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[History] An editor letter by Edsger Dijkstra, titled: "go to statements considered harmful" (march 1968). ( dl.acm.org )

In this letter, Dijkstra talks about readability and maintainability in a time where those topics were rarely talked about (1968). This letter was one of the main causes why modern programmers don't have to trouble themselves with goto statements. Older languages like Java and C# still have a (discouraged) goto statement,...

eveninghere ,

For C it makes sense. The point of C is that it can work as a low level language. Basically, everything doable with assembly SHOULD be doable with C, and that's why we don't need another low level language that's basically C with goto.

Even though almost all of C users should never use goto.

eveninghere ,

Technically, being open source or free ala GPL isn't enough. Protocols aren't enough.

You need a guarantee that you own your data.

eveninghere ,

Corporations are bad and yet still follow laws (in the west). The bigger issue is state actors. Especially the non-democratic ones.

eveninghere ,

No, no, you just need to seek through the time and copy & paste the text in the video!

eveninghere ,

Yet, it runs on massively parallel hardware like GPUs, with near-linear speedup

What a bold claim...

eveninghere ,

Is this a PR? The link is PR with no substance, praises itself without any details on benchmarking setup, and still I see some comments here being positive.

eveninghere , (edited )

Sorry, how could it be correct? On that page there's no explanation on what they're measuring to begin with. No mention on the benchmark set up either. There are problems that can never scale linearly due to the reality of hardware.

eveninghere , (edited )

Yeah, and still... the example code in github is also bad. The arithmetic is so tiny that the performance of the execution can be worse than the serial execution. It makes the impression that the language parallelizes everything possible, in which case the execution would possibly get stuck at some parallel parts that's not worth parallelizing.

There's a huge chunk of technical information missing for an expert to imagine what's going on. And too many comments here still praise the language. They don't mention anything concrete in those texts. This makes me REALLY skeptical of this post.

Edit: there are many posts that make up BS for job interviews. I sure hope this is not one of those.

eveninghere ,

sometimes-correct summary without needing to click on a single result

Crazier than it sounds. We don't see the page contents AT ALL by default.

eveninghere ,

Oh, Manjaro had version numbers? Interesting.

Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious

Hello, i was looking for a wysiwyg html editors i could use for my personal website, perferrably just as a simple open source desktop program on linux (though anything else is fine). i DID find something called KompoZer but i was wondering if there's any other ones, thanks

eveninghere ,

The trend of wysiwig editing moved onto web services from desktop apps. Those aren't FOSS. Weebly is good.

jekyll / hugo are the FOSS option imho. There's also wordpress but I don't know if it's open source.

eveninghere ,

Imagine you damage the brain cells to quit the game. Instant isekai irl.

eveninghere ,

Oh, there used to be. Then Gnome got so opinionated they wouldn't listen. They pissed every body off, and here we are.

eveninghere ,

God I need to try it! It's probably going to be insanely stable also.

eveninghere OP ,

Wait, I feel like we're about to do a replay of the drama

eveninghere ,

OpenSUSE is. Maybe SUSE also but not sure.

eveninghere ,

users annoyingly do not read the NEWS files they should be reading

Devs having too much time.

eveninghere ,

Yeah. It certainly doesn't suite threadiverse. Maybe just ban video posts honestly. Is there some filter options to remove them, alternatively?

eveninghere ,

You don't have to, but if you do stuff on terminal and copy and paste the directory paths from terminal to various GUI apps, that'd be the most productive use of Linux imho.

Also cli programs are way more stable than gui apps. UX additionally improves with zsh to the level where most FOSS GUI apps can't match (because they usually lack a UX team).

eveninghere ,

Browsers should suggest to refuse to jump to a URL whenever Musk is found in the target webpage.

eveninghere ,

You just reminded me employees in my company who are mostly like that.

eveninghere ,

I think they can just ban tabs. And do some automatic rejection via... what? Are kernel devs still using email attachment for this?

eveninghere ,

Are you sure your mother will charge her watch everyday though

eveninghere ,

I wonder why nobody makes a phone specialized for elderly people these days. Those smart gadgets are absolutely horrible for elderlies. They can't do literally nothing because the UI is too complex for them.

Something simple like a speaker + mic with a set of big buttons together with stickers of who to call is everything they need. No Whatsapp, also probably no email. Then add a forced call mode that only carers and families can activate.

eveninghere ,

And fragmentation of projects is what caused the xz security incident.

eveninghere ,

Me a programmer has a bigger issue with !

eveninghere ,

I guess it's the usual Russian propaganda tactic throughout Telegram. Mixing conspiracy theories with half-truths.

The NSA indeed distributed a defected encryption library in the past. These days I'm pretty sure big techs use open source encryption to avoid this trap.

