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Did I just solve the packaging problem? (please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong)

You know what I just realised? These "universal formats" were created to make it easier for developers to package software for Linux, and there just so happens to be this thing called the Open Build Service by OpenSUSE, which allows you to package for Debian and Ubuntu (deb), Fedora and RHEL (rpm) and SUSE and OpenSUSE (also...

theshatterstone54 OP ,

Yeah, but

  1. Using a tool that allows you to build using OBS once, and distribute for all distros is already a solution that makes it possible to target all of Linux.

  2. Flatpak's sandbox isn't really doing much for security/privacy as addressed by this: (Main concerns relate to pretty much every app escaping the sandbox making the sandbox essentially useless, and concerns that application runtimes bundled with flatpak are far less likely to be updated and patched than dependencies on your host system, and runtimes often actively contain security holes that are unpatched for runtime versions still used by applications.


I have to agree that if it gets companies to support more Linux software, then I'm sure we can deal with it. HOWEVER, there is another issue, the issue of confusion. After all, isn't one of the main reasons for trying to get more software on Linux, to use that software to get more people to use Linux? For that we need a more user-friendly approach, we need to figure out how to get less permissive, well, permissions, to applications, as well as to apply system theming by default (I know theming is controversial with the whole "don't theme my apps" debacle but I think it would be great to have

AND YES, this post was mostly an experiment to see what people think and how they'd react to differing opinions different from the status quo. I'm actually team Flatpak. I think what Ubuntu has recently done to improve Snap speeds is great (now if only all the apps on Snapcraft updated to implement it all), but almost no apps have taken advantage of it. AppImage shows some promise in its simplicity, but that sacrifices a lot of usability and makes a lot of the improvements seen in snap and especially in Flatpak near-impossible (for example theming and .desktop file support).

I'll be honest, probably the only issues I have with flatpak are:

  1. having to type the whole thing. What I mean is running "flatpak run one.ablaze.floorp" instead of just "floorp", for example. How about we do away with the whole "org.ablaze.floorp" and make it possible to just use "floorp", the same way you can do that during an installation! If it's been implemented for "flatpak install", why not "flatpak run", and even better, why not make it into some sort of alias, where you can run, say, "floorp-flatpak" from Terminal or a Run launcher?

  2. Flatseal. I mean, Flathub has THE control center for Flatpak apps and nobody has taken it upon themselves to make this more official (this should be like a standard package imo).

  3. Also for Flatseal specifically, can we make it easier to theme (gtk and qt) apps, (like a dropdown or something?) instead of having to look up the envvar name because I can't remember it?

  4. Can we find a way to force apps that don't really need full filesystem permissions to remove that? Maybe just have certain user folders, like Downloads and Pictures instead of the entire home directory as most apps simply don't need this level of access? Maybe make the Flathub team decide on a case by case basis if the app really needs all that access and ask the dev to restrict that as a requirement for being added to Flathub? If you claim to offer security and privacy, might as well prove it.

I think that's about it.

theshatterstone54 ,

Great! I forgot that Latex was on my mental list of things to learn/look into, so now I can add it on my actual written list, and bookmark this page.

theshatterstone54 ,

Framebuffer? Oh, but mouse... GPM? But it probably doesn't work in a framebuffer...

theshatterstone54 ,

It's a mouse in console, essentially. A mouse in the tty

theshatterstone54 ,

Are you serious? Every sane desktop is working on accessibility. I recently heard from System76 that they're putting in the effort for COSMIC, we have GNOME focusing a portion of that €1 million they got from Germany, on accessibility (last I heard, they're working on cross-desktop solutions). Now, I don't remember hearing much from Plasma on accessibility, but I think it's fair to assume they're also working on it.

theshatterstone54 ,

I believe Iced will replace Qt and GTK in the coming years

Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

In all seriousness, that sounds like an impossible dream, kinda like the "year of the Linux desktop".

The only question I have with regards to Iced is, how flexible is its theming, cuz COSMIC's theming is not that flexible. It's alright, but not the best.

theshatterstone54 ,

Yeah, but how about Yast for all??? How about taking what Yast does, and replicating it for Debian-based or Fedora- or Arch-based distros? They all use Systemd and they are all pretty similar in everything, except the package manager, package availability, and release cycles.

theshatterstone54 ,

Please don't delete your comment. I find it very annoying to follow a conversation when one party has deleted their half of correspondence. Here's a comment tgat suggests otherwise, seeing as they had a Stand on FOSDEM '24:

An article about their changes in release cycle that suggests they're still updating it: (More Specifically, the first paragraph under the "What will happen to the current Ubuntu Touch OTAs based on Ubuntu 20.04 suggests they will be working on releasing 24.04 when that happens.

So that's about the "still in development recently".

As for "only 2 guys" a quick look seems to suggest you're right.

Regardless, if I had to switch to or at least try Mobile Linux, I'd be going for Postmarket OS, Mobian or Droidian in that order of priority as Postmarket OS seems to be the most popular and well-maintained of them all while also being the most cool and featureful one (imo).

theshatterstone54 ,

Yeah, I use Clickbait Remover, Sponsorblock, Improve Youtube (or ImprovedTube), Distraction-Free Youtube, Return Youtube Dislike, and of course, Ublock Origin, to make Youtube work well for me. That's 6 extensions, 5 of which are about Youtube only. 5/11 of my extensions are for Youtube Only.

