kaine ,

Now that is based as hell.

virtueisdead ,

ngl i consistently have a better experience running games through wine than using their native versions. linux ports are often completely dysfunctional and it sucks ass

Honytawk ,

Well, you can’t blame developers to not cater to their 1% player base. Especially since that group usually have the most problems and requires more development time.

intrepid ,

I don’t remember exactly who, but there was one game developer who was all praises for that 1%. The Linux users were the most prolific testers who sent back detailed bug reports with ways to recreate the bug, logs and often core dumps even. That 1% helped the devs, as well as the other 99%.

inetknght ,
smileyhead ,

Market share and earnings are not everything. We understand why game developers could not want to port their stuff, but the point is not to blame operating system that has nothing to do with it and focus trying to convience developers to support user-friendly systems at least out of principle even if it is not the most revenue generating decition.

Fizz ,
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

If it’s anti cheat stopping it I blame the game. If it’s a bug or poor performance I just say oh well it will work one day.

disconnectikacio , (edited )

If a game cant be run on linux, thats usually intentional. Microshit at least gives discounts to the developer if the game runs only on their shit. Also m$ have some of components that ultimately lock things to wincrap, for example d3d is meant to do this. Microsoft is a cancerm just like google become one

theshatterstone54 ,

Time to flip it around. Windows is a cancer.

Funnily enough, Ballmer backtracked on his “Linux is a cancer” when he saw Satya Nadella (current M$ CEO), make M$ (and its shareholders, which includes Ballmer), a lot of money off Linux through Cloud, or more specifically, Azure.

disconnectikacio , (edited )

I think microsoft is the cancer (and google), not just windows alone. Teams is also like a crime against human kind, just like office, and the xbox publisher octopus.

merthyr1831 ,

Paladins is a pain for this. Game runs fine on proton, and all it needs is some work with EAC to enable linux on multiplayer but despite all the requests they’ve yet to bother.

Hubi ,

Same thing with Post Scriptum, even though the devs other game, Squad, works perfectly fine with proton…

peanutbutter_gas ,

I’m pretty sure it’s rather simple for the developer to enable EAC for Linux. (www.protondb.com/news/steam-deck-eac-update)

I’ve noticed a lot more games that I can play now with EAC. I don’t know why some devs are dragging their feet on this.

merthyr1831 ,

Halo MCC devs complained the port to EAC is harder than Valve claimed but even they went to the effort to enable it.

I have no idea what could hold up other devs to do the same.

Fredol ,

Ny friend, if you play Paladins, you have much bigger problems than EAC

merthyr1831 ,

It was a pretty fun game to play on the Switch ngl. Might just give in and play overwatch tho

Rooty ,

At this point I wouldn’t be suprised that some dev companies are taking Microsoft kickback money under the table. There is really no excuse for a game not to work on Linux natively on 2023.

alteropen ,

@Rooty @Uluganda you mean apart from the extra work it takes for devs to give support to the platform, a platform where they will get less than 1% of sales.

saying "theres no excuse" is just delusional

Rooty ,

Steam decks and other deck PCs are rapidly gaining ground, not to mention that steam runs natively on Linux. The “less than 1% marketshare” meme is 20 years old at this point and no longer relevant. Once again, there is no excuse.

alteropen ,

@Rooty even 3 - 5% is not worth it for a lot of devs for the amount of time it would take. you must also consider every update also needing the same care taken to it. financially small devs don't have the resources and big devs know it would eat into their profits

flashgnash ,

I don’t think it neccesarily takes much to make a game compatible, from what I hear at this point it basically just consists of not doing really weird things with your game and not choosing an anti cheat that doesn’t work

By the fact basically every indie game I’ve ever tried has worked flawlessly in proton I’d say there’s no excuse for new triple a games not to

alteropen ,

@flashgnash yeah they work in proton... that's not native linux. porting a windows game to native Linux is more trouble that its worth for most devs hence projects like proton

flashgnash ,

I guess so but I honestly think proton is the way forward for Linux gaming, as far as I can tell they run just as well if not better under proton than on windows

erwan ,

It’s still less than 5%, so unfortunately it’s still at a level they can ignore.