And Telegram says blah, blah, iPhone is exploited. But IF Telegram is correct on this one, Andriod versions would be defect as well.

eveninghere ,

No way I'm gonna scroll this 15min article to spot where that's mentioned

eveninghere ,

While many of the issues with Debian can be resolved by compiling from source, this has been one of the main causes of system failure for me in the past. It also requires equal or greater effort than playing with Nixfiles.

I guess you are doing something wrong here. I can't imagine that compiling stuff on Debian would be trickier than tinkering with NixOS.

Maybe you have been following advices on the web instead of taking the time to understand problems and keep your Debian tidy?

Besides, between an expert niche like NixOS and the popular Ubuntu, there are more than a dozen OSes you can consider when it comes to preferences on maintenance. You don't have to consider so many, but a blog article on your particular three / four (NixOS, Debian Ubuntu + Mint) looks a bit off.

eveninghere ,

NixOS is a reproducible OS. I wouldn't call it immutable.

eveninghere ,

I am a manager at a big tech and I hate capitalism. CXOs really only care about profits, and thus everybody high-level proposes new enshittification strategies.

eveninghere ,

Well, I'm such an old ass for preferring X11 still, but fuck NVIDIA anyway.

eveninghere , (edited )

Edit: okay, deep fake. That's bad. The title is the problem for me, then.

Sorry, what's the actual problem with users creating fantasy porn? How about they ban all traditional drawings apps and photo / video editing apps, then? Those can also produce nudes. Oh, and browsers also. And text editors.

eveninghere ,

Let's gooo

eveninghere ,

But what do YOU think?

eveninghere ,

This is a weird pattern because Apple can't listen to its own power users (of macs). Tim Cook is criticized by them for caring only about money. Yet he still is on the purity train. Yeah, it's probably all about their stock holders.

eveninghere ,

No, because security. Look up how oauth works and why.

Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps ( www.404media.co )

Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or...

eveninghere ,

This one's fixable. Just hold Meta accountable. It should be illegal they don't manually filter ads when submitted.

eveninghere ,

YouTube Can Never Support Kernel Development Discussions: How About A Blog Post?

eveninghere ,

You know, Java interop is actually a good thing.

I've used a few dozen languages, and noticed that most modern languages lack libraries. Coming from Python and C++ I often feel it that way. Use whatever niche language and I'll hit the lack of power options like Python's pandas, databases, GUIs, etc.

Clojure's a powerful language, but with the size if its community there's no hope of getting many alternatives on doing SQLs, for example. But, Java interop assures me I can just keep going with clojure, because I can almost always work around library issues with Java. It doesn't even matter if I'm on a mac or ARM or 64bit (looking at you, C#).

eveninghere , (edited )

Someone has to rewrite this...

You have to read thousands of words past Executive Summary to see what's going on, which eventually turns out to be the usual left-right culture war (aargh...) The worst is that this actual theme is hidden in the links and is never directly mentioned in the letter.

The letter also stops short of taking side between left and right although the links clarify it's obviously the former.

It instead accuses the NixOS platform of having "systemic" problems in "leadership," "structure," etc. etc. I was like, "just say it, you simply believe in a more progressive NixOS team."

They only say "bad behaviors," then define bad behaviors with abstract terms using one paragraph. That's shortly after the text uses the metaphor of "missing stairs in a staircase", without explaining what these missing stairs are about.

So abstract, without examples for all this depth of abstraction.

They go on with their "bad behavior", bad behavior, bad behavior, and finally there are links. If you click on the first (?) of these links, you finally see that this one example was about minority representation in NixOS development. In the rest, you see examples of the usual conservative vs. progressive culture war.

There are proper ways to do this.

eveninghere , (edited )

So... why don't they just write that people (or they) want a more progressive NixOS management?

Would be more to the point.

Edit: if you doubt, just check all the examples in the letter.

eveninghere ,

Not the person you wrote to, but TB has native code in C++, so I don't really think the speed will change. The official website also doesn't advertise speed improvements. It argued that Rust is (almost) as fast as the current native C++ part in TB, and that's about it.

eveninghere ,

“Bro,[1] you don’t work hard. I just worked a 4700-hour week digging a tunnel under Mordor with a screwdriver.”

They have a point. Mordor sucks, and it’s certainly more physically taxing to dig a tunnel than poke at a keyboard unless you’re an ant.

OP saw no problem digging a tunnel with a screwdriver?

Safest way of using WeChat on Android?

I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I...

eveninghere ,

banned by the state

Forgot that part... It's crazy that a bunch of lizard brains ruling an idiotic party can literally dictate people's life.

Google fires 28 workers for protesting $1.2 billion Israel contract ( www.nbcnews.com )

"Google issued a stern warning to its employees, with the company’s vice president of global security, Chris Rackow, saying, “If you’re one of the few who are tempted to think we’re going to overlook conduct that violates our policies, think again,” according to an internal memo obtained by CNBC."

eveninghere ,

Why did you put the question marks there?

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