For anyone curious, the others are enhanced-264-ify, User Agent Switcher, Dark Reader, Brave Search and Tabliss.

theshatterstone54 ,

Yeah, I'm actually in both camps as I used K9 before even starting to use Thunderbird, and I was already a user of both when they announced this whole thing which made me super excited mainly because of Thunderbird's automatically detecting incoming and outgoing servers.

theshatterstone54 ,

Yes, I'm on Fedora 40 and I can't recommend this enough! Also, enable fastestmirror and parallel downloads (and also defaultyes if you want)!

theshatterstone54 ,

Omg it's Computerphile and Dr. Mike Pound! He's a lecturer at the Uni of Nottingham where I'm studying! Met him and other Computerphile lecturers a few times (I even had some of them as my lecturers) and they're all a wonderful bunch!

theshatterstone54 ,

Good stuff! COSMIC is one of the major tech releases I'm actively looking forward to this year!

theshatterstone54 ,

How are you running COSMIC? I'm on Fedora.

theshatterstone54 ,

And it works and seems to be regularly updated! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

theshatterstone54 , (edited )

You're not missing out on much

Seems that you're right. It's almost usable currently, but it lacks some essential things for me, mainly some further snappiness and customisable key binds (old habits die hard and I'm not adapting my habits and workflow to new keybinds).

But after these get fixed, I can see myself potentially running COSMIC. This makes me even more excited for what the future will bring.

Edit: Also, sloppy focus aka focus-follows-mouse

And an option for static workspaces i.e a set number of workspaces that are constantly there, instead of dynamic workspaces that close with your windows and change your workflow because you closed the window on Workspace 4 so workspace 5 is now workspace 4 so when you go looking for the window on workspace 5, it's not there.

theshatterstone54 ,

I don't like light themes because they can be too bright, even on lower brightness but this... I kinda like it. In fact, it reminds me of this Brodie Robertson video on Light Themes: (I'm counting on the Piped bot to offer a more private way of playing the video)

TLDW: Modern Light themes are bad because they're blinding and too bright. A good light theme will not be just white but something that isn't as bright while still looking good and not blinding you.

theshatterstone54 ,

Good bot!

theshatterstone54 ,

GNOME doesn't break, extensions do.

theshatterstone54 ,

*he says as GNOME is literally THE desktop to go against EVERY OTHER DESKTOP on Wayland issues and to keep on delaying major fixes further for bullshit reasons. Delaying or not adding features users want, for ideological reasons is the exact reason that Wayland is still not ready even though development started in 2008.

theshatterstone54 ,

Okay, I agree with that. CSD/SSD is a great example

theshatterstone54 ,

Is Blackrock a major investor in either or both of them?

theshatterstone54 ,

Not really. They just get replaced by the people leading the revolution (there are exceptions of course, like Robespierre in the French Revolution).

theshatterstone54 ,

Github-associated emails

I hope this gets taken seriously by CISA and they are ntact Microsoft and the email providers to see what sort of information can be found out about these "individuals". I'm usually against tracking but in this case, it can help us understand more about the malicious actors, like, are their IPs coming from a certain state, or are they all isong a VPN, and if so, which one? And then, if applicable, getting in touch with the VPN provider and getting as much data as possible.

How about using that data to aid in investigations (as it jas beem done mamy times before)? I mean, imagine this turns out to be a state actor! We need to know what's happening. We need to know if these are connected. And this information can help predict their next move.

To quote Gandalf from the LOTR films (not sure if that quote is in the books):

"Send word to all our allies... The enemy's moving against us. We need to know where he will strike".

Also, first they tried to strike Linux systems, then they tried to strike the Web. What's next? If anyone has any ideas, feel free to share them here, as we can get an idea of what projects need to be more vigilant.

theshatterstone54 ,

They're not yet switching to GTK3. They're backporting GTK3 features to GTK2.

theshatterstone54 ,

I've been wondering about how feasible an all-systemd system would be. Like, take Arch and do a manual install but replace everything possible with systemd. Resolved, networkd, (whatever the fstab alternative is called), systemd-boot (of course) etc. And just have everything replaced by systemd as much as possible. It's an interesting idea and ClearLinux essentially did just that so I might check it out for inspiration.

theshatterstone54 ,

Holy crap, that dude is just next level. He's talking about getting absolutely everything encrypted, and here I am, not even having my root partition encrypted.

theshatterstone54 , (edited )

I really like the idea of user-friendly selfhosting (which is essentially what this company is offering, I mean hell, I've had similar business ideas floating around in my head too) BUT any company that has:

  1. an in-the-know marketing team

  2. Any employees that are somewhat technical enough (which should be guaranteed for a company with this sort of product

  3. NOT a scam

Would know what a HUGE risk reputation-wise it is to showcase crypto-related selfhosting on the FRONT page. It's like a "build-a-red-flag" or "destroy-our-reputation" speedrun. Even IF you want to offer this, anyone in-the-know with at least 3 braincells would bury this deep in the page and make it difficult to find (if they were well-intentioned in the first place) because at this point anything crypto, especially being the main offering, is a huge red flag.

