Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate ( )

Meta just announced that they are trying to integrate Threads with ActivityPub (Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.). We need to defederate them if we want to avoid them pushing their crap into fediverse.

If you’re a server admin, please defederate Meta’s domain “”

If you don’t run your own server, please ask your server admin to defederate “”.

Thisfox ,

“Everyone everywhere should federate.”

“Not like that!”

Alsephina ,

We don’t federate with nazi instances either.

Threads has massive homophobic and racist accounts like LibsOnTikTok and MomsForLiberty. We shouldn’t federate with an instance that can’t even take care of banning that.

OtherPetard ,

Better yet, let them enjoy the full connectivity for a month. Once they’ve enjoyed all the awesome content and got used to it - defederate.

Flax_vert ,

Why not just let them choose instead of trying to get users to brigade them? Personally I want my insurance federated with Threads.

dipshit ,

Dumb argument is dumb. We need to defederate the internet! LAN not WAN!

dinckelman ,

Username checks out

dipshit , (edited )

No but really, do you take your email server offline when a new server comes online? This is the same thing. Kinda dumb.

I’m all for defederating instances that are built to cultivate hate. Defederating against what may be one of the largest instances on the fediverse simply because of the corporate backing seems a little antithetical to the goals of the fediverse at large. To be clear, I’m all for defederating against threads if there’s reason to do so - if the instance shows a reason to do so. For instance, if threads becomes a instance that just spews hate, and the mods of the instance can’t get it under control, then defederate! Otherwise, it just seems a bit reactionary for no good reason.

v_raton ,

Sadly i dsagree with you, nobary cares about this peace of junk (seriously, microblog without hashtags?). Also i think is fedverse is a great place in general and i trust in all instances moderators, and any bot or think like this have interesting in us. I don;t worry about, for me is one more day with meta bulshit, thatś it

masterspace ,

Such a dumb fucking loser post.

Go be a paranoid baby by yourself, don’t try and create mass hysteria to ruin the community for everyone else.

sour , avatar

rude ._.

CapitanStrider ,

If I don’t like it I won’t look at it, simple as.

bluefirex ,

And another attempt at blanket hating on a platform for no reason. Be more original, people.

Edit: if YOU don’t like it, sure block it. But don’t force your backwards decision on everyone else.

starlord ,

Pretty nice looking assumption you’ve made, there.

Threads, and especially the people/company behind it, are categorically in opposition to the values of the Fediverse.

Seeing them join us would be like watching a Christian join a Passover Seder by wearing a yarmulke: everyone would be inviting and accepting in spirit but you just know the guy would bring up some inappropriate topics, excuse his own faux pas, and be silently wishing he could convert everyone.

bluefirex , (edited )

Again, if YOU don’t like it, block it. Let me and the silent majority just enjoy this platform, WITH threads people, whether you feel attacked by that or not. Just to make sure everyone can follow: YOU block threads FOR YOURSELF, you do not force that shitty decision on everyone else.

And give me examples, actual proof, that threads is a cesspool. So far I’m not seeing it, I only see crying and bitching about "what if"s. That is just pure hatred. Lemmy is a far worse place because of all this. It’s seriously making me consider to leave ans go back to something where people are actually welcoming, like Threads.

Edit: I’m still missing evidence against Threads. Either there is none or yall haven’t even visited the dn thing before trying to “reason” about it.

sour , avatar

who is silent majority

bluefirex ,

The people not giving a shit about these constructed “worries” of some FOSS-Linux-“please don’t join us, we want to be special” crowd.

sour , avatar

how do you know is exist

chitak166 ,

I want a server where users can make these decisions for themselves.

Fuck this mob-mentality spurred upon by losers.

Clbull ,

I’m not too worried about Threads joining the metaverse. What Mark Zuckerberg has failed to realise is just how barebones his Twitter clone is.

Mastodon has support for trending topics and hashtags. Threads doesn’t. Lacking such an absolutely basic feature that any microblogging platform would otherwise support is why Threads dropped from 500M active users to just a fraction of it.

I joined it near launch, made a few posts and then stopped. There is nothing worthwhile on Threads and I don’t think leeching on to the fediverse.

