xlash123 ,
@xlash123@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fairbuds: replaceable batteries

Fairerbuds: open source app

Fairestbuds: open source firmware

phoenixz ,

Awesome, but I'm skeptical. Not because it's Fairphone, but because previous bad experiences.

I bought Sony buds, after reading loads of reviews and those were the best! They cost me around 300 and what I got was just shit.

I (still) own a number of lg 800 Bluetooth headsets (those with a thing you wear around your neck) that cost me 50 bucks each, that have better audio quality, louder audio, better noise cancellation, are more comfortable, and after over 4 years still have a battery life of around 10 hours where those huge ass Sony ones cut out new after like 3-4 hours and they died after 1,5 years. I think those wearable bugs are just too small to be any good at all.

Telorand ,

https://scarbir.com/ is my go-to for TWS reviews.

You can get decent TWS buds without paying tons of money. I currently have the Soundcore Space A40, and the battery still lasts for 6-7h after almost two years of constant use (8-10h brand new).

If you're paying over $100, you're probably overpaying.

phoenixz ,

Oh yeah, I overpaid badly. Well, my employer did anyway as theyg pidfor it, I just selected what supposedly was the best. It sucked.

CoolMatt ,

Nvm replaceable batteries, I keep buying 2-3 pairs of ear buds a year because I keep forgetting them in my pants when I wash them, or I give them a pat down and don't feel them inside of them.

JasonDJ ,

My wife wanted me to buy her a pair of air pods.

I'm like, get a pair of headphones to last you more than a month, then we'll talk.

I can't tell you how many pairs of cheap earbuds we've gone through. Either lost or eaten (damn dog). Almost always just the right earbud. Never the left. I have so many lefts left.

Godnroc ,

So, you're not all right?

JasonDJ ,

Far from it, but that started long before the first lost earbud.

lengau ,

I've had three sets of earbuds where the right one has died of no apparent cause shortly after the warranty expired.

I'm starting to think it's intentional.

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre ,

My dog chewed on one of my Buds 2 Pro earpiece after owning them for two months cause I left the door open. Managed to open the case and everything lol

Glass0448 ,
@Glass0448@lemmy.today avatar

They sell cases for you to attach an airtag to your headphones case. And the pro version of the iheadphones have individual find my capabilities. Should allow you to locate all three items provided you remember to look while they still have batteries.

sagrotan ,
@sagrotan@lemmy.world avatar

Only 899,- and your first born kid. One could think it's on purpose...

Ross_audio ,

I'd much prefer a 3.5mm jack

laughterlaughter ,

You're being downvoted, but yours is a legitimate request.

Dulusa ,


filcuk ,

There are a plethora of cable earphones.
I don't understand why people complain about wireless.
You're not the target demographic.

Baahb , (edited )

Seriously, people act like there aren't solutions to that "problem" that aren't basically identically inconvenient to how it was before you needed an inline usb c to 3.5 mm adapter.

To preempt those that are gonna say "the adapter is inconvenient..," no, the 3.5 mm jack that takes up space in my pocket that is unused 100% of the time is the inconvenience. You want a jack. You can have one. You get to have the inconvenience that goes along with it.

DrM ,

The adapter IS the inconvenience.

Baahb ,

Disagree. The 3.5 mm jack that takes up space in my pocket that is unused 100% of the time is the inconvenience. You want a jack. You can have one. You get to have the inconvenience that goes along with it.

Ross_audio ,

Well I've got a solution for you!

Just insert this adapter into the 3.5mm jack and it will be blocked for you. It'll no longer be wasted space because this adapter is a useful place to store several grains of rice for a snack.

Unfortunately you do lose a feature as a result of using this adapter, it will stop one of the speakers from working and degrade your audio quality.

But you shouldn't complain about anything removing a feature, or degrading your audio quality. You've got a new feature of being able to store rice!

You can even buy special fairphone sustainable rice from us. With only a small 300% mark up but an incredible 80% of the sustainability of already available rice. It comes in green!

Baahb ,

The fuck you talking about.

The complaint is "phones don't have headphones jacks"

Presuming I was on your side,

Just insert this adapter into the 3.5mm jack and it will be blocked for you. It'll no longer be wasted space because this adapter is a useful place to store several grains of rice for a snack.

Homie, you got rice storage with the old jacks. An adapter doesn't introduce this problem.

Unfortunately you do lose a feature as a result of using this adapter, it will stop one of the speakers from working and degrade your audio quality.

Homie, this is how headphones work. You plug them in and the speakers stop working. If your audio quality is dropping something is wrong.

But you shouldn't complain about anything removing a feature, or degrading your audio quality. You've got a new feature of being able to store rice!

Homie, again the data jack on USB C is more than fast enough to push FLAC through. If you're losing quality it's not the architecture.

You can even buy special fairphone sustainable rice from us. With only a small 300% mark up but an incredible 80% of the sustainability of already available rice. It comes in green!

This is you projecting. While this is on an article about fair phone, I'm only here to inform you that your nonsense complaint about 3.5 mm jacks is silly. It is valid, sure, but fucking silly anyways.

