@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago

I've been a good boy for 5 years or so but the seas call to me. Are streaming sites the way to go now or is torrenting still a better bet for mainstream movies and tv? I'd imagine all of my accounts have been deleted on those sites so I'd be starting over.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

And you can use it for any torrents, like games & software. It's way cheaper than any streaming site and so much more worth it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Uuuhhhhh wait. So there have been 17 new versions released and people with 7.6 installs just missed it? I think I still have a 7.6 install and this is the first I've heard of this. I would love to know the history of how people are being advised to go from 7 to 24.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Ah, thank you, that makes a lot more sense. I guess I could've done like... the bare minimum of research or something.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I'm doing my part I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I think it would make sense to have a specialised forum for it. The question & answer format requires data that Lemmy just isn't able to fully replicate as it is.

Also the community editable nature of stack exchange is really unique and more like a wiki than a standard forum/branching discussion threads, where we're presumed to have sole ownership of all of our posts.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Basically any member is allowed to edit anyone else's question or answer. The changes may go up before or after review by mods depending on the member's trust level. I've had my questions changed before. It can be kind of annoying but I understand they're doing it to maintain some level of quality.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

No, there are a number of differences. There's questions & answers under which there are comments, and a bunch of other functionality. It's so different to a standard threaded forum that you may as well build a new system from scratch. I honestly think it would be less work than trying to shoehorn lemmy into this role, and have another fediverse ecosystem built around it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It's his party and he'll strip if he wants to.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I bought it in alpha when the language was that you would have every version of the game forever. I did migrate, but if I hadn't microsoft wouldn't give a damn. They certainly haven't given me access to all the new versions.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

That right is something they should not have. Streaming services greenlight shows, get them made, then cancel them after two seasons to prevent artists getting residuals.

Then if they lose popularity they pull them off the site and even the people who worked on them can't see them anymore. Animators have to rely on piracy just to show people their own portfolio. That's where respecting copyright leads.

The copyright owner is just whoever fronted the money, and the only reason we've decided they "own" anything is because people with money have decided money should be the most important thing in our society.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yup, copyright doesn't help artists. Its main purpose is to allow the hoarding of property into the hands of the wealthy, just like basically every other property relation under capitalism.

We can see with things like patreon that people love to support artists they like even if most of their work is free. We really don't need gatekeepers to make art happen.

Does Reddit shadowban mentions of Lemmy?

In the months since I deleted my Reddit accounts and joined Lemmy, the lack of user base growth has made it clear that we need some users to stay on Reddit as a means of shepherding more users over on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, Reddit simply got what it wanted: less users who make a fuss about how it manages its platform...

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yup, this is the answer. We know enshittification will continue apace because history has shown that these companies will never change their behaviour. They are fundamentally fragile systems.

The way to deal with this is not some big marketing push - that's a centralised approach - but to make an antifragile system that will slowly gain users and not lose them en masse. It's the tortoise vs the hare.

Lemmy is the tortoise.

I'm not even too worried about corporate entryism - although I do think we should block them - because they will only make fragile instances and they will be outlasted as long as we keep independent instances alive and healthy.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It's early days still. When this sort of thing triggers an "exodus" users will just shift to other instances, further decentralising the service without unduly hurting the platform. If big instances want to stay relevant they need to not enshittify. If it turns out that's impossible, then instances will have to stay small, which is fine by me. I certainly won't miss the majority of lemmy.world users.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

"Just a heads up for when we do this again: we know that it sucks, and we are doing it anyway."

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

The translation is, "It wasn't us don't get angry, but also it kind of was one of us and also we are sticking by the decision so it may as well have been us." I don't really see that it matters if the story is true - in the best possible case they're just saying that they don't have a way of setting policies and having those policies be followed.

If we've learned anything from centralised platforms it's that size doesn't protect platforms from the consequences of making bad decisions.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Much as I'd love to jump on the lemmy.world hate with your comment, I find they tend to be bog standard liberals with very little political education, not Trump supporters. Also your comment history is still visible in some apps, and it doesn't tell such a clear cut story as you're telling here.

If you are indeed anti-Trump, it's not clear from what you said there. In fact what you said was such a mess that I don't hold out a lot of hope for your response to this comment. I honestly don't blame them for giving you a time out.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

It's even easier with account migration now. I haven't tried it myself but apparently you can just sort of continue from where you left off.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Nexusmods is a pretty reputable, long-lived site to my knowledge, and they have an enormous catalogue of mods all maintained by their creators on the site. I don't know why you wouldn't want to make an account there specifically unless you have some aversion to making accounts in general.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Literally 1 second after I pressed the post button I got an idea and thats what it was. Why does that always happen? xD

You were rubber ducking.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Nah, there's no shame in it, there's a reason it's a phenomenon with a name. At least you posted the solution so now your question might help someone else with a similar problem.

Surfacing Content from Smaller Communities on Lemmy

Before the scaled sort was introduced, the hope was that it would provide a solution to surface posts from smaller communities, without being overrun by memes and political posts from larger communities. However, the scaled sort has been ineffective so far, as most posts appear with a single vote, making it practically the same...

