

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

WanderingVentra OP ,

Lol no idea.

WanderingVentra OP ,

I know what Isengard is but I think I'm missing a reference or pun.

WanderingVentra OP ,

I'm guessing she got the job because Hasbro approved of those plans for profitability, though. It all seemed standard corporate affair. Hopefully they learned from their mistake, but I think this means they'll just find a CEO to squeeze money out of pumping bad video games or some shit. Companies always learn the wrong lessons from their success.

In fact, they already learned the OGL lesson before, so it's dumb they had to learn it again. They'll probably have to repeat another one of these lessons in 10 years or so. Hopefully until then, the company is slightly better, but we'll see who steps up.

WanderingVentra OP ,

Lol that's true enough

WanderingVentra ,

Same, but if you're used to the more moderated nature of lemmy.world, just be aware that lemm.ee isn't as quick to defederate from other instances. Personally, for me that's a plus, and it's the reason I chose this instance. Bring on hexbear, lemmy grad, and exploding heads. I don't care. I want to hear what everyone has to say, and I can block people or instances if I have to (through Lemmy and the apps I use like Sync and Voyager). But if you don't want to, there are lots of other instances that defederate from those places but still federate to the piracy instance.

WanderingVentra ,

So in this case Amex is a person's name and not a portmanteau of American Express?

Piracy is so confusing these days

It was so easy when I was growing up. I would just type my search into LimeWire and if it turned out to be weird porn I would delete it. Then we had The Pirate Bay, and I could go through reviews to see whether something was a virus or not. Now all public sites I am aware of are riddled with viruses, and I am warned that...

WanderingVentra ,

What's the advantage of downloading these over setting up the qbittorrent search function to search multiple torrent sites when I type something in there, as it does for me now?

WanderingVentra ,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine that qBittorrent doesn't automatically search for better versions of your media, automatically rename and move files to your specification, automatically evaluate search results to choose a download that matches your desired quality, automatically search for desired media when it is released (like new episodes of a currently running TV show), automatically import subtitle files or extras to your library, or automatically grab metadata for all your media.

Those parts do sound pretty good lol

WanderingVentra , (edited )

Ohhh okay! That party sounds pretty good actually. There are a couple episodes of some TV shows I'd love to have that I'm missing lol

Organizing Automated Tests Backlog for Legacy Application

Hey everyone, I'm part of a company that's been trying to modernize. Our team has switched to Agile, switched to some cloud storage, and is slowly trying to add automated tests to its various legacy applications. I know normally automated tests would just be done with the user story as part of the definition of done, and while...

WanderingVentra OP ,

Thanks! Haha ya, it may be a little misguided, but I think we were allowed to do this partly as busy work to give us something to do between releases. We're kind of in a transition period, and it's something to do while my higher ups negotiate contracts for further work, stakeholders and customers prioritize next items for the next release, etc. Admittedly, these transition periods kinda scare me in terms of you never know when you'll lose work or something, so even if they think it's busy work, for me it's shoring up my resume with tech and leadership experience I should already have that the rest of the industry will be looking for just in case the worst happens lol. I think I've been working at this place too long now, kinda got complacent, but been more interested in looking around and catching up on what I've been missing as the company has been looking to modernize and we've been simultaneously approaching the release of this version of their software.

( Funny enough, I was initially hired to work on automated testing since I had done some at my previous company, immediately got placed doing other dev work to catch up on our schedule. Now it's been years and I'm trying to remember how this all works lol.)

Right now, we're mostly just doing happy path testing tbh. But that's a good point that we should look into our tools to see how it signals code coverage and everything. That might be some reading up I have to do. I think it's a combination of MSTest, or whatever comes with Visual Studios, some Telerik Just Mock and Test Studio tools our company already had licenses for, and Selenium.

You're right that a story per test is probably a bit too much Jira. I was more thinking of a story per class, but even that's probably a bit much with how big this legacy application of theirs is now. I don't want to overwhelm us all in backlog management paperwork, so now I think I'm leaning towards zooming out a bit and doing a story per module.

Lemmy needs better integration/federation. Too much content is hidden. A community on the biggest instance was not visible to me on another large instance.

I did a search from shitjustworks for "reddit die" and did not find https://lemmy.world/c/watchredditdie so I made https://sh.itjust.works/c/watchredditdie (unnecessarily). This should really not happen. When someone makes a community there should be a "ping" sent out to notify all other federated instances....

WanderingVentra ,

Thanks for reminding me that there was an AMA I forgot about lol.

WanderingVentra ,

Netflix turning off account sharing is what sent me to the high seas. Disney+ doing the same will push me over even more.

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