Ross_audio ,

I'm sorry, I started joking because you weren't being serious either.

Wait, you were being serious?

Cris_Color ,
@Cris_Color@lemmy.world avatar

Just because you don't find yourself needing a given port doesn't mean no one should have one.

My USB c port broke from being cycled too many times with a stupid headphone dongle, and now I can't charge it with a cable OR use my god damn headphones. I like my headphones, its obnoxious that I can't just plug them into the device I want to listen to. I get it's not relevant to you but it is relevant to many other people which is why so many people are still bitching about it years after almost every manufacturer has removed the port. Every single day its frustrating I don't have one. Its frustrating when my friends want to play music in my car and they don't have one.

I got my headphones for Christmas and I LOVE THEM, but I can't even use them with my phone :(

DrM ,

The adapter is still the inconvenience for me, just because the other option is a (tiny) inconvenience for you doesn't change the fact that the adapter is an inconvenience for me.

Honytawk ,

How is having more features an inconvenience?

progettarsi ,

I don't want a jack, wireless is 100x

Yawweee877h444 ,

Exactly, wired headphones are everywhere.

My wireless earbuds were such a game changer I'll never go back, I don't know why so much hate.

RustyShackleford , (edited )
@RustyShackleford@programming.dev avatar

The audio quality is still far inferior to hardline, though Bluetooth audio standards have gotten better over the past recent years.

Ross_audio ,

The "demographic" of human being who doesn't want to wreck the planet if Fairphone's target.

If Fairphone is not trying to be universal anymore you should see that as a problem. So should every fairphone customer.

I'll buy a more sustainable phone than the fairphone when my phone loses support in 2027. I'll encourage everyone to buy a more sustainable product today.

Jimmycakes ,

Then buy the dozens and dozens of models that are wired. Yall are worse than vegans.

weew ,

And then they have no port to plug into on their phone.

Jimmycakes ,

Then get a usb dongle Jesus fucking christ

Jennykichu ,
@Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This stereotype of Vegans has always bothered me. I've never once in my life heard a vegan announce to a group that they were vegan unless it was relevant to the conversation.

I have heard many people complain about vegans completely unprompted, however.

shea ,

Around 10-15 years ago when that meme/stereotype was popularized , that was kind of the case. The world has moved on since then, the perception of veganism has changed, and it's not a big deal anymore. Its easier to be vegan now, too. restaurants/grocery stores have more offerings, big brands have vegan options, people aren't usually rude to you anymore for being vegan or asking for vegan stuff.

I think all this contributes to vegans feeling less of the need to assert themselves like before. I feel like its because people nowadays "get" it and back then most non vegan people didn't get it.

wit ,

The comments on this post are entirelly missing the point. Jesus christ lemmy. Yes, we know you like 3.5 mm jacks. That is not the point. The point is that FairPhone launched earphones with ANC with replaceable batteries. This is good!

Shurimal ,


  1. Good IEM-s don't really need ANC. If the silicone tip doesn't isolate enough you can use foam tips that basically function like hearing protection earplugs.
  2. No battery is even better than replaceable battery.
  3. Wired IEM-s never get obsolete. At worst you'll need to replace the silicone tips from time to time, or the cable and today even 20€ Chinese IEM-s have replaceable cables. With good care wired IEM-s can last decades.
TwanHE ,

If you don't think you need ANC you've never experienced good ANC, even the best passive noise isolation won't quiet down the sound of a full cafeteria or bus.

No wired iems will never be obsolete, but I will just be leaving them at my desk where the downsides over wireless are less.

laughterlaughter , (edited )

I've used passive noise isolation earbuds that work better than any ANC. This one time I took them off after a long flight, only to realize that a toddler was crying behind me.

Edit: lol at the downvotes! https://maxrockearbuds.com/

vallode ,

I think it would be fair to doubt your point, could you share which earbuds you were using and how you were using them? I think the disagreement here will also stem from the fact that IEMs + playing music is pretty great "active noise cancellation" in itself.

When I listen to a podcast on my IEMs I hear quite a lot of the outside world, when I do the same with ANC headphones on I hear much less.

AlDente ,

Not the same guy, but I don't have trouble blocking outside noise with Etymotic ER3SE earbuds. They do go insanely deep into my ear though.

laughterlaughter ,

Mine also get quite buried, like earplugs. And they're still comfortable.

And damn, yours must be really nice at that price!

AlDente ,

I got them on sale for around $110. They might be expensive for wired earbuds, but still cheaper than nice wireless earbuds, including the Fairbuds this post is about. Also, the cables are replaceable in case they ever get damaged.

laughterlaughter ,

Oh, that sounds fantastic!

laughterlaughter ,

Fair enough. I've updated my original answer.

toastal ,

ANC makes the baby crying more pronounced & that’s more annoying than the rumble of a bus. +1 to passive noise cancelation on silicone tips. A bit more in general gets thru, but the it isn’t amplifying voices & other loud sounds. Brains are pretty good at turning out the rabble of a cafeteria or transportation.

fubbernuckin ,

Yeah, idk why people are downvoting you so hard. There are some seriously good passive noise cancellation buds out there. Kind of insane when you actually try them.

sour ,

So you basically said there's no need for fair wired headphones because cheap 20€ chinese wired ones perfectly serve that market?