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

This is interesting. So sorting is done server-side, I assume this is for performance. In fact now that I think of it, for a client to implement a custom sort it would need to fetch basically every single post for the entire period, across the entire fediverse, which really doesn't sound practical. At that point the client has effectively become its own local server.

So that means sorting algorithms need to be implemented server-wide.

I wonder if this could be done with plugins that servers could experiment with and modify more easily, rather than being baked into full version updates?

Edit: I have read further down, I understand this is not possible.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Until machines reach end of life and break, and nintendo won't offer any official way of playing the games that people own - because of course they won't. We already know they don't even allow savegame backups without a BS subscription fee.

Emulation and piracy are very important ways of keeping a historical record of digital works that otherwise would vanish. We have countless examples of abandonware being kept alive by piracy.

Also I'm considering jailbreaking my wii because the games I bought - including one just a couple of weeks ago - are becoming impossible to play because the discs just don't last. I've had to clean this second hand one off many times to keep playing it. It's piracy, sure, but without it the entire catalogue would just vanish. If nintendo had their way the only way to keep those games would be to pay them a subscription for the rest of time.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

There are differences:

  1. Copying data through a protocol that purports to be integrated with the network frames that copying as a part of that network. If it was acquired through a bridge that does not respect federation then it is dishonestly coopting the legitimacy of the fediverse. Screenshots or copy-pastes won't have the same appearance of integration and will be intuitively understood by the reader as being lifted from another context. This happens all the time and we're very familiar with it. If copying data were all this was about, this solution should be sufficient.

  2. It brings fediverse users into direct contact with non-federated networks in a way that they have not consented to. The ability to post directly back & forth exposes people to the kinds of discussions that we had previously moderated out of our networks. Defederation is an important tool for limiting the access bad actors have to our discussions, and accepting a situation where we can no longer defederate neuters that tool.

This isn't just about "information wants to be free". This is about keeping the door closed to the bigots, and forcing them to come onto our territory if they want to talk to us, so we can kick them out the moment they show their asses.


Spinning up a new instance then federating with you, then bridging the content from there to the defederated instance.

This is exactly part of the problem with a bridge that doesn't rely on federation. With threads, we could just defederate and forget about it. With a bridge like this, we're playing whackamole with every anonymous instance that bluesky spins up, which they can do easily faster than we can detect them.

If this open source system is told to pack its bags and leave, then yes, they can do it more covertly, but if they do that then they're doing shady shit, and that can be exposed as the shady shit that it is. The point of protesting this is saying that we won't allow this kind of entryism to openly exist on the network.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Seems like the way for reddit to "solve" this is to just close bad subs.

But that's easily exploited, if people migrate to other subs and start protesting the sub closures, those subs get worse and they need to be closed...

Oh no, reddit, did you just discover that you relied on your users to make your site good and by screwing them over you've made your entire business unsustainable at scale?

Also, somewhat related, is there a short snappy name for lemmy communities? Some people call them subs out of habit but I don't wanna do that, and "communities" is four whole syllables, and ain't nobody got time for that.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, the problem is that the subs used to be the only place on the internet where a given community could be mainstream, so being in a position of power means you're stuck trying to make everybody happy.

On federated networks you can have multiple communities with the same local name coexisting, so if you don't like one set of mods you can go elsewhere. I'm not saying that solves all the problems, but it takes off the pressure of being the piracy sub mod.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

You're right, they aren't trying to make something sustainable. I guess I was giving them too much credit when I said that.

The problem they're facing here is that if they can't sustain even the appearance of a functioning site that investors might want to buy, then they fail at that too.

So maybe the best way to fix this is just to ride it out and not close the subs, but if they're just full of users that have finally clocked why mods are needed and that the place sucks now, that's also a bad look.

If the search engines start to realise that it's a cesspit with nothing worth linking to anymore, then that really hits their metrics. I've just realised I really need to get onto downloading my posts and deleting them.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, I don't see anyone adopting "mags" or "zines" either.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I like "group" actually. It's short and descriptive.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I guess "subs" isn't exactly a reddit specific term. I don't even know if it started there tbh.

I've just realised there's nothing wrong with taking some of the language they used, we are after all following the basic link aggregator format.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I can't decide if I hate that or love it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I have firefox and ublock and they're not always working, so I just open the video url in any video player that supports it. In potplayer I just copy the video url and use ctrl+v in the main video window and it opens with no issues.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Activitypub is deliberately designed to allow disconnection as and when needed. Splitting apart is entirely the point of having defederation.

I do not understand this idea that the fediverse was always meant to be some kumbayah peace & love positive vibes only space and that utilising defederation is going to wound its delicate soul.

No. Federation is a system with teeth; if we defang it for the sake of being nice to everyone then it won't be able to achieve its promise of freedom from corporate overlords. Independence and self determination is the point, not being chill and cool and like, totally copacetic with all mankind, man.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

You said:

ActivityPub is meant to connect communities, not split them apart.

This is just blatantly wrong. I was addressing this and only this.