We need more gaming devices that ship with Linux out of the box, like the Steam Deck. Market share is not going to go up only with PC gamers choosing Linux over Windows.

mnemonicmonkeys ,

Plus it’s actually 3% market share now

dino ,

what kind of support mate? jesus I hate this argument. As if publisher do anything out of the ordinary to provide linux compatbility. All the work was done by valve already or is still being done.

Cornelius ,

Look at no man’s sky and how they in the past have had to patch their game for Linux via proton. It happens, proton is not perfect and it never will be

dunestorm ,
@dunestorm@lemmy.world avatar

Well, the thing is that developers need to go out of their way to intentionally break Linux support. The community does 99% of the work in most cases. Launchers, along with anti-cheat are the most egregious.

Anti-cheat I can semi-understand, the developer has to do some work, but popular anti-cheats support Linux no problem.

Launchers, however are 100% useless other than Steam itself, I wish Valve would ban third-party launchers. I wouldn’t be surprised though if some publishers would pull their games from Steam if Valve outright banned them.

thepiguy ,

I mean, it is not a fault on Linux’s end. We have all the tools we need in the form of wine and dxvk, it’s the game which fails to work due to some obscure dependency or a mandatory rootkit. One great example is genshin- the game itself works flawlessly, but it has a rootkit which obviously does not work on Linux and you have to patch it out.

dansity ,

I’m blaming companies making a windows and linux version of a software while the linux version is wastly inferior, full of bugs and unstable. I do love the OS but the software experience sometimes ruining it.

merthyr1831 ,

Yeah as long as proton works fine I’d rather use that over a buggy port. Usually works better for the devs too since they can target one API and binary and just debug whatever makes proton poop itself afterwards.

MooseBoys ,

I blame Linux distros for being too complicated and unintuitive for 95% of the population, which in turn gives it a negligible market share from a game development perspective.

isVeryLoud ,
@isVeryLoud@lemmy.ca avatar

Huh? Have you touched a GNOME-based distro recently? It’s easier to install and use than Windows 11

Jumuta ,
@Jumuta@sh.itjust.works avatar

seriously though the installation experience on kde/gnome is so much nicer than windows, if the hardware is compatible and the tpm/secure boot bullshit is turned off

Agent641 ,

Blaming myself because I put the CD in upside down

banazir ,
@banazir@lemmy.ml avatar

CD? What’s that grampa?

pastermil ,

I’ve had issue with Stray not detecting my game controller. Went to the customer service and they told me it only runs on Windows…

I’ve successfully run it, only missing the controller support. Turns out I needed to install the udev support to solve it.

merthyr1831 ,

Weird. stray ran great on my deck out of the box via proton. Glad you got to play it though!

pastermil ,

It was missing a udev setting. Fixed it by installing a package.

RoyaltyInTraining ,
@RoyaltyInTraining@lemmy.world avatar

To be fair, game programming is very often hot garbage. Most things I run do not respond for a while at startup. How difficult can it be to decouple your threads?

mvirts ,

Don’t cross the streams

ChiefSinner ,

I was just thinking about this the other day…like games are optized for windows usually, but windows is not optimized for games. A fresh Windows 10 runs at 2gb ram on idle. It all went down hill for gamers when Microsoft killed xp

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

RAM is the cheapest upgrade possible, unless you’re trying to run a game on 8GB in 2023 idk why you’d be that concerned with RAM usage.

ChiefSinner ,

Me running on lxde using 512mb: 😎

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Then you’ll turn around and tell me to use Firefox even though Vivaldi runs on half the RAM.

Your guaranteed response?

“Well you have it, might as well use it!”

Cool, exactly how I feel about the OS. Who cares if it can’t run on less than a GB. I gave 32GB and can’t use all of it if I wanted to even with all my monitors full of applications. Don’t see a difference in the argument.

Estebiu ,
@Estebiu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“Why would you want to run your entire DE in under 500mb ram?”

“Cuz it’s cool”

My arch install runs at 700mb without nothing opened. Yeah, I know I always have Thunderbird/firefox/telegram/mpv opened and my usage skyrockets to 10/11gb on medium, but knowing that my DE only occupies a very small portion of that is pleasant.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, if minimizing the amount of hardware your OS runs on is fun for you go ahead. I’m not trying to tell you it’s wrong, I think it’s badass.