Even better that fairphone builds true wireless earbuds with all those fair features, because there is no alternative there already.

laughterlaughter ,

That's a strawman and you know it. OP basically said that we want 3.5mm jacks.

sour ,

On true wireless earbuds? How?

laughterlaughter ,

No, no. We want 3.5mm jacks for wired earphones. Whether there is a fairphone version of wired earphones or not is irrelevant.

sour ,

The whole thread is about earbuds?! Where do jacks on phones come in all of a sudden?

laughterlaughter ,

Then why are you commenting on this "irrelevant" sub-thread?

sour ,

The post is about true wireless earbuds
The comment is about how lemmy makes it about jacks and wired earphones for no reason
The counter point is that wired earphones last decades
I said that the market for them is already satisfied, while those are the first fair true wireless ones, which is great

Now how is it irrelevant? I seriously don't understand what the problem is, and I also don't know what kind of strawman I apparently made

laughterlaughter ,

We're allowed to want both.

CoolMatt ,

Yes we are and that's okay we're not against headphone jacks, it's just that this post right here is about wireless earbuds

fubbernuckin ,

I think part of the conversation is about how they got rid of the headphone jack shortly before releasing these. While it is good that these exist, it seems like they exist as a result of a popular anti-consumer business choice that people don't like, and is thus tied to that choice.

CoolMatt ,

I did not think people would perceive it like that, and didn't realize the jack was phased out before bluetooth ear buds were a thing, as I myself had a phone with a headphone jack until at least a couple years later, and by the time I got a phone without a headphone jack, I didn't need it anymore.

I for one have been very happy with wireless headphones because with my job, the wires would get caught on stuff too easily, or I had to run the wires through my shirt, and they barely had enough slack for me to turn my head while my phone was in my pocket. (and btw the job I have is that's unsupervised where I can have an ear bud in while working)

ArdMacha ,

Not when they're twice the price is decent Sonys

Baahb ,

You can get a decent pair of sonys for €150? The conversion rate must be better than I thought!

toastal ,

Even the $300+ pairs are hardly ‘decent’. The sound signature is all over the place & overly bassy.

GerPrimus ,

Can you replace the battery at the Sonys?

Buffaloaf ,

My hot take: does it matter? How often do people actually need to replace earbud batteries? I'm guessing it's almost never.

GerPrimus ,

If you don't have a chance, or it's made difficult by the design, few people will do it.But if it's easy, maybe more people will do it. Show people a better alternative and some will take it. If the path is good, more will take it. That's how you change the world.

okiloki ,

Every earbud I had broke at least once during their warranty period. My linkbuds S recently broke the third time. Only one of my issues was battery related, but its still nice to have the option to use them after the warranty ends.

Passerby6497 ,

Every 2-3 years in my experience, I'm on my 5th or 6th wireless headset in the last decade, and most of those were replaced because the battery life went to shit. And I've tried multiple brands with no material differences in overall life, but I also use mine throughout the day every day and regularly wear them until I'm forced to charge them.

sweetmartabak , (edited )

Yes. I just replaced the ones in my wife's Sony earphones by following a step by step guide on ifixit. Cost me $15 for the batteries including shipping, and they're not even any sort of exotic type or size.

Edit: okay just read the article. Guess these are a lot more convenient to replace than the Sony ones.

GerPrimus ,

That's the point. If you have devices where parts can be replaced easily and, ideally, inexpensively, I'm happy to spend a little more money.And support the project.

ArdMacha ,

That isn't the point, the cost is.

Honytawk ,

Well, my point is that we wouldn't need wireless headphones if Fairphone still had a headphone jack

Telorand ,

I don't think that would fit on the earbuds.

fubbernuckin ,

Not to mention we already had repairable wired headphones that we can't use now if we get a fairphone.

fubbernuckin ,

Yes, it is good, but this step forward is only the result of an arguably bigger step backward, which is why people are bringing it up.

FrankTheHealer ,

Cool. Their first gen Fair buds were kinda pointless. The headphones though, the Fair buds XL are excellent. I bought a pair recently and I love them.

bluetardis ,
@bluetardis@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wired 3.5mm jack.

Hear me out. I don’t use Bluetooth headphones. They don’t last the commute and work day.

With a jack you can listen and charge you phone at the same time and never worry about charging your headphones/iem.

If I need to use Bluetooth for connection I still can but overall better battery life

JaN0h4ck ,

If you add a 3,5mm jack to those small earbuds, there definitely won't be any space for a battery. It's one or the other.

siipale ,

I think he meant having the 3,5 mm jack in a phone.

MaxHardwood ,

Just to be pedantic; a battery is significantly larger than 2 tiny wires of copper. The battery is almost 50% of the volume in the earbud.

bluetardis ,
@bluetardis@sh.itjust.works avatar

The buds don’t need a jack. Just the lead that connects to the phone or whatever. That takes no real space.

