@t0m5k1@lemmy.world cover
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar



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t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Never had an issue.
Might look for a replacement should an issue arise.
Been driving Linux since sarge.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Never had an issue.

Might look for a replacement should an issue arise.

Been driving Linux since sarge.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Why does ls need a replacement?

What does this do that ls cannot?

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure I could get with the huge string of arguments, That needs to be shortened to follow the ls style of stacking letters behind minimal "-"

Does look good but I prefer function to form.

Interesting though

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Function is what I want.

non-Euclidean filesystem

I noticed that I only had 5 GiB of free space left today. After quickly deleting some cached files, I tried to figure out what was causing this, but a lot was missing. Every tool gives a different amount of remaining storage space. System Monitor says I'm using 892.2 GiB/2.8 TiB (I don't even have 2.8 TiB of storage...

t0m5k1 , (edited )
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

using proxmox without the web gui is possible but it is expected to be accessed via webgui or term/ssh and the VMs on there accessed via ssh,rdp,vnc,novnc,etc.

Due to it fundamentally being an advanced qemu/kvm/virtio frontend you can use virtmanager to access the VM from a desktop.
In this instance try something like i3, awesomewm, bspwm or even xfce (it can be very light weight).

Make any Distro Immutable ( github.com )

It is by design non-invasive and should work on any distro which meets the requirements; Btrfs root and systemd-boot bootloader. With non-invasive I mean; it doesn't mess with your normal OS and its configuration, it can be rolled out, toyed around with and just as easily be removed again....

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds great but needs more contributors to gain trust so that it can be used in production.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Why do we need to know why yet another person has decided to stop using some Linux distro?

This is pointless content for the sake of it. You even made one previously about why you started using the distro back last August, and that was just as pointless.

Please stop.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

The community is fed up with hearing about distro hopping as it does nothing and goes nowhere other than to yet another distro.

Can this be replicated with opensource software?[p2p file transfer over thunderbolt, and extremely low latency Video and game streaming (no encoding)] ( www.youtube.com )

Further if this technology is open-sourced; can it be extended for use cases beyond that(Dual Motherboards sharing Compute power with low latency for working on a single process?); I know such solutions probably exist for servers and enterprises but i am talking about amateurs who don't have 10K lying around for specialty...

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

From the way linus framed what's happening, 4 pcie lanes linking frame buffers between both gpus and this being Intel makes me think this will remain closed source but if it catches on we could well see open alternatives.

I don't think open alternatives exist currently, though.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Just the apps and DE’s that don’t/can’t support it …hmmm

t0m5k1 , (edited )
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Until my distro forces wayland on me I’ll stick with xorg+XFCE. I’ve played with sway and hyprland but I need my application choices to actually work well. (no I’m not going to list them).

As for the cube desktop in the image: We had this with compiz and learnt then that this is pointless.

Why are we back there?

t0m5k1 , (edited )
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

I~~t’s not fully supported, parts of it do and the rest still uses xwayland where possible. wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland_roadmap~~

most of the apps I use are shite with xwayland.

Sorry, my bad, too many crimbo drinks.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Lol too many already

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Boost for lemmy is what I use. Just add your accounts and then change the account.

OwnCloud and NGinx = untrusted domain = sadface

I’m running OwnCloud in Docker and have setup NGinx as a reverse proxy. This works perfectly for all my other services, but OwnCloud keeps throwing the untrusted domain error. I’ve edited the config.php file to add my exampledemain.com but no dice. Does anybody know what I need to do?

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

What env vars are you using for the docker and what’s in the config.php?

Is there any way I can make an old XMMS plugin work in any modern player?

Long story short, I learned there is an XMMS release of a plugin I use in Winamp for music playback (mp3PRO). Sadly, I recoded most of my music to mp3PRO back in the day, and now I’m stuck using Winamp, even on Linux. I like the player, wouldn’t change it, but I wanted to switch to something native, like Audacious or Qmms....

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

If your winamp is still functional, I’d just suggest you convert all mp3pro to wav using the disc writer plugin and then use ffmpeg to convert to mp4 or normal mp3.

Then you won’t need to worry about the mp3pro codec issues.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Unless you still have the original source, you’re gonna need to accept this.

Stop putting up a barrier and accept that you have defunct files and fix that.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like a good plan there 👌 Good luck.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

I started at Sarge, went to Ubuntu Warthog until Eft, and went Suse and Fedora but then changed to Xubuntu Ibex. I stayed until Vervet and since then have found a very comfy home in Arch.

t0m5k1 , (edited )
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

What’s a nice guide?

Follow this to get it installed and follow the configuration steps to set it up as you need it (I wouldn’t bother forwarding to another server but setup root hints instead and add a timer to keep them upto date):


Then add these configurations to get doh or dot working:


If you want a spoon-fed guide, then a search engine may help, but really, it’s quite easy.

