@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org cover
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar



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Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I run my own searxng instance. It's amazing.

I also spun up my own yacy instance. It was pretty terrible. It could be good, but you would need a pretty beefy machine with a lot of storage and a lot of time for it to index for it to be anything approaching good.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Well, literal Nazis would be a good start.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Yes, he is. People like this are divorced from reality.

He's a billionaire or whatever. The speech doesn't effect him in any way. He still has more resources than he could hope to burn through in multiple lifetimes. Speech literally cannot harm him.

He doesn't understand that to all the doors, some speech can and does hurt us.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No free speech is not a right. Freedom of speech without prosecution from the government is a right.

No one is required to platform your stupid fucking viewpoint.

The 1st amendment ONLY allows you to say what you like and not have the government prosecute you for it. However, there are still limits to speech that cannot be prosecuted.

For example, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. You can't cause a mass panic that results in injuries or death.

A private company has exactly zero obligation to platform your idiotic ramblings.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Sounds like a pihole on your network would solve all of your issues.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Also, winaerotweaker makes it easy to turn of ads, telemetry, auto updates and tons of other stuff

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Also you don't have to have a pi to run a pi hole. You can run it in windows using WSL. Just search Google for pi hole WSL. All you do is run the power shell script and it does practically everything for you

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Vpns are working fine. This article is dogshit.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I work for an MSP managing thousands of workstations and servers. I'm also the "VPN guy" so I deal with them constantly every single day.

Perhaps you should ask questions before making assumptions.

Newpipe is getting updates on fdroid again and seem like will be getting updates for the foreseeable future as the issue stopping it is solved. ( f-droid.org )

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can't find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn't used to add live in your what's new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

People in this thread sleeping hard on Grayjay

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I suggest you read the bill. It isn't a tik tok ban. It's actually quite a good piece of legislation.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Lol nice bad faith argument. Fucking Lemmy sockpuppets.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

"sending aide to Ukraine, though that is getting iffy"

This tells me everything I need to know. That you would even say something like this means you have no idea what you're talking about.

Additionally, you realize that those are all separate bills, right?

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

That content does not belong to YouTube. And they also do not pay for 99% of it.

YouTube depends on people to use it for it's existence. They also depend on those users to upload content so that YouTube can then treat that content as if it is its own and monetize it.

If I was in such a precarious position I wouldn't go about making the experience crappy for those users that I'm desperately dependent upon.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Also, use greyjay. It's fantastic.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Firefox has had data sync for a long ass time.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

That content does not belong to YouTube. And they also do not pay for 99% of it.

YouTube depends on people to use it for it's existence. They also depend on those users to upload content so that YouTube can then treat that content as if it is its own and monetize it.

If I was in such a precarious position I wouldn't go about making the experience crappy for those users that I'm desperately dependent upon.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

That's nice. Do they also create the content for the platform that is by far the most costly part of it? Or have they simply found a way to monetize content that does not belong to them?

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

What the fuck? Can you sync chrome to edge and edge to opera? What kind of bad faith bullshit ass argument are you trying to pull here?

You're claiming that you cant sync data on Firefox, when you absolutely can. Then you claim that what you meant was that you cant cross browser sync on multiple devices. Well congratufuckinglations, you can't on any other browser either.

What is wrong with you?

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Does every single creator get paid for their work and the value that they add to the platform? Or does YouTube arbitrarily get to decide who gets a tiny piece of the revenue from the content that YouTube doesn't own?

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

What proprietary code do you have to run to use GitHub???

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

You are not required to visit the website to use GitHub.

If you are complaining because all you know how to use is the website and GitHub desktop, then that's a you problem and you need to get good. There is a git man page and it is excellent. I suggest you study up.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

So it isn't necessary to have keys and an account on your preferred git server? What kind of insecure dumpster fire server are you committing code to???

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

What proprietary app do you need to run... The website? Are you seriously arguing that making an account on the website is equivalent to having to run an app on your machine?