Honytawk ,

I'd give up the space of a battery for a jack, yes

MaxHardwood ,

Which ones are you referring to? What's is your actual use time, like 8+ hours a day without charging? I use cheap generic MPOW ones I got for $40 and they easily last me at least 2 days

fun edit:

With a jack you can listen and charge you phone at the same time

With wireless headphones you can also charge your phone and listen at the same time

bluetardis , (edited )
@bluetardis@sh.itjust.works avatar

So… I was more referring to a 3.5mm jack on the phone.

Commute time is a little over 2hours each way. Office use is 6-8 hours. Listening + calls and needing a microphone.

Would rather not to have to do the dance for multiple devices and chargers vs just one and a single usb input.

Some of the bushes busses and trains have a usb but you have to get lucky and then decide what needs charging more…the phone or the buds.

Give me a wired option any day. Also used less battery power and sounds better.

edit... typo

retrieval4558 ,

Unrelated, but how do you tolerate that length of commute every day? I'd last 3 days before either looking for a new job or a new house.

bluetardis ,
@bluetardis@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well.. It's not a commute that I need to do every day. Also I can (to some extent) work on that commute as the majority of it is on an inter-urban train. Timeboxing tasks to 30 mins or an hour can be quite productive. That said, having decent music and or noise blocking configured for your environment helps a lot. I highly recommend these guys - I have their full app and being able to dial just the right frequencies to deal with whatever is bugging you is amazing...


That said, without my device and quality headphones/iem I wouldn't be able to tolerate it.

MadBob ,

But any reason to prefer wireless is sort of moot because having a 3.5mm jack doesn't preclude a wireless headphone feature.

laughterlaughter ,

With wireless headphones you can also charge your phone and listen at the same time

Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that if I want to use wired headphones, I can't charge my phone. Something I was able to do before, and now it's a "privilege" for wireless users. It's bullshit.

Yawweee877h444 ,

What phone do you have where you can't charge it and use wired headphones?!

I might be out of the loop lol. Is that an iPhone thing? I use android.

laughterlaughter ,

I don't own one. I had to buy one without a phone jack out of necessity (needed a phone right that second), but that's what I've been hearing. You need a dongle to connect your wired earbuds, and while you're using the dongle, you can't charge your phone.

Has this changed?

hedgehog ,

You can buy a USB-C splitter or replace your current dongle with one that gives you the exact ports you want.

For example, the Belkin Rockstar is USB-C to USB-C+3.5mm jack. It’s $40 but there are a ton of cheaper options - JSAUX has a few for $15 or so on Amazon, and there are other no-name branded versions out there for around $10ish.

laughterlaughter ,

Thanks. I will consider them.

Baahb ,

Problem solving:
2 in 1 Samsung USB Type C to 3.5mm Headphone and Charger Adapter for Galaxy S23/S22/S21/S24,60W PD USB C to Aux Audio Jack Dongle Cable Android Phone Fast Charging Cord for iPhone 15,Google Pixel 8/7a https://a.co/d/6dewjjB

JFC y'all are dumb. Just get a goddamn splitter. It's not "privilege" that you get to keep using lead paint in your house, when you can do the same thing without the drawbacks or the lead.

laughterlaughter ,

It’s not “privilege” that you get to keep using lead paint in your house, when you can do the same thing without the drawbacks or the lead.

What a weak ass analogy. A mini-jack doesn't harm anybody.

Honytawk ,

How can you say that! It harms the shareholders of wireless earphones manufacturers!

toastal ,

One thing sibling comments miss is how you can offer a jack & them, as a user, can still use whatever style you want & disregard the jack. It’s a cheap part that takes up some volume but not enough to force an entire redesign. But when manufacturers remove the jack, you are forced users into consuming either the wireless earbuds (that they all ‘conveniently’ sell branded) or cosuming a dongle which takes up the one charging port, are unruly in a way that puts additional stress on the port & make the wires hang awkwardly. Almost all other gear with audio that isn’t a modern smartphone includes the jack which means you can’t bring your existing gear—or it starts prompting every apparatus to start adding Bluetooth capabilities which includes the latency, flakiness, slow pairing but also the security & fingerprinting issues of keeping devices with Bluetooth always on in the first place. Even with replaceable batteries, you still need microcontrollers & firmware delivery.

That is to say, if Fairphone cared about sustainability, they can offer a better earbud on repairability (pressing doubt on the frequency-response curve tho), but they should still be offering a jack on their phones since wired headphones/IEMs are a more sustainable (& private & secure) personal audio option.

CCMan1701A ,

With removable batteries, you can swap in a fresh pair. Not ideal, but a possibility now.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

They're only showing the battery replace in the CASE though, do the headphones themselves not use batteries?

Maven ,
@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

What are you talking about? They show the headphone battery being replaced in the same image as the case. It's a little button cell that hinges out.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

I didn't see that piece, just the case battery.

jayandp ,
Pattyice ,

here's hoping the next Fairphone finally launches new in the US.

Really would love to finally use one.

Jax ,

Wait, why don't they launch in the U.S.?

