A tokenizer for EBNF written in R7RS Scheme | A full dive into EBNF, how it works, and its relationship to Chomsky Hierarchy ( )

About a few days ago I posted this, asking for help to implement the parser. It seems like I boomer'd and I forgot to set the Gist to public. This is public (hopefully!). Someone did gave me a link, but I kinda could not 'parse' it (get it? get it?). I still would appreciate it if you would give me guidance in parsing with...

First draft grammar of Xeph, a non-pure functional language, a superset of ASDL. Input is needed. (+ guide on reading EBNF) ( )

Please tell me what you honestly think of it --- this is not a 'labor of love' exactly, I only spent a few hours on it. But I think its a strong foundation for what comes next. The implementation, I hope, will be an orgy of love!... -> A Perl script that preprocesses C with garbage collection! ( )

Automatic garbage collection in C is possible with libraries like libgc, but with, you can just preprocess your file into generating heaps, and these heaps can be used for memory allocation. The type of GC is used, mark and sweep + reference counting. Every memory allocation MAY have a trace, and this trace can be...

Run Flatpak apps by search filter or through fuzzy finder menu ( )

I wrote a simple script in order to help someone in a recent reply from me, to make running Flatpak applications from terminal easier. After that I worked a little bit on it further and now ended up with 2 completely different approaches....

Sequel to C99 EBNF Gramamr: POSIX AWK EBNF Grammar ( )

A good amount of people liked my C99 EBNF grammar. I was defining grammars for most of today because you can't really blindly make a language, and you need a grammar to be there, even if the language exists and has dozens of implementations. As it happens, I have a couple of AWK-related projects, AWK2c and Squawk (people from Le...

How to set up Podman with NVIDIA GPU acceleration and macvlan networking on Gentoo ( )

Getting GPU acceleration working is a common task for those of us running Plex or Jellyfin. There is not much documentation for getting the NVIDIA container stack to work with Podman, even less on Gentoo, plus there have been a lot of changes to NVIDIA’s container toolkit lately....

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