KingThrillgore , avatar

I'm happy for them.


sad that twitter users will jump to literally anything except mastodon. wake me up in 15 years when bluesky finishes its twitter elon musk cycle and it’ll be like i took a 12 second nap

cupcakezealot , avatar

mastodon also refused to implement basic features that make things easier like cross instance searching and quote posting and then started being rude to people asking about them when the initial exodus happened

Flaky , avatar

Same thing is happening with Misskey. A lot of interesting features there that don't federate. Wonder how Bluesky is going to handle that in their protocol.

Sidenote: a lot of confidently incorrect people in the comments for this (not you). Not really getting people on-board with fedi, are they?

qaz ,

I signed up few days ago, but I learned that I still don't care about twitter style platforms. I prefer Reddit like platforms where the focus lies on the subject instead of the person.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, Mastodon never appealed to me, I think I made like 10 tweets total (mostly for promotions of some kind), and I bailed on Facebook when I realized I got no value from it.

But Reddit immediately appealed to me, and Lemmy is good enough.

haui_lemmy , avatar

I kinda get the „this person seems nice/knowledgeable“ but still have issues with the shallowness of conversations, self proclaimed „experts“ and ungodly long and boring posts some of the instances allow for.

For some reason, lemmy allows for even longer posts but here they arent that long and if they are, they’re often structured/formatted, concise and informative instead of just a stream of conciousness.

I feel like twitter-likes need fast, relevant, whitty answers while redditlikes need thought out, deep answers like a forum.

Anyone else feel like this?

qaz ,

I feel like twitter-likes need fast, relevant, whitty answers while redditlikes need thought out, deep answers like a forum.

There are plenty of short witty responses on Reddit-like platforms too, but I think the context influences what people upvote/like. On Twitter, you only see the tweet and the response, but on reddit-like platforms you see the original topic and responses, before scrolling down to see a specific response.

haui_lemmy , avatar

I never said there are no short, witty responses. I‘m saying the majority/most upvoted total imo are the long, great explanations.

I agree that the design influences this.

onlinepersona ,

I wonder how people will feel once more bluesky servers show up and it suddenly becomes "too complicated".


cupcakezealot , avatar

bluesky is great because - at least in my feed - it's pretty much tumblr from 2010 but also a safe haven for trans ppl :)

also book twitter - especially romance book twitter - moved over there and that was my favourite part of twitter.

mub ,

Signed up just to get my ID, and make sure no one else can have it.

cupcakezealot , avatar

if you have a domain you can just make your id anything you want :)

Yerbouti ,

"Mastodon? Why use a free decentralized option when I can give my data to a billionaire?" - People around me.

llii ,

"What could possibly happen?"

HonestMistake_ ,

Surely this one won't end up the same as all the others before.

kelvie ,

There are some advantages to a centralized platform, I hope them being a "public benefit corporation" (haven't had time to study what that means nor much desire cause it's probably a U.S. thing), but as long as it doesn't get enshittifed that's still a net win.

Although obviously this won't be a popular opinion on a decentralized platform like Lemmy.

I'll use this along with Signal (which is non profit), in hopes that it's impossible for them to sell out/sell our data/sell ads.

PanArab , avatar

There’s a bridge in development that should be interesting

makeasnek , (edited ) avatar

Nostr is the way. I think it's going to end up with way more adoption than mastodon or bluesky. I wrote a post comparing nostr vs mastodon if anyone is curious.

qwerty ,

Great post, I was looking for a comparison of nostr and AP because it seemed like basically the same thing to me and your post explained it perfectly. After reading it, I have to agree that nostr is a better solution for the fediverse.

makeasnek , avatar

Glad you liked it :)

Churbleyimyam ,

Could the Nostr protocol be incorporated into existing applications like Lemmy, Pixelfed, Mastodon etc?

makeasnek , (edited ) avatar

It could be "bolted on" to the side, some people are working on that, but there are some very basic premises where they differ which make it difficult (such as an AP account being tied to an instance whereas a nostr account is not). It's like asking "can email be intergrated with discord". Well, yes, kinda, but it's not going to be as smooth as if they used the same underlying protocol in the first place.

aeharding , avatar

Aaaand keyword blocked. Tired of this VC shit showing up on my feed.

onlinepersona ,

Wait, how do you do that? I want to block bluesky and twitter bullshit too.


aeharding , avatar

Its a feature of Voyager (and other 3rd party apps)

onlinepersona ,

I see. Thanks.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Eh, I like seeing it. I'm not going to use Bluesky or anything similar, but I think it's important to stay informed. People are going to talk about it, and if it blows up, it'll become politically relevant.

fin OP ,
skweetis ,

The only thing I care about is: Will this be enough to pull critical mass from Twitter? I don't think I'll ever join, because twitter life made me very unhappy, but the sooner journalists and high-volume celebs move off twitter, the sooner it can be relegated to Truth Social 2 and that, I think, will make the world a slightly better place.

yamanii , avatar

Jack is (or was) a muskrat fan, I'll probably migrate there when every artist that I care about starts going, but I prefer to stay here and on misskey.

nix , avatar

The best thing about bluesky is they have the custom feeds and now you can have your following feed include some posts from your custom feeds. So its a mix of “following” (chronological) and for you (custom feed) which is great

JoYo , avatar

lmk when they bother to federate.

otherwise it’s just a worse twitter.

jacaw ,

Later this month, according to their blog.

Blackout , avatar

Bot farms are always early adopters

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