Habahnow , to Android in Finland warns of Android malware attacks breaching bank accounts

Meh I was more nervous based on the title, but it's basically an app(malware) that people are told to install which can access phone details.

Max_P , avatar

And using loads of sensitive permissions to pull it off, like accessibility to read the screen. It's not stealing the auth cookies from the app nor throwing exploits at Android to escape the sandbox.

Headline definitely makes it sound like it's a drive-by exploit, but no it's just the usual social engineering everyone is familiar with.

shiveyarbles , to Android in Finland warns of Android malware attacks breaching bank accounts

Yeah I think it's crazy putting your bank credentials on your phone

018118055 ,

My phone is my bank credentials, no other way to authenticate.

WeAreAllOne , avatar

Change bank.

018118055 ,

Pretty much the same situation with any Finnish bank.

WeAreAllOne , avatar

Ah f@ck! Seems that it's unavoidable in the near future. Totally unacceptable though.

018118055 ,

I think the biggest risk is social engineering the elderly anyway

smeg ,

Speak for yourself, my phone is the most secure device I own!

GenderNeutralBro , to Android in New Brokewell malware takes over Android devices, steals data

Doesn't it require jumping through a ton of hoops to install apks from unknown sources on modern Android? How many people are A) capable of doing this, and B) naive enough to actually do it?

That said, I don't use Chrome so I've never seen that incredibly shady-looking real update notification they showed in the article. If Google has indeed trained users to expect and accept something like that, then shame on Google. I can't blame users for thinking the fake one is legit. It looks very similar (and it seems like it would be trivial to make it look 100% identical). But still, how does the apk actually get installed?

tjhart85 , avatar

When I installed fdroid from their website a month or two back it was like 2 or 3 clicks. Then whenever I want to install anything from there it's an extra click or two over what it would be from Play.

I've seen people click through way more complicated processes than this without even knowing they did it. Modern computing has taught people to just keep hitting whatever the approval text is (yes windows, I really do want to copy all of these god damn files. Yes, really, I still do! Yep, again, ALL of them!)

SqueakyBeaver , avatar

The only hoops are

  1. Try to install APK, popup appears
  2. Press "go to settings" or whatever
  3. Enable toggle
  4. Possibly try to install APK again if the installation prompt doesn't automatically appear
victorz ,

Most of the people I know that aren't tech savvy are at least smart enough to be aware of that fact, so they would already hesitate at 2. The real dangerous people are the confident ignoramuses.

possiblylinux127 , to Android in New Brokewell malware takes over Android devices, steals data avatar

The twist? It installs google services

kindenough , to Android in New Brokewell malware takes over Android devices, steals data avatar

We like chrome here as much as a vampire likes sunlight.

victorz ,

Got'em! 🔥

smeg , to Android in New Brokewell malware takes over Android devices, steals data

Researchers at fraud risk company ThreatFabric found Brokewell after investigating a fake Chrome update page that dropped a payload, a common method for tricking unsuspecting users into installing malware.

So just a classic fake update button

To protect yourself from Android malware infections, avoid downloading apps or app updates from outside Google Play and ensure that Play Protect is active on your device at all times.

Fine advice for someone who has no idea how their phone works, I suppose

limerod ,

That's most people in general.

smeg ,

True, if you don't already know the answer to that is "no I don't" then the answer probably is "yes you do"

Cheradenine ,

Remember that the bar for entry for a lot of these things is going to be a trip hazard for most Lemmings.

I actually explained 419 scams to someone last week when they got a reasonably well crafted one. There are a lot of people who believe in Nigerian Princes.

That should be my new alt

smeg ,

True, but I assume most of these people aren't reading tech news!

normonator ,

Play protect is fucking trash but it's something I guess

smeg ,

Yeah, as long as I'm always able to disable it then I'm fine with it being there for the casual user

BearOfaTime ,

You have to go out of your way to permit apps to install anything since like Android 9, iirc.

By default, only the play store can install apps, and anything asking for the permission has a pretty clear warning.

UnfortunateShort , to Privacy in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

Does it block MS tho?

Scolding0513 , to Privacy in OpenTable is adding your first name to previously anonymous reviews

OPENtable (opening your underpants)

drwho , to Privacy in OpenTable is adding your first name to previously anonymous reviews avatar

Pay up, Fastjack.

GolfNovemberUniform , to Privacy in OpenTable is adding your first name to previously anonymous reviews

Now this is why you never tell your real name online

BirdEnjoyer ,

The 90's mentality of "Everyone on an Internet is a predator out to rob you or worse" left a mark on me-
I always use a fake name and innocuous, random profile pic if possible.

These daus you're still screwed if someone's that determined, but at least screw the corporations like this.

neutron ,

I never liked the normalization of sharing real names online. I always received weird looks for not doing this. The furthest I could do was using an initial.

Patches ,

Odd thing to say - Jimmy Neutron.

GolfNovemberUniform ,

Wow someone here still remembers that show?

CatZoomies , (edited ) avatar

Whoa there, fella. How did you know this person’s first name? Are you a hacker? You must be one of them!

drjkl , to Programming in Critical Rust flaw enables Windows command injection attacks

I've run into bizarre behavior with windows command lines plenty of times before, but I'd never put all the pieces together and realized that:

a) windows really does pass around unadorned monolithic strings containing the entire command line of an executed command, and

b) there's no parsing standard for command lines in windows

sigh, windows

FizzyOrange , to Programming in Critical Rust flaw enables Windows command injection attacks

Seems a bit clickbaity to me. It's a flaw in Windows/cmd.exe, not Rust. Rust is just called out because it tries to emulated proper argument passing on Windows (and didn't get it perfectly right). All languages are affected by this but most of them just throw their hands in the air and say "you're on your own":

  • Erlang (documentation update)
  • Go (documentation update)
  • Haskell (patch available)
  • Java (won’t fix)
  • Node.js (patch will be available)
  • PHP (patch will be available)
  • Python (documentation update)
  • Ruby (documentation update)

It's also extremely unlikely that you'd be running a bat script with untrusted arguments on Windows.

porgamrer ,

I mean, let's be real, Rust is really called out because it causes high drama between C devs and Rust advocates, which drives engagement.

It's probably all kicking off in about 10 different comment sections right now

Giooschi ,

It's also extremely unlikely that you'd be running a bat script with untrusted arguments on Windows.

It happens in yt-dl, which is where this was first reported

fl42v , to Privacy in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

Questionable: should've been replaced with an API call that shows user a pop-up like "do you want to change the default browser to $browser_name?". Rn it's just breaking stuff for the sake of keeping internet chromesplorer.

Atemu , avatar

internet chromesplorer

I'm stealing that.

possiblylinux127 , to Privacy in New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser avatar

Please switch to Edge, we love your money and data

bonus_crab , to Programming in Critical Rust flaw enables Windows command injection attacks

Windows is as much to blame as any affected languages tbh.

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