Pattyice ,

I'm not sure, I assume due to the lock in to carrier stores in the US? Or just expenses of doing business. I can't even order those earbuds to the US.

there is the fairphone 4 on Murena with e/os/ but they don't even have fairphone 5 😭

oeightsix ,

The US market has three big gatekeepers named Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile. They charge huge money to certify devices to work on their networks. No certification and phones won't work properly for mission-critical stuff like VoLTE, VoWiFi, and in some cases 5G. Without these features, no-one will buy the phones.

You also need to be selling a big number of those phones to eat the cost of all that certification. And what do you know, the telcos operate the stores that sell the lion's share of phones in the US market.

All that adds up to niche handsets only working on 1 or 2 of the telcos, or only partially, and only selling direct to consumer or on Amazon or Best Buy or wherever in negligible numbers.

And that's why you can't buy a Fairphone at retail in the US.

szczuroarturo ,

Ok i never understood this. But can i ask wtf is there a certification required for using volte or vowifi ( particulary VoLTE )?

oeightsix ,

It's easy to forget that our pocket computers are also telephones, and thus emergency calling devices. These are regulated with good reason. The operator/their partners have to test the device on their network to ensure it is compliant and emergency calls can be made as expected; they also need to build the VoLTE/VoWiFi/IMS settings for that specific network into the handset's software before it will work - VoLTE has many complications, it is not one size fits all. Accordingly, some operators allow BYOD, while others will only whitelist the specific hardware and software combination they have tested and signed off on.

szczuroarturo ,

So why exatcly 3g or 2g never had this problem.
Also why is that then that i can use 4g internet but somewhow making a phone call on the same network is not allowed?

oeightsix ,

Over 2G and 3G, voice calls are circuit switched. VoLTE and VoNR are packet switched, over IP, VoIP. Totally different. VoLTE is not as standardised as it may seem from the outside whereas 2G and 3G voice calls were.

Internet access is not regulated as an emergency service.

szczuroarturo ,

Does the 5g have the same problems or did they improved it . Because right now that may be a collosal problem if my country ever wanted to turn off 2g ( which to be fair likely wont happen for a long time ).

oeightsix ,

5G NSA does have the same problems since it's 4G with a 5G hat on, although the handset-side software stacks for IMS settings are slowly improving. 5G SA is still too new really.

5G theoretically replaces 2G for low-power machine-to-machine operations like connected power metres, which is the main reason 2G still exists, but of course requires new hardware.

The many joys and customer issues that happen when an older network tech is retired and the spectrum refarmed to the new standard (e.g. shutting down 2G/3G and using the bandwidth for 4G/5G) are well-documented and a smart operator can do it with comparatively minimal friction, it just takes a long time to do it right.

Ruthalas ,

They sell an official version with US antennas through Murena!

Pattyice ,

they sell the fairphone 4 not the 5. And while I'm not against e/os/, that's kind of neat for me I think it'd be awesome if they sold the original model with android with all of Google Spyware lol

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

The bootloader is open so you could throw Fairphone's Android on there no problem. I think they provide the files for that (didn't check so don't know for sure)

Ruthalas ,

This is true.
Hopefully they will soon sell the 5!
I tossed lineageOS on mine, and have felt pleased with it.

Pattyice ,

Did you buy it from fairphone or are you saying you got the fairphone 4 with e/os/ from Mureno?

Ruthalas ,

I bought the 4 from Mureno with e/os/ on it.

Pattyice ,

I'm curious what made you not like e/os/. I'm interested to try it if they do the fairphone 5

Ruthalas ,

I didn't have strong feelings about it, and had extensive experience with LineageOS. I just stuck with what I knew.

yoz ,

If they launch a phone similar to zenphone 10. I'll def buy it.

schrodingers_dinger ,

This would be a dream for me too

toastal ,

ASUS removed the ability to unlock or root their most recent phones. Not letting users run what they want on the device they own is a hard pass from me.

yoz ,

Wtf! Omg fuck these companies

toastal ,

At least the 10 never had the ability. The 9’s ability was yanked in the middle of its lifecycle. I was 🤏 close to buying a 9 on the 10’s release for a discount & I am so glad I opened a second tab to check what the unlock process would be like before a purchase only remembering not long after release the was an OmniROM version. Additionally I was wise enough to see thru the bullshit department (PR) that the feature would “soon return after maintenance” after the unlock servers had already been down for a couple months. Unsurprisingly they were never brought back online & the unlock app was revoked from the downloads page for the device.

smileyhead ,

Buds can be used without an app, but they really should open source it if they really care about long term sustainability.

piyuv ,

Imo its fine if they open source it when they decide to end support. The fact that app has a pristine privacy record is good enough

spez_ ,

Is it? Closed source means it's probably listening and recording and selling

randombullet ,

You can just see which DNS calls it's doing with any DNS overwriter.

spez_ ,

Nah it's encrypted

B0rax ,

You don’t know what DNS is, do you?

Basically your device (for example your phone) needs to know the ip adress of any service it wants to connect to. As you may know these services usually use addresses like Lemmy.org or google.com or whatever.

To know what IP adres is behind these addresses, you device needs to ask a dns server, in a local network (like your own WiFi) this is usually your router, but you can set it to any arbitrary device you want. This way you can see what addresses are being asked for by your device.