Also, I can kinda understand why you all rushed to defederate from Gab when they tried to jump on the federation bandwagon, but not Meta.

Zuckerberg doesn’t need us to overtake X. He needs to actually make a functional social media app first, then put more resources into moderating it.

X is still on top despite Elon Musk’s stewardship because his competitors are either too small (most federated instances), require too big of a technical hurdle for the average Joe to use (the fediverse in general), or are downright incompetent (Threads.)

4am , avatar

This take is riddled with naivety.

Not only will Meta read, train AI on, aggregate and datamine, and correlate this data with your real identity, but when Meta announces that “the easiest way to be on the fediverse is to just use Threads” then all the people who avoided Mastodon because it was “too complicated” to sign up, all the people who are basically already signed up because they scroll Insta all day, will go with Threads instead of spreading the load out.

As smaller instances start to drop off under the load, under the lack of interest as threads grows and they shrink, merely mirroring the traffic of a centralized corporate entity, users start to flock to threads for its reliability and speed.

Then Meta pulls the plug, since “no one really used this ActivityPub thing anyway, it was too technical”.

Threads isn’t about beating “X” (lol X is in a death spiral, it’s only a matter of time), it’s about ensuring the Fediverse never rises up.

See what happened with Google Talk and XMPP.

QuaternionsRock ,

Not only will Meta read, train AI on, aggregate and datamine, and correlate this data with your real identity

They undoubtedly do this already. There’s nothing stopping them from setting up an instance that looks like a personal one and pulling all the data the Fediverse has to offer.

AceFuzzLord , avatar

I’m worried because it’s only gonna be a matter of time before fakebook is able to play around enough to get threads to be functional enough for the average user. They may be evil, but they aren’t dumb.

Iapar ,

Could threads generate so much data that it costs to much to keep an instance/server running?

In my opinion all big player are just federating to destroy the fediverse or take it over. Why else would they be here? There is just no need for them to be here exept to kill competition before it gets to big.

Mio ,

I can see that may harm the Fediverse. But, there might be some people that don’t like the threads client and want to use the fediverse to interact with them. This will divide us. Also, trying to have a standard were is blocked is very hard to spread. Maybe has to be default on the server side, or even better, a subscription.

Sanyanov ,

Some instances will inevitably choose to federate, and that might be good, as a fedi gateway to the place.

The point is to save the rest of Fediverse from harm Meta can cause us.

lemmesay , (edited ) avatar

please take a look at the replies under zuck’s own post in and determine if that’s the type of content you want.

for those who don’t want to visit, majority of the commentators are bots. some advertising crypto, and others asking for money.

even if you think you can individually block those accounts, keep in mind the size of threads compared to fediverse.
for Lemmy: monthly active users are barely 150K40K, while for threads it’s 100 million. there’s no chance you can control that inflow of bots.

and if it still doesn’t convince you, you can read threads’ privacy policy, which states that they’ll gather all that pii if you interact with their content.

most of the internet is already bigtech, I don’t want Lemmy to become another arm of it. though I have faith in my instance maintainer and dessalines, the dev.

jimbo ,

which states that they’ll gather all that pii if you interact with their content.

Your public account info, public posts, and interactions are not “PII”, they’re what’s necessary for every instance in the fediverse to work. How do you think people are going to see your name and your posts if their servers can’t access it? There’s literally nothing stopping Meta from hoovering up all that data right now anyway, because it’s PUBLIC.

lemmesay , avatar

sorry, I didn't follow the legal definition of what's PII in the comment.

with meta, just the IP address and one visit is enough to personally identify you though. they have testified before that they have profiles on users who haven't signed up with any of their (dis)services at all.
and threads explicitly states in their privacy policy that they use pixels and web beacons, which they use for this purpose.

masterspace ,

Yeah, but nothing about that changes when federating with them.

ShitOnABrick , avatar

I don’t really have much faith in the developers myself. Considering all the shenanigans they get upto.

lemmesay , avatar

I do however have real faith in the main developer of lemmy, considering his ideology, which is incompatible with bigtech values.

you can even see it from his own profile.

oatscoop , avatar

Even if there were no bots and it was only “real” content from Threads … is that the sort of content we want to have Lemmy flooded with?

masterspace , (edited )

This is dumb gatekeeping nonsense. It’s the exact same asshole bullshit behaviour we saw on Reddit when people complained about it getting popular.

