like really hard.

foggy ,

Never forget, Sony CEO response was basically "The people who had a rootkit installed on their machine don't even know what a rootkit is; why should I care."

Well, fuck around and find out.

foggy ,

only expose things you must expose. It's better to do things right and secure than easy. Exposing a webservice requires you to expose port 443 (https). Basically everything else is optional.

Not sure if it's always possible but I setup an auth portal via port 443 where I'm using authelia and fail2ban, and using traefik to route authenticated users to other ports from there. So for example Plex 32400 is not exposed, only 443. But you get there via 443 and authentication.

foggy ,

Probably have the same arms dealers.

foggy ,

I'll keep saying it.

When I browse with mullvad I constantly have to verify that I'm not a bot.

That's a good sign

Your account data is about is tangible as a fart in the wind, especially after 30 days. You can pay cash if you want.

foggy ,

I believe it's this

I've been eyeing it myself

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