So if the app want to send data to some server, it usually needs to resolve the adress first. And you can see that.

spez_ ,

Data 'n stealing

Aria ,

If a device makes an encrypted connection to a server the device makers own, there's nothing further you can gleam from studying the DNS lookups. They can route traffic through the first server, and they can resolve any IPs through the first server. And since you insist the person you're replying to doesn't know what DNS is because they said it's encrypted, I feel you might also not know that DNS can be encrypted. In that case, the network owner can see that a device makes a connection to the nameserver, but they can't see which addresses the nameserver was asked to resolve. And similarly, the device can refuse a connection to the wrong nameserver.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

I mean if you're using something like Firebase on Android, the network calls get bundled with Google Play Services and you have no idea what that's sending up

randombullet ,

But if you have a DNS intercepter/redirect like RethinkDNS or DDG, it should show which queries are coming from which profile

laughterlaughter ,

I'm a fan of open source, but c'mon. There are reasons not yet to open source a product.

potustheplant ,

They should also have a wired option. But I guess that they removed the headphone jack from their latest phone for a reason.

daltotron ,

Every time it comes up I must lament the switch to screens too tall to watch content, the decision to remove wired 3.5mm jacks in order to drive sales of wireless headphones, the switch to increasingly fewer physical buttons. No more IR blaster.

Appoxo ,
@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What do you even need the IR blaster for?

lazylion_ca ,

Restaurant TVs.

MrShankles ,

I use mine all the time. Lobby's, waiting rooms, restaurants, bars... it's really nice to have it available. Especially when it's just me, waiting in the doctor's office, and I don't wanna hear or watch whatever is on. I can just mute it and enjoy the silence, or change the channel. It's not like I'm bothering anyone else anyway, I just don't wanna listen to a Fox News opinion piece at a loud volume, if ain't nobody else is watching either

Kbobabob ,

Instead of messing with other people's things why wouldn't you just put in ear buds?

billgamesh ,

the lobby tvs are so annoying. if i'm alone for a while, i turn one off for a quiet section of the room

MrShankles ,

Or I could probably ask someone who works there to mute it for me, and it would be a non-issue (especially if it's just me in the waiting area)

But I'll just skip the middle man and mute it myself. And then unmute it when I leave or someone else walks in. It quite literally harms nobody and nobody has ever cared. If they did, I'm sure they would tell me and I would remember to bring earbuds/earplugs next time.

I think it's more convenient for everyone, both me and the employee. I don't have to bother them with something trivial, I'm not bothering anyone else. Quite literally a non-issue if you're not being a malicious little asshat

Swedneck ,
@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

bro you are equating muting a TV put there specifically to either advertise to you, or entertain you, to opening someone's dinnerware cupboards. That's just silly.

It takes the staff 3 seconds to undo what you did and no one gives a shit.

DudeImMacGyver ,

You've never lost your remote???

Appoxo ,
@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


witx ,

I think you're just finding reasons to nitpick. I agree with the jack but the fuck you need and IR blaster for?

DudeImMacGyver ,

IR blasters were great!

"Shit, where's the remote? Oh well, I'll just use my phone."

witx , (edited )

If you lose a remote you also lose a phone easily

dRLY ,
@dRLY@lemmy.ml avatar

It is much easier to lose the remote since you only use it when using the TV (or other devices that have remotes). Where as you are much much more likely to be doing stuff on your phone actively. Also you can use various methods for locating your phone. Most remotes on the other hand don't come with the same features for finding them. I am only personally aware of Roku's remotes having the option to press a physical button on the main box, or via the Roku phone app (which can also be used as a remote).

I loved having the IR blaster on my Galaxy S6, and thought it was lame that it wasn't around when I upgraded to my S8+. Though I will say that the pre-installed third-party app got on the enshittification train at some point. As I started getting random ads on my lock screen and found that this app cause. So that would be one thing that kind of made losing the IR blaster suck less. Still it sucks to lose features that were able to exist on my smaller phones now that I started getting the + and Ultra size models. Most certainly could fit the aux port at minimum.

DudeImMacGyver ,

Good thing there's find my phone

daltotron ,

cause it's cool and I like it, which should be reason enough. more practically it works for cases when you lose your remote, maybe cases where you want to change the channel on some TV in a pub somewhere, shit like that. it's fun.

Fish ,

Now I just wish that they would bring their phone to a US provider that is not T-Mobile. I can't buy their phone until it runs on a network that I can use.

boonhet ,

Jesus your country is so messed up :(

exocortex ,

you cannot buy the phone and then choose the provider yourself?

Cube6392 ,
@Cube6392@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah most phones in the us are locked to a network. Some of them are unlocked to certain network vendors but won't work with others (for example if a phone works on Verizon its a near guarantee even if its an unlocked phone it won't work on any other networks)

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It is a pretty simple thing to look up the bands that the phone supports. All of the providers publish the bands that they work on. This is not difficult. This is a manufactured problem.

Cube6392 ,
@Cube6392@beehaw.org avatar

It's true. Its not a coincidence the most hostile telecom (Verizon) is also the one that had a former CEO as chairman of the FCC during the Trump administration. It would be very easy for OEMs to introduce more multiband phones to the market but Verizon has some sweet licensing deals on their network brands.