If instead, they offered a nextcloud instance, for example, or Pihole as an adblocker, or some other good and common services, maybe a selfhosted VPN (or maybe not, because of the stupid and misleading ads of VPN companies), they would be seen as 100% more legit.

Edit: Just checked their marketplace and they have:







Their own service for TOR pages

Ghost (a blogging platform)

SearxNG (a search engine)

I mean, add Wordpress, Pihole and some other friendly services, and advertise THOSE!!! Build your own Google (SearxNG)! Build your own MS Office online and OneDrive (Nextcloud)! Build your own Github (Gitea)! Build your own Discord (Matrix)! Build your own password manager (Vaultwarden)! Build your own Netflix (Jellyfin)!

theshatterstone54 ,

Fair point. But even if they were legit in any way, I'm already positioned not to trust them.

theshatterstone54 ,

The day Louis pets the cat will be a legendary one

theshatterstone54 ,

Here's the thing: I'm excited about the tech and its potential uses. BUT there's a reason why I still steer clear of any project that hasn't built up reputation for years. If the project is worthwhile, early adopters will find out and eventually, it will grow over many years. Then it could be considered somewhat "trustworthy".

theshatterstone54 ,

Yes. Numerous COPR repos not updated aside, my sddm theme broke and doesn't detect Qtgraphicaleffects (which is installed). You know what the weirdest part is? There are 2 "dependencies" for the theme: quickcontrols and graphicaleffects, and luckily, quickcontrols was detected properly. I ended up rewriting the theme, and while it works, it is far from where it needs to be. Safe to say, I'm very annoyed.

Edit: I actually did a clean install, as I tried some other distros a few days before F40 released.

theshatterstone54 ,

I don't use plasma so definitely not plasma issues. I use SDDM on the Sway Edition and then install Hyprland as my Wayland Compositor of choice.

Enabling Tap-to-click in SDDM Wayland (Fedora 40 Sway)? (SOLVED)

Essentially as the title says, I'm running SDDM with the Wayland backend on Fedora 40 Sway edition and I want to enable tap-to-click for my touchpad. Any ideas on how I can do that? I tried doing it in the xorf config but then I realised the x server isn't even installed so SDDM is actually running on Wayland, and I don't know...

theshatterstone54 OP ,

I should have clarified, as I don't have plasma installed, I don't think sddm can use kwin.

In fact, the docs say it normally uses "weston --kiosk" by default

theshatterstone54 OP ,

What AI service did you use to get this? It doesn't work, but ChatGPT (3.5) just told me to edit the xorg config to add tap-to-click (which I did but it didn't do anything, probably because X11 is not installed)

theshatterstone54 ,

Everyone I've heard mention it pronounces it as antics so I guess that's the right one

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • theshatterstone54 ,

    The arrow is the "prompt", which you currently haven't set. It's in the wofi config.

    theshatterstone54 ,

    And that's why It's great to have choice. Also, if you start off in CLI, it can be quite overwhelming. The first time I had to partition my drive I was super scared not to mess it up. A few months later I knew exactly what I was doing.... when I was using a graphical installer or Gparted. Earlier today, I partitioned my drive using cfdisk (fdisk feels kinda painful; press this, then this, and if, like me, you don't know the commands by heart, it can take too long), and I installed Arch manually cuz I was bored. It was my first time doing a manual install with systemd-boot (always did grub in the past), so I didn't realise I had to write my own boot entries for all 3 kernels (mainline, zen and lts), and because of font issues, I just switched back to Fedora (going up a version from 39 to 40 in the process) where I had an issue with a qt component that meant my sddm theme was not working. It isn't the theme's fault, that's for sure, as it worked perfectly on Fedora 39 and elsewhere, and because pretty much all themes I could find relied on this qt module (it's qtgraphicaleffects, packaged as qt5-qtgraphicaleffects on Fedora) , I got a bit angry and then sat down and rewrote the theme, removing any dependency on graphicaleffects (was only used for drop shadows in some popups), though for some reason some of the colours also got a bit funky but it works and it works well (I also had to hide one of the popups but it wasn't an essential one).

    But I digress. Point is, if it's more comfortable for you, you'll use it. If it isn't but you want it to be, then to ill force yourself to use and get better. If you don't, you just won't. That's the power of choice in Linux.

    theshatterstone54 ,

    I agree that standardisation is good, but sudo is already a standard. If anything, I think this might, once again, split things further by creating another competing standard. It's like that XKCD. But to be honest, I'm not an admin or enterprise customer yet, so I don't know if this might not be an improvement. On an individual level, I'd be okay with run0 becoming a standard if it's good enough, as long as we get a sudoedit or "sudo -e" replacement too, as I only discovered it about 2 months ago, but I already use it a lot.

    theshatterstone54 ,

    If RHEL is as shit as you say, what do you recommend companies switch to?

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