You're weird.

God, what a bullshit, bad faith argument. I'm sure you feel like you have the high ground, but seriously, you sound like an idiot.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I can confidently say at this juncture, that you're an idiot.

You know why you're an idiot? It's because you don't understand that arguing in bad faith openly, as you have done, loses the argument for you pretty much outright.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It is a pretty simple thing to look up the bands that the phone supports. All of the providers publish the bands that they work on. This is not difficult. This is a manufactured problem.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

The irony of posting from infosec about how superior Brave is. Bruh moment.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Dude, there is degoogled chromium, and various other blink engine choices, but touting brave as a "superior" option? Oof. Big oof.

On the gecko side of things, there are a ton of great choices as well. All of them are better in every single way than brave.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Bro. Be better.



Your use of these words make me think that you don't understand what they mean. Go ahead, use brave all you want. Big oof.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar


Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

The moment Google did the alphabet thing in order to preempt ftc breakups, it was over.

I degoogled in 2017 (I run my own Synology cloud now with off-site backup to AWS glacier) and while it wasn't cheap, it was absolutely the best decision.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It isn't cheap, but it is very rewarding. Twice in the past couple of months have I been able to give family members out so that they don't lose or have to start paying exorbitant amounts.

I am genuinely horrified to see how much data google collected from me

I created a google takeout and in that zip file I found some files containing a ton of data about me. It has logged every single page I visited while using the google search engine and chrome browser. It even logged every single time I opened an app on my old android phone. It even has VOICE RECORDINGS of me and a log of every...

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

These apps cannot find addresses in the US. Just a heads up so anyone that sees this doesn't pull their hair out trying to figure it out. No, it isn't you, it's the app.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Latency. Also, wired is always better than wireless. I'll save the long boring explanation for another time, but suffice it to say that wireless constantly has dropped packets, and constantly has to retransmit data.

Wired when you can, wireless when you have to.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Stop with this bullshit. They aren't influenced by Google in any ways that actually matter. Google is effectively paying to make sure that there is a competitor.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

but I would guess a random 17 char password might be safer than a 5 phrases password

And you would be very wrong about that. A 5 phrase password has entropy. "finance-caffeine-utopia-redress-unseen" is 28 characters. If you add in a different symbol between the words and add a number somewhere, this password becomes incredibly difficult to brute force.

I'll let xkcd explain it better.


Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

For PC: Libredirect plugin on firefox and point it to freetube (Freetube.io)

For Android: Grayjay (https://grayjay.app/) (Sideload it, don't install from the play store)

For IOS: Pick an invidious instance and ponder the bad choices that led to you using an apple product.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Grayjay has a much better user experience and incorporates multiple platforms, sponsorblock, etc al.

Libretube is ok at best. Newpipe+sponsorblock via Izzy on droid is better in every way.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Pummel party is so much fun and if you go in the workshop there are tons of minigames and maps

YouTube screwing itself with adblockers again

I use Firefox and uBlock Origin. Not sure what kind of experience anyone else is having with YouTube, but recently my home page has been empty because I “don’t have watch history turned on”. Okay, fine. I won’t be able to browse suggested videos, and I’ll spend less time on their platform....

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Allow me to help. Get the libredirect pluggin for Firefox. Go download and install freetube. Set libredirect to direct all YouTube links to freetube. Enjoy!

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No, I’m a foss dev, and I speak for all of us when I ask you to please not join any of our communities.

Also I’m calling you out. You need to put up or shut up evidence of where that developer said that he would release his code as open source. And that he would do it in return for you testing it.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

As far as I know the developer never actually said he would release the source. That is purely hearsay from @jarfil. He seems to think that if an app or program is free then it also must follow that it’s open source.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No, I am not. He previously stated exactly what I said. I did not straw man him.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

How is me calling him entitled as fuck a personal attack? Would you rather I said “you are being/acting entitled as fuck”? I can do that…

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