It's mega gross!

Squizzy ,

Can you not buy the phone and then get whatever sim you want?

ZILtoid1991 ,

Please, just give us back the headphone jacks!

Or let us amputate the legs of techbros (they're obsolete in the world of cars and electric wheelchairs).

soggy_kitty ,

(Downvotes incomming) People still use wired headphones? It's a very small market these days and Lemmy users are simply bubbled power users

RinseDrizzle ,

As a DJ and audiophile in general, yeah I'm not thrilled on headphones using batteries and Bluetooth. I'll give up my hard-line when I'm dead.

Sure, some wireless for exercise or casual use is fine. Full deal breaker if I'm performing though.

MaxHardwood ,

You're doing DJ performance from a phone?

melpomenesclevage ,

I'm not a DJ, but I can listen to high end audio from 3.5mm, even a phone, and you just can't over Bluetooth. Its lossy janky and barely a standard.

MaxHardwood ,

AptX over Bluetooth is lossless and has been available since 2016. Android only though.

Shurimal ,

No, it isn't. It just has higher bitrates, but still not enough for lossless.

RaccoonBall ,
@RaccoonBall@lemm.ee avatar
Shurimal ,

Saying that AptX is lossless since 2016 is blatantly false. And yes, just like with HDMI and USB, AptX standard naming and Qualcomm feature naming schemes are a misleading mess.

There are 4 flavours of AptX (linked article states this as well), and only the latest supports lossless, but is available only on very few chipsets and devices so I even forget that it exists, because for all practical purposes it doesn't.

Denon Perl Pro, Bose earbuds and Cambridge Audio M100 are the only non-chinese earphones that I know of that support AptX lossless and the latter are not even listed by my local importer. Plus, you need a very specific (expensive) phone to use them because AptX Lossless is not available for all chipsets. Basically, Asus ROG 8 or Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro for ones available to buy for me, and then it's not available at every retailer, either, and the b2b wholesalers I have access to through work only list ROG Phone 8 (~1200€ retail).

In conclusion, to make use of lossless AptX you have to jump through many hoops and spend a lot of money—700+€ phone and the 200+€ earphones. The standard is far from being, well, a standard; common and widespread. 99,9% of devices on sale and in use by people only support older AptX standards, mostly AptX HD (which is not lossless!).

melpomenesclevage ,

My experience of Bluetooth has always been settings that I can't change, security issues, and devices that run different implementations on both ends. See 'barely a standard', even when the box for each reads the same standard number.

Which is why I'm so reluctant to call it a standard; it isnt standardized.

toastal ,

There is also the latency if you are playing games with audio cues.

melpomenesclevage ,

Oh. Oh god ive never even tried that. That sounds horrible.

toastal ,

Rhythm game enthusiast use wired headphones & kernel+pipewire settings to further reduce latency—as do musicians for recording on playback. Pro gamers use wired peripherals too for inputs & some even go analog for monitors for lower latency. Is it a stretch to say “wireless” is shorthand for “casual”? 🤔

melpomenesclevage ,

Musicians (at least in studio) tend to use wired for the quality, which just does not exist in wireless. Less a latency thing. Live performers tend to use a monitor (speaker pointed back at them) AFAIK.

toastal ,

I use Guitarix to emulate effects when jamming by myself & the latency matters quite a lot when trying to hear the audio in my in-ear monitors. I couldn’t image using wireless from the bass guitar back to the laptop back to ear buds… would be too much lag to where you wouldn’t be hearing exactly what you are playing & a lot of folks mention using JACK & different kernel parameters for the latency, but I am no expert in these topics.

lazylion_ca , (edited )

Towards the end of my DJ'ing career, I was to the point of showing up to a venue (that had an existing sound system) on my motorcycle with my controller, headphones, microphone (that didn't smell like beer breath) and laptop in a backpack. I'd just plug in and go. But even then the idea of DJ'ing from just a phone or tablet seemed weird to me. I understood the appeal of it but....

The sticking point for most people is stereo. When you throw on AC/DC, you expect to hear the guitar out of the just one speaker but when DJ'ing a large room that doesn't work. Half the room hears the guitar and the other half just hears high hat. So you end up flipping the mono switch, ya know, just for that one song. Then eventually you've done three gigs in a row and realize that it's been mono the whole time and no-one noticed, not even you.

Headphones jacks have two audio out channels. We typically think of them as left and right, but they aren't, that's just how most people use them. Once you get past the mono idea, you realize you have two distinct audio outputs on your phone or tablet. If the music software can do the mono summing instead of the mixer, then then you can hook the "left" output cable to mixer ch 1, and the "right" to ch 2, and play different songs out each. Make sure the same output of the mixer goes to both speakers and you're in business. You just need dj'ing software that can play two different songs at the same time on your phone and interface with a controller, probably via bluetooth.

Now you can show up to a party with just your phone that you were already carrying anyway, plug in to their controller, and make a surprise appearance.

It still weirds me out, but modern phones have the horsepower to do this. They certainly don't have the disk space for a terabyte library, so you aren't going to work a six hour wedding with an iphone, but there are TB SD cards so certain Androids could certainly do this.

