@4am@lemmy.world avatar



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  • 4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    This take is riddled with naivety.

    Not only will Meta read, train AI on, aggregate and datamine, and correlate this data with your real identity, but when Meta announces that “the easiest way to be on the fediverse is to just use Threads” then all the people who avoided Mastodon because it was “too complicated” to sign up, all the people who are basically already signed up because they scroll Insta all day, will go with Threads instead of spreading the load out.

    As smaller instances start to drop off under the load, under the lack of interest as threads grows and they shrink, merely mirroring the traffic of a centralized corporate entity, users start to flock to threads for its reliability and speed.

    Then Meta pulls the plug, since “no one really used this ActivityPub thing anyway, it was too technical”.

    Threads isn’t about beating “X” (lol X is in a death spiral, it’s only a matter of time), it’s about ensuring the Fediverse never rises up.

    See what happened with Google Talk and XMPP.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    If “Xitter” is pronounced “shitter” then I can finally get behind the rebrand

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    This. I love the science SpaceX is doing. I love the EV momentum Tesla created (even if their own products are proving to be less than stellar, no pun intended).

    Musk is a huge tool though.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, parler, gab, and voat…

    [Rant] I swear to fucking god. Windows is harder to use than Linux. Have any of you ever USED Windows lately? Holy fuck.

    I’m helping a family member build a pc. He wanted to use Windows because “Linux can’t play games” despite me having a perfectly good gaming laptop running Linux that runs all my games, even graphically intensive ones....

    Why if we see fork, snap always the problem : Canonical LXD forked... ( news.ycombinator.com )

    “Canonical only having snap releases was harmful to adoption. I liked using lxd, but uninstalled snapd (forgetting lxd used it), and my vms obviously stopped. Snap wouldn’t reinstall properly (various inscrutable errors), so I moved it all over to libvirt. I’d still be happily using lxd if it weren’t for Canonical’s...

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Snap seemed like a cool idea until I tried it

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, Linux users have always had a blind spot for dependency hell when talking about freedom of choice.

    Opinion: Distributions that only change non-system pre-installed software or desktop environment should instead be packages or scripts

    The majority of Linux distributions out there seem to be over-engineering their method of distribution. They are not giving us a new distribution of Linux. They are giving us an existing distribution of Linux, but with a different distribution of non-system software (like a different desktop environment or configuration of it)...

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Uninstalling the entire kubuntu package, while reverting to “core Debian” and then installing the Ubuntu package would be more complicated and time-consuming than installing a new OS.

    Just partition off your /home and a reinstall won’t be that big a deal.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Pedantic correction: you only get one answer from a single guard. You can’t ask both for an answer, even if they’re both within earshot.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Can’t the newer ones take off and land as well?

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    The defendant is liable as a perpetrator because it makes its DNS resolver available to Internet users and, through this, it refers to the canna.to service with the infringing download offers relating to the music album in dispute,” the Court wrote.

    Scary, since this could essentially establish a precedent that anyone who hosts DNS must concede to these types of demands. That includes Google, Meta, Verizon, CloudFlare, and every ISP on the planet. As well as the root servers.

    Fuck that noise.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    “Ask all the people in the country who would never say that out loud about their country as they’re under duress as saying that about their country will get them killed in their country”

    Yeah, good plan

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Hey, I don’t have any information about Indonesia specifically; all I’m saying is that if you ask someone if the country they live in is fascist, you’ll get one of three “no”s:

    1. They’ll say no, because it isn’t.
    2. They’ll say no, because it is but they like it, and they know what a bad connotation the word has.
    3. They’ll say no, because it is and they don’t like it, but they know what a ban connotation the word has and they don’t want to be locked up for it.
    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    In a vacuum that’s true, but auto makers seem to want to move away from stuff like Apple CarPlay to their own OEM systems, usually of questionable quality and, I assume, much easier to add subscriptions to.

    Hence enshitification.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    For HackerNews enthusiasts

    • The PRQL compiler is written in Rust
    • We talk about “orthogonal language features” a lot

    LOL spot on tho

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    No, he’s going to get away with it because he has money.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Also close enough to the Xorg logo to be trademark infringement

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Elon Musk wanted to drive Twitter into the dirt once he was forced to buy it. Criticism, jet tracking, rejection of fascist-adjacent opinions that are “logical” but only if you’re a heartless engineering robot.

    His hubris forced him into buying it, but once he had to, he might as well destroy it. How else do you think he got the Saudis in on it for another billion?

    I laughed about this theory at first, just memeing it like “ha could you even imagine?” But every single day it seems more and more like he does the worst thing possible to “monetize” and then gripes about it like the only reason his brilliance isn’t working is because big mean liberal woke mind virus society is trying to do cancel culture because they’re just jealous he’s rich.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, fuck NextCloud!