If you don’t have a cert you can use let’s encrypt via certbot:


t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

I think you might get part of the way but may still find you get detected. Foss DPI projects will not be able to implement the methods used by say fortinet,sonicwall, f5, juniper, Cisco, a10, and others. This is because they all use proprietary DPI created in house. They’re not going to use Foss DPI for obvious reasons, you’ll be able to create workarounds for detection and implement that in a bad payload.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Here we go. …

Linux is the kernel.

Gnu refers to the userland tools.

Many say gnu no longer really applies as the userland tools are provided by more than GNU’s specific set.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar


t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Text can be in a file. All you do is add to the file and sync. Then add different files and sync.

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Vscode, the chrome browser with a ide suit. No thanks

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

Bitwarden+vaultwarden, harden the chosen VPS, set SSH to use keys only, then setup fail2ban for webserver and ssh Also consider putting ffsync on it as well for extra browser benefits.

Another pick me a distro

Hello, fellow internet users. I am currently using Debian but would like a distro to try the new Gnome on. I have been using Debian for a while and I love the stability, but would like newer packages. I also, for no rational reason, would like to be able to use the default package manager exclusively. I used Fedora before and...

t0m5k1 ,
@t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

I’d consider endeavor if I didn’t have dracut forced on me. Is there a way to install without it?

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  • t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    To check all the repo’s you’re going to have to use something more than pacman, maybe a perl or python script that uses libalpm_databases to get the info you need, man libalpm_databases will help you get an idea of how to interact with it.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Have you checked the source git repo to see if that was updated?

    If the app you speak of is a -git type then the aur page will have an old date but the repo where the source is will be new and current.

    It could also be that the app you speak of is abandoned, try sending a msg to the maintainer.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    The reason why people think nix has a larger repo is because nix has only 1 repo for everything, were arch has 3 main and 4 testing and then the aur. If arch lumped everything into one repo it too could say it has 80k+ packages.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    I purchase from the cheapest and use he.net for my nameservers.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Not all domain providers will allow you to change the nameservers of a domain they sold to you as they want to sell you the rest of what you need for extra $$$

    You can only have 2 name servers on a domain and it is not advisable to make them point to different DNS providers as they will both need to be authoritative and by having 2 different providers will mean you get 2 different SOA which will break fundamental DNS.

    to change the nameservers will either be simple or hard, depending on the domain name provider it might take 24 hours for them to change the name servers or they may allow you to change them via web UI which could be just a 2 hour wait.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    You clearly didn’t read did you:

    The makedeb Package Repository (abbreviated MPR) is a user-maintained repository of build files (PKGBUILDs) that can be built with makedeb and then installed with APT.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    The kind of suggestion that does fuck all. Don’t force your myopic ignorance on others.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    That list of “features” never needed to be replaced by systemd and for the most part are provided by the other init offerings.

    As for logging you may find yourself one with a system using systemd that has faced an error and cannot boot good luck reading the binary journal it makes, yes these entries can be pushed out to text file or syslog but if systemd falls over hard it will log to the default binary journal and you’ll need to use another install with systemd to run journalctl --file /path/to/mounted/journal which in an emergency is a true PITA.

    It is not an outlet for those who you choose to espouse as “People who don’t want linux to evolve” far from it most of them just want systemd to stop trying to replace things that are not broken and for other projects to stop having it as a hard dependency. Yes it is modular, yes these can be disabled but it has so many tentacles that it is clear the intentions are wider than just being an init.

    What’s wrong with ip, iproute2, iptables/nftables, ufw, firewalld, ntp, dnscrypt, privoxy, dnsmasq, openresolve, crond, sudo, mount, syslog-ng?

    Are they somehow obsolete now?

    If you want a basic bootloader your UEFI has one built in and/or you can boot the kernel directly with efistub, systemd-boot is so basic it’s pointless to the point that an unconfigured install of refind is a truckload better.

    I get that this is a hot topic but waaay too many people are just adding pointless opinion and toxic opinion into this debate that doesn’t help anyone make what they want is a decent informed choice and tbh when I see Gnome make a hard dependency of systemd it makes me think either systemd is doing too much, is not modular enough, devs got lazy or all of the above.

    And a final FYI I use systemd and have disabled much of it but can’t uninstall the parts I don’t need/want.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Here’s a handy chart for you


    As you can see many have the ability to start services in parallel. Some script magic with graphviz will also do similar to analyse blame.

    What’s wrong? Too many tools, way too fragmented and poorly integrated. It is very, very easy to get into trouble if you simply setup a dual stack system with IPv6-PD with those tools. With systemd it all works of the box with simples configuration files and its way more intuitive. For eg. cron is a mess, systemd timers share the unit config format which is way better and more scalable.