There's probably also software that will do everything over bluetooth so a completely wireless phone could work.

I've been out of the game for over a decade. I can't imagine how far the controllers and software have come and don't want to find out because I'm sure my poor wallet can't handle it.

RinseDrizzle ,

Excellent points, appreciate the write up. Better said than I could myself.

I will also note that in my personal experience phone was more of a hail mary when I'd be doing like a wedding reception or private party and needed a tune for client that wasn't already in my USBs. When the tip depends on it, yes, I absolutely DJ with the phone.

lazylion_ca ,

For a while, youtube was a life saver for new songs.

MaxHardwood , (edited )

I agree modern phones have the horsepower to do a full on audio production; how does a 3.5mm jack help in this setup that a multi-bus USB-C DAC or mixer can't do a better job than a driver that's confined to 5mm of space?

lazylion_ca , (edited )

A DAC is definitely the better option in my opinion, especially if your phone doesnt have great audio quality.

When the controllers first came out, they'd cheap out by making the computer process the audio. My first Bherringer controller would convert the mic input to digital and send it to the computer to mix on the sound card. If the computer was disconnected you couldnt use the mic or hook up a cd player.

Some people are just cheap and manufactures will make whatever people will buy. The phone already has audio, so the controller is just that: a bunch of buttons. You dont have speakers built into a keyboard or mouse. A controller is just an HID.

Nelots ,
@Nelots@lemm.ee avatar

I imagine phones no longer having headphone jacks isn't helping the wired headphones market. I'd gladly use wired headphones if it meant I didn't need to charge mine or worry about them dying on me. Aside from working out, it's not like the wire is exactly in the way...

Swedneck ,
@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

no one uses wired headphones until they suddenly really wish they had wired headphones

melpomenesclevage ,

Well, I do.

MrShankles ,

Exactly how I bought mine. Only pair I could find in my house were insufferably cheap and hurt to use. Realized I could get a very decent wired pair for like $20. Love those things now

toastal ,

The low-end Chinese IEMs from the likes of MOONDROP, TRUTHEAR, etc. in that $20 range are surprisingly good if anyone is interested in picking up a spare.

MrShankles ,

I ended up getting a CCA CRA pair, and they're surprisingly good too. Currently $22 for a pair with a mic. It was either those, or MOONDROP, but I think either of them would be well worth the 20 bucks

Wahots ,
@Wahots@pawb.social avatar

Some devices cannot use Bluetooth audio devices, or it's buggy or laggy af. I don't mind wireless buds for the gym, but they sound worse and die before a flight across the US is complete. Wired headsets so don't have to be charged, or if they do have ANC, its usually a replacable battery instead of a rechargeable battery.

I dunno if it's just my Fold 4, but when I ride the train or visit an apartment, I get bombarded by pairing requests from Bose headphones and other bluetooth devices like home speakers. It's probably some setting that Samsung quietly flipped on in a recent patch, but it's really annoying. Fuck off, 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚎'𝚜 𝙱𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝟺𝟻 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜, I don't need pairing notifications every 10 seconds.

MrShankles ,

I use both wireless and wired, depending on what I'm doing. The earbuds fall out when I'm exercising, but have better call-quality because of the noise canceling.

And I use wired for chatting, when playing games with friends on playstation. And I still have an ipod I use occasionally... so I just kinda have both.

I prefer to have a headphone jack on my phone, but I have a dongle adapter for usb-c, if I want to use my wired ones. I would just prefer not to use the adapter if I didn't need to, because I've already had issues with my phone's charging port trying to crap-out on me. The charging port isn't as robust, and you do lose some quality with the dongle. I deal with it just fine; but a headphone jack on a phone might tip me towards purchasing that one, if I were looking to buy a new phone. It depends for me, but it's not the end of the world, just an inconvenience that could easily be avoided

LemmyHead ,

I still have 200 euro wired in ear headphones that are my favorite pair so I need to 3,5mm port. But I never got the loud commotion over the disappearance of the port, because you can easily use a 3,5mm to USB-c cable. Having said that,I do still appreciate such a port in my phone because sometimes I forget to take the cable with me or I lose it.

dvdnet62 ,
@dvdnet62@feddit.nl avatar

Nowadays there is an earbuds with USB C wireless adapter like Anker Soundcore P10 or JBL Quantum. that is good and no pairing

Pilferjinx ,

There's no way I'm spending a lot on a headphone I need to toss in the garbage when the battery becomes useless.

Honytawk ,

Pretty sure the market would be bigger if manufacturers didn't remove the feature in order to push to wireless.

What I like about them is not having a battery, meaning they have a lot less impact on the climate. And it isn't needed when they are always connected to an other device with a battery that is less than 1m away.

Mango ,

Nobody knows what they're missing out on after the early mp3 era conditioned people to be used to shitty audio quality.

ripcord ,
@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

Yep. Lots.

soggy_kitty ,

Less than you think

ripcord ,
@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

Probably not. I'm curious about actual number and not just anecdotes though.

electricprism ,

My 3.5mm AUX says hello

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