I don't know if I agree with transitive defederation, I did not take a position on it, and I don't know why you're trying to argue it with me except that you know this kumbayah crap isn't a position you can argue.

I just know BS when I smell it, and I'm sick of smelling this particular kind.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

A car without brakes is a death trap. You use brakes exactly in proportion to how much you use the accelerator. Your analogy is garbage. It's like saying "you have a house for the space inside, not for the roof overhead". It's nonsensical.

Federation and defederation are two sides of the same coin. The one is the shadow of the other. Interpersonal boundaries are necessary for healthy relationships IRL, and they mainly come into play when telling people no, not when telling them yes. AP was absolutely designed with disconnection in mind. We know that because it's a core function. If you want to tell me otherwise then you need to give me a quote, and then explain to me why I should care what the designer thinks anyway.

Pretending federation is about connection and not disconnection is disingenuous. It's meaningless fluff that as far as I can tell is perfectly suited to convincing people to let their guard down, and may well have been designed for that purpose.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

What matters is what can be done with the protocol. Defederation is baked in at this point, and if it goes off the rails we can just fork it.

And I can see you don't have anything to back up your claim that federation is somehow an unimportant side feature of federation.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

you’re just really stubbornly defending a position you must realize is a really thin one. [...] that’s a straw man you yourself constructed [...] I think you might have lost sight of what’s rational for pride or something.

All of this is pure projection. You don't need to invent an elaborate fantasy about what a bad thinky person I am in order to make a point, if you have one.

You’re arguing that they implied defederation isn’t important, but that’s a straw man you yourself constructed, not what they said at all.

And this fucking bullshit is just gaslighting. The thread is still here, at least for now. I can read it.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yup, you can do this for any loanword with unusual pluralisation. You can either use the plural form from the source language or from English.

Octopi can also be octopusses for instance, but some people will tell you that's wrong. Ultimately really, if your language is accepted and nobody is confused, it's valid. The rules really aren't as concrete as many people seem to believe.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

That's a theory based on the origin of the word, but nobody says that and if you tried to use it to communicate that idea, most people wouldn't understand what you were talking about. So under a descriptive model of language, no, it isn't octopodes. It's only right if it works, and you can't dictate language rules based on some preconceived idea of what is "correct". Language is negotiated, not mandated.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I would say try it, and you'll find without a lot of context cues, most people won't understand you. Language is fundamentally about communication, so the measure is not whether it conforms to some rote form but whether it is effective at conveying an idea. I would say based on that, octopodes is wrong.

Excrubulent , (edited )
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

So you can’t make an account on this platform if you don’t agree with how it operates? By that logic no criticism of the platform by its users is possible, which is a great way to ensure it never gets better.

Edit: Let me make this clearer:

Saying in effect “yet you participate in lemmy” to dismiss the OP’s concerns is ridiculous. If this logic were taken to its endpoint, there would be no valid criticism of anything lemmy ever did.

Maybe that’s your goal, but I would rather not blindly defend lemmy because I like it. I’d rather make it better, and that starts with criticism.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Okay, since you clearly carefully read and completely agree and support eveything in the Lemmy TOS, please tell me where it says it will keep your comments forever.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

(Also, it continues to be questionable whether it’s actually breaking GDPR rules, and even in that regard, it would be individual server admins responsible for enforcing GDPR compliance.)

Wow I can’t believe you’re criticising the policy that you agreed to when you made your account. Sounds like you need to delete your account and take that kind of talk elsewhere.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Where’s the lie?

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Like perhaps the OP did? Seems like they had to personally accept the TOS, or at least tolerate it, but they also have a critique.

I also still don’t see how “yet you participate in lemmy” is a real answer.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

So do we expect every user to read, understand, accept and agree with the specifications and source code of lemmy before they make an account, and having done so, never make any complaints about it?

This isn’t a difficult calculation - that person was effectively saying “yet you participate in lemmy” as a reason to dismiss any criticism. That should be on the face of it ridiculous. I don’t understand why anyone is taking their side except as a knee-jerk defense of their favourite platform.

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, okay, see that’s a genuine, principled and material explanation with what’s wrong with the OP’s complaint, and I agree. The laws don’t make a lot of sense.

What I don’t agree with, and I think it should be at least as obvious as the point you just made, is that the response, “you can’t make this complaint because you made an account here” is just thoroughly bankrupt. Of course people can make criticisms of the platform whilst having an account here.

Also though, your explanation that it’s in the specs and source code seems like a tacit admission that it’s not in the TOS, so appealing to some supposedly informed agreement to those TOS is doubly wrong.

Pirated video games SOURCE CODE

So there are multiple sites&groups that pirate video games especially on PC. I was wondering if there are places on the internet where you find source code for games especially the highly modifiable ones like Half Life 2/Portal and Skyrim. Or groups that crack into the source code of games (or even software in general), not only...

Excrubulent ,
@Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

I was once at a talk by someone in that company and he straight up said that open sourcing it was a mistake. I assume because that meant they couldn’t sell us a thousand versions of it like Skyrim.

No word of whether its ongoing popularity was at all caused by open sourcing it.

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