    Do you honestly beloved thie mental gymnastics your getting into just to prove your point, go back to windows. Lol

    Well done on using systemd how you wish, now move on and let others use it how they wish or remove it.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Keep telling yourself that, meanwhile we’ll all see your obvious dislike of of general userland tools.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Yup, windows is calling you.


    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    If you’re a new user you’d be better off moving on from here and not paying much attention. It’s a hot topic full of opinions that everyone will want to force on you.

    If you really want to swap out the init system there are some things you need to know.

    First, do you need a desktop environment(DE)/window manager(WM)? If so you’ll need to find a DE/WM that is not going to demand you use the mainstream init choice which currently is SystemD. If you want to use Gnome from your chosen distro repo’s then chances are it will pull SystemD with it.

    If you want Gnome but not SystemD you’re gonna be building that beast from source every update and for the most part you’ll need to go direct to Gnome for any issue/bug you fall over and this too will be painful.

    Simpler WMs will be more forgiving and will only rely on either xorg or wayland and will happily run on any init.

    There will be other packages out there that also demand you use SystemD, so you’ll have to find them and decide if you need them or if there are alternatives that don’t have a hard dependency on SystemD.

    All the current usable inits are written in C or C+ (except for GNU Shepherd, this is written in guile).

    The benefit of swapping out the init system is mainly down to choice, necessity but again this all boils down to what the installation is for and what will it be doing.

    For a good run down of the features of the init systems refer to these 2 urls: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Comparison_of_init_systemswiki.archlinux.org/title/Init

    All of the init’s (except for epoch) provide parallel service startup so if boot time is a focus test each to find the fastest for your platform, Not all of them provide per-service config.

    For example one can cobble together: minirc, busybox, syslogng, crond, iptables, lighttpd.

    And the end result would be a relatively secure webserver with a small footprint, you could further extend this with nginx to sit in front of lighttpd to provide waf and cache features.

    The biggest bug bear with SystemD is that it writes to binary log files and even though it can be configured to generate plain text, if it falls over in a bad way you will still only get a binary log file and if you’re in a situation where your only access is say busybox for emergencies. In this instance your only option is to boot from another systemd distro and mount the broken install and run:

    $ journalctl --file /var/log/journal/system.journal

    Other than that many take issue with SystemD trying replace parts of the system that many say don’t really need replacing like sudo, fstab, resolv.conf, etc but again these statements get full of opinion and don’t help us truly way up the differences and some of the SystemD alternatives misbehave or become hard dependencies other projects which makes it harder to disable parts and swap out to your chosen package.

    I’ve tried to be more objective with this response and keep as much of my personal opinion out of this, But here is mine:

    I don’t really like it but to make it easier to get support for my OS I put up with it, I daily drive arch and so must accept it. I could rip it out or run artix, I’ve gone down this path and got fed up with jumping hurdles to get what I wanted so went back to Arch and now I disable parts of it I don’t need/want, have it generate text log files, use openresolv and other choices.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    But all 5 points can be said for all other distros running a DE.

    Best practices for transferring an existing Linux installation from one drive to another?

    Currently, my desktop computer has two storage devices attached: one 1TB NVME SSD, which has both Windows 10 and Linux Mint 21.2 installed on it (Each OS getting ~ 500 GB), and a 1TB SATA hard drive mostly used for Timeshift backups of the Linux Mint partition (Including my Home folder, for the record)....

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Man I always forget about dd and jump to gparted.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve made a few posts to arch forums and never faced issues.

    Perhaps it helps that I work in enterprise tech support so I’m used to providing a lot of verbose info about a given issue I’m facing when requesting help. I also show what I’ve done in an attempt to resolve it.

    Many of the so called toxic responses I’ve seen on there have been to posts that I would say don’t follow rules or just give very minimal info.

    Trilby is also one of the best responders on there but have had a few blunt responses from others.

    Ubuntu Core Desktop - Deep Dive ( discourse.ubuntu.com )

    Our recent blog post 2 introducing the upcoming Ubuntu Core Desktop explains what Ubuntu Core Desktop is and outlined many of the features and, more importantly, our modular approach using the capabilities of snap. This will be the first post in a series detailing the architecture of Ubuntu Core Desktop, explaining the...

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    Why make the filesystem so contrived just to bow to snaps, just seems all wrong to me.

    But what do I know they dropped the kiss principle years ago.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    I stopped using resolved as it tends to ignore what I tell it to do and still grab DNS from the router which I don’t want and can’t disable on the proprietary router.

    openresolv/Resolveconf was never broken in the first place so I’m not sure what systemd was trying to fix with this.

    t0m5k1 ,
    @t0m5k1@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d like to daily drive EndeavourOS but I dislike Dracut and removing that is a bit of a pita, just wish they’d give an install option to not have it.

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