Reddit is far better for reaching a wide audience then it was when it was just a bunch of 20 something nerds in their echo chamber.

sour , avatar

they arent wrong

masterspace ,

Yeah they are.

sour , avatar

how do you know

Zeppo , avatar

Mr @zuck is there any chance of you reading my messages about my request for 2M$ man i have been trying every day to contact you and waiting for your response since last 5 months . I have told you why i am asking you for 2M$ i dont know if you ever read my messages but in short you are the only who can make it happen and if there is someone who can give me 2M$ its only you so please read my messages and please make it happen for us and change our lives I am waiting for you since last 5 months .

Looks like the exact same bullshit as facebook and twitter. There might be better examples of good or bad posting though since Zuckerzuck’s posts are especially spammed out, since splammy people think they’re especially good for visibility.

lemmesay , avatar

yeah, but I didn't want more brain damage sifting through accounts over there lol. but still, when you have a 100 million mau, there are going to be a ton of bots, especially when there are next to no moderators.

Zeppo , avatar

I've barely ever used threads, in a large part because they don't have a fully functional website and require use of an app. So I have no idea.. I assume there's some quality content but I agree that it must be flooded with BS too. I'd be interested in seeing what a Lemmy instance connected to threads looks like. I assume it would wreck browsing 'New'.

Delusion6903 ,

Too bad people on mastodon don’t have the ability to block an instance they find objectionable for themselves-- oh wait.

Not sure about Lemmy, but we can do this on mastodon. I don’t need someone else deciding for me.

Tldr? Couldn’t disagree more

lseif ,

lemmy very recently got this feature.

Scrollone ,

I agree, I don’t want a blanket ban on Threads. I know Meta is a horrible company, but we shouldn’t decide in advance.

Honestly, I’d be very happy to be able to follow people on Threads through my privacy-respecting Mastodon/Lemmy app. Because, let’s be serious: we’re just a bunch of nerds here. If I want to follow famous people or companies, I’m going to find them on Meta’s platforms, not here.

ActivityPub lets me follow those accounts without using Meta’s apps, which are famously riddled with ads, trackers and whatnot.

aldalire ,

It might take time but why not naturally wait for these famous people to expand their network and consider being on lemmy/mastodon? Without having to interact with Threads at all? I feel it would just be a matter of time, and we can adjust on our own terms instead of having to let Threads in.

Yoz ,

Famous people need regulars to follow them. Get more people like you and me and celebrities will follow.

sour , avatar

why do you want to follow famous people and companies

Scrollone ,

Why not? I want to keep up to date with their announcements and products. Famous people could be writers, journalists, whatever.

Following famous people and companies is what 99% of users of “normal” social media do.

sour , avatar

you can join threads

Scrollone ,

I don’t want to use Meta’s apps, because they’re a privacy nightmare. Full of trackers

sour , avatar
chitak166 ,

Yeah, another fail from the design team.

Kinda stupid how much we value having power taken away from us and given to random people on the internet.

sour , avatar

thats what big companies do

ZeroXHunter , avatar

Let the user decide. If lemmy/mastodon user wants to block threads, let them. Defederating entirely is idiotic gatekeeping.

somtwo ,

When all the infrastructure is gone, let the user decide between starving and eating shit.

Schadrach ,

That’s a terrible analogy. That’s like saying that Google running an email service ruined your email and the only solution is for everyone to block all emails from accounts hosted by Google.

Threads federation doesn’t change anything about the rest of Lemmy or Mastodon.

The absolute worst case is that it brings a ton more users into the fold, eternal September style.

lseif ,

i would agree normally, except when its a monolithic company trying to federate

ShitOnABrick , avatar

I agree with this myself. There are better ways of handling platforms than just defederating them instead of Defederating platforms it should be left to the user to decide who they want to block

chitak166 ,

I totally agree! It’s unfortunate you’re being downvoted!

These are literally people who want to make these decisions for you! Fuck them.

sour , avatar

go to other instance

ZeroXHunter , avatar

And these are the people who talk about FREEDOM and FREEWILL. They just don’t understand. 🤦

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