    Oh you meant Reddit lol

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Wow, I still have an old computer with a “Free Kevin” sticker on it. RIP you absolute legend

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Probably more/better fingerprinting techniques for chromium engine browsers but I feel like if invasive telemetry was discovered in the open-source codebase of the chromium engine we’d hear about it.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    This doesn’t mean that YOUR secrets are exposed by using the image, btw - this means that whomever built that image would be accidentally exposing their secrets.

    Unless you built the image and added your secrets to it and then uploaded it to a public Docker registry. But again, that’s not a flaw in Docker.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Wait so who is the atmosphere and who are the solar winds in this metaphor? I’m having trouble seeing the point through all the pedantry over allegorical choice

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Hub is for the Dev, not the OP (Heh)

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Fixed link for the lazy: scratch

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, exactly. Don’t allow it anywhere, way less chance someone forgets to remove them from the prod build.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    I tried to get microk8s up and running by installing it from a snap since I figured it would be a nice and easy way to get up and running quickly.

    I’ve spent so much time trying to get it working that I haven’t even started to learn k8s yet since I can’t get the damn thing to run.

    I think I’m switching to Debian for my servers.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Privacy Badger often borks streaming sites for me. They have been catching on to the blocklists used by stuff like uBlock Origin and AdGuard as well

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    No one saw “S1m0ne” 20 years ago because they thought it was too far fetched.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Now you can subscribe to your favorite redditor for just $4.99 a month. Get access to premium swag like custom memotikanji you can use in your posts to show off your support! Start an Excitement Bus by gifting subs to other users! Official sub badges next to your username will appear in the comments section of any post made by redditors you’ve subscribed to.

    Also, if you have AliExpress Prime, you get one free non-recurring sub per month.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    GIMP is great but sometimes you don’t need a woodworking shop, you need a butter knife.

    Can you please ELI5 tmux?

    I am fairly familiar with Linux, I’ve been using different distros for some years now and have done some config editing here and there. I am also a web developer and use the terminal quite a lot and so I always stumble on people’s recommendation to use tmux and how good it is, but I never really understood what it does and,...

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Ugh I remembering learning upstart and getting decent with it and then everyone went “nope, systemd”

    Let’s just improve what we have and not change the whole goddamn thing again. That’s more annoying.

    Also, some of the people on hackernews are so cringy. Like, dude we get it there is a bad default. Make your case and stop being a total jerkoff, because no one is going to listen to that guy and I bet that’s like 20% of the reason the other übernerds are digging their heels in about changing it.

    Also fuck systemd 😅

    Question on Proxmox Pools (I'm a bit of a noob)

    I’ve added 2 external USBs of 2TB each to my Proxmox server and created a Resource Pool called USB_HDD containing both. I created an Ubuntu VM, but I can’t allocate all 4TB to it in one go - it only allows me to add each one as a separate SCSI device. When I start to install the OS it only allows the install onto one of the...

    4am , (edited )
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    ZFS can absolutely combine both into a 4TB single volume. Well like 3.78TB but you get the picture.

    Note that, just like any other method which combines disks in a “RAID0” way, if one drive fails you lose everything on both drives.

    But yes as others have said, “Pools” in Proxmox (or, more accurately, “Resource Pools”) are not related to storage but to permissions. A pool of VMs, of network bridges, yeah even storage but they’re not used for creating storage, only controlling access to it in an environment with lots of users (like in an enterprise).

    ZFS and Ceph also use the term “Pool” but in a different context. They’re talking about a pool of combined storage, which is what you are looking for.

    Put each USB disk into a ZFS vdev and then combine the two vdevs into a pool. You can add more drives into the vdev later to create mirrors within the vdev and get a RAID10-like setup once you have the means.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Would it be better to make single-disk vdevs and add them into a pool so you could add a mirror disk to each vdev later?

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Only if you never want to use those disks for anything else on that server

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve heard the latest Debian absolutely slaps; haven’t tried it yet myself though

    It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse. ( kbin.social )

    I don't think many people understand that if they use Lemmy or kbin, they are posting to the fediverse. There are other platforms and will be more to come. Referring to a post on "Lemmy" or "kbin" is like saying you saw a post on your Windows or Mac computer....

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    “We don’t know who struck first - us, or them - but, we do know it was us who blocked out the sun…”

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah what the fuck? It’s literally the exact opposite of the title.

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    HOLY FUCK, you insufferable redditors, this is why people say “you know what? Let’s not use Linux, it is a silly OS”

    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    No, most browsers will do what they’re told. At least with nginx, you have to set up a server to listen on port 80 and send a 301 permanently redirected message with the https URL.

    We need to be able to differentiate between NSFW and porn. ( kbin.social )

    A boob, a butt, or even some violence like one might see on the news anyway, I’m not freaked out about all that and I don’t feel the need to hide it from those around me usually… that’s all fine fine, but I don’t want porn on my feed like at all....

    /kbin logotype
    4am ,
    @4am@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel like “NSFW” was born out of an attempt to appear to not censor. We can probably be more specific here since we have options to avoid censorship of instances. Tags of what kind of content a post contains could help, but they’d need to be standardized somehow.

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