It just isn’t a factor in being “optimized for gaming” when the average system has 8-16GB to spare even under gaming load. That’s like saying your car isn’t “optimized for driving” based purely on MPG and eschewing all other metrics.

Deepus ,

…Boss man!

abbotsbury ,
@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Perpetual software bloat should not be encouraged; idling at 2GB is fucking insane

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Compared to what? And based on what advancement of technology and software? What should it take? Cause we can strip features all day long until we get there.

pastermil ,

Compared to Linux which idle at half a gig with the most bloated DE. Hell, even Mac isn’t that bad.

abbotsbury ,
@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Cause we can strip features all day long until we get there.

Good? Okay? We need more minimalism

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

That’s an opinion, your OS can have whatever you want with however much bloat you want your hardware to have to handle.

abbotsbury ,
@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

your OS can have whatever you want with however much bloat you want

No, it can’t, because you can’t remove the bloat, dummy, that’s the entire point of the problem. People wouldn’t care if they could just remove the bullshit.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

You want a Linux install to take up less RAM? Install a lightweight distro like Endeavor or regular Arch and go with an absolutely minimal build.

You want that with Windows? There are ISO’s that have Cortana and other preinstalled bloatware already removed, etc. Or you can do the same with PowerShell post-install.

The more I hear Linux purists talk the more it’s clear their knowledge of windows is either incredibly basic with no attempt to actually learn or fifteen years out of date. Usually both.

BaconIsAVeg ,

Really? My arch install is idling at 2.8gb. Picom (310mb), XOrg (160mb) and pipewire (140mb) are big chunks, and kitty isn’t cheap either but the rest is mainly sub 50mb services that all add up. I’m not running anything heavy like Gnome or KDE either, just bspwm and 2 polybar instances (one for each monitor).

abbotsbury ,
@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that sounds fishy, a default KDE installation of Fedora would at least be under a gig for me

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

My fedora install idles at about 1.5GB.

theshatterstone54 ,

How heavy is your kitty? It usually averages at 40-45 Mb on a new window for me (with custom zsh with starship and some plugins, and customised neofetch)

BaconIsAVeg , (edited )


Yeah that’s weird, after a systemctl soft-reboot, both picom and xorg’s memory usage is way down. Either way, it’s still not that unreasonable to see Windows idling at 2GB.

vacuumflower ,

Trying on 6GB. As a Linux user I usually don’t need more RAM, so haven’t added any yet.

drathvedro ,

RAM is the cheapest upgrade possible

Unless you use laptop with soldered-in RAM and insane pricing options.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve never seen a laptop with soldered RAM, they’ve all been pop and swap in my experience.

GPU/CPU, yeah. Always soldered.

drathvedro , (edited )

I’ll tell you more, there are even hybrids out there nowadays like this ASUS Pro Duo 15 SE with two sticks, one of which is soldered in. The Zenbook variant has both soldered in. And that’s why I’m burning 300w of electricity typing this message on Zephyrus…

mvirts ,

Meh swap is pretty crazy, I am squeezing modded Minecraft in 4gb ram on win10, it takes about 10 minutes to load, but by the time the first few chunks are rendered I think most pages are swapped to disk, letting java take almost the full 4 gigs. Don’t ask why I’m doing this, exactly 😅

GenBlob ,
@GenBlob@lemm.ee avatar

If there’s a game that can’t run on Linux in the current year then that’s intentional and it’s not worth anyone’s money.

LinyosT ,

You almost have to go out of your way to make a game incompatible with linux. Considering wine/proton and their various forks cover the vast majority of things at this point.

Even with ACs, the two most used ones completely support Linux. One is completely out of the box, maybe even as far as linux support being opt out. The other requires you to contact its developers to enable compatibility their end iirc.

frazorth ,

I don’t agree. There are cases with Windows only root kits for DRM, but there are also games that don’t work because of bugs. You see games coming out that barely work on Windows.

theshatterstone54 ,

Yeah, there’s this very obscure match-3 game I wanted to play because of nostalgia. The series peaked with 3 and 4 (and those are the ones we played on the family computer circa 2015) and worked perfectly on Windows. Now 3 works perfectly (in terms of compatibility) but 4 was better (in terms of gameplay). 4 is marked as borked, last I checked. For anyone wondering, it’s The Treasures of Montezuma series.

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