@Blaze@discuss.online avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I skimmed through it, it's actually a decent article.

I love Mastodon and ActivityPub. But I think Nostr is going to win. Here's why.

Mastodon is a great platform. I have an account there, and I have been using it as a twitter replacement for several months. I have been using nostr for around two months. I have also read fairly deeply into how Mastodon and Nostr work. I think nostr is better. Here's why....

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Thank you for your insight. I feel like AP cares more about the community, while nostr is about the individual.

Different kind of people will choose different approaches

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Nice project. $249 seems a bit high, but I guess it's like the Fairphone, they can't save as much as the large manufacturers do.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Hello guys, just wanted to chime in and say that it's good to see you three explain things in a calm manner in this thread. Nice to see you around.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Lemmy's code isn't that easy to get into, otherwise there would be much more contributors to it.

The third biggest contributor after the two main devs has 59 commits.


Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I agree. I could see Beehaw survive longer than most other Lemmy instances, their community feeling is much stronger.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

No of course not but I subscribe to the original Reddiquette philosophy. Downvotes arne’t for disagreement. They were originally a form of user-moderation to stop spam. Unfortunately about a decade ago after the Digg exodus the users of Reddit forgot that original usage and so you’d end up being downvoted and not knowing why. It doesn’t foster debate or discussion. It’s a cheap way to snipe someone down without being responsible or engaging them.

Very true, and that's why I'm more and more inclined to use an instance without downvotes. With the report button available, downvotes just seem like a shortcut for hivemind.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar
Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I think that blocklist will stay very user-dependent, except for obvious spam instances which should be blocked at the instance level. But we'll see how it goes.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Any example of badly moderated communities? Asking because I didn't notice anything special.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Sad to hear. I don't read news community, that's why I didn't see it

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

True, forgot about that (luckily I woke up after it happened)

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Your instance is still in 18.5

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar


I skimmed through it, seems like a basic explanation of what the Fediverse is, mostly oriented on Mastodon.

The videast himself doesn't think he'll post his videos to the Fediverse as it lacks monetization.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I'm well aware, just reported what the video creator said

What Meta’s Fediverse Plans Mean for Threads Users ( www.wired.com )

Meta is treading carefully, doing a phased implementation while continuing conversations with Fediverse leaders. This will give the company more time to iron out some of the integration kinks. “Do we adapt the protocol to be able to support this?” Lambert asks. “Or do we try to do some kind of interesting, unique...

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

For example, Threads supports audio posts, a feature not currently supported within ActivityPub, so Meta is experimenting with “federating” a text transcription of the original post instead of the audio version.

Here we go

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

You can have a look at this article


Long story short, Google killed XMPP back in the days by federating with it, then added some non standard features, got most of the user base to migrate to Google chat, then defederated.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

we deserve to die.

To be fair, maybe we are not even that alive to begin with.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Interesting view, thanks

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I've seen two trolls recently, but you can see them from very far away, and they post in general ask communities like AskLemmy or No Stupid questions.

On smaller communities, they are not around that much. And I don't go to news or politics communities.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Very good points, thanks for sharing.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Personally, I’ve done some rounds of unsubscribing from tech and politics subs on lemmy.ml and lemmy.world, and when I’ve done that my amount of toxic content and interactions went way down.

Maybe that's a recommendation we should make to everyone

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Really? I thought that Reddthat and Beehaw disabled down votes while still being federated

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

That, and the fact that simply there isn’t enough good discussion to begin with. This community kind of has movement because it’s a meta-topic, but for everything else it’s mostly "let’s pretend we are superior than redditors because we found our way here and “let’s pretend we are not in Reddit for all the other niche communities that we are still interested.”

That's a real issue. Hopefully it will get better over time, but sometimes at the moment it feels like shouting into the void.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

I'm pretty sure those two are fine without downvotes, if that can help

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Thanks, you too!

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

To be fair, Piefed uses Lemmy communities and comments, it's almost just another interface.

The reputation is indeed interesting, example in this thread with warnings "low reputation, beware!": https://piefed.social/post/27070#post_replies

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Thank you very much for sharing, I'll keep an eye on it.

Spreading of the 100 biggest fediverse account ( wehavecookies.social ) German

I just saw, that fedidb now has data for the biggest fediverse accounts, so I did a little plotting with it. Here is a graphic of the scattering of the 100 biggest accounts by the instance they are on. 38 of them are on mastodon.social https://fedidb.org/popular-fediverse-accounts (the data is in the alt text) #mastodon #chart...

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

To be fair, their are in the Fediverse.

I always think we should have another community called Threadiverse for Lemmy, Kbin, Mbin, Lotide and soon Sublinks. Probably too late now as most people would prefer to stay here, but maybe at a later point we could.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Could one of them post about Lemmy so that we get a small awareness boost?

Lemmy needs better integration/federation. Too much content is hidden. A community on the biggest instance was not visible to me on another large instance.

I did a search from shitjustworks for "reddit die" and did not find https://lemmy.world/c/watchredditdie so I made https://sh.itjust.works/c/watchredditdie (unnecessarily). This should really not happen. When someone makes a community there should be a "ping" sent out to notify all other federated instances....

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar
Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Hopefully those will come. Thread subscription would be nice indeed.

In the meantime, Lemmy is still usable, and I guess once Reddit will kill old.reddit, RES will stop working anyway.

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Still waiting for you to show us that pro-reddit content in those communities, last time you used an !asklemmy thread

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Hopefully it will happen in the coming releases.

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

So while there’s more of a push from the top to make mastodon.social the flagship, from the grassroots there’s very much a push against it (I’m loosely a voice in that might self).

That's good. I still think that having the developers pushing or not for an instance makes a different, wasn't Mastodon 40% Mastodon.social at some point?

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

It's a bit tricky, because at the same time they are holding 25% of Lemmy users back in terms of features.

User level instance blocking was a huge one for a lot of people

The main feature i would like to see on Lemmy

Im pretty satisfied with Lemmy, but one thing i wish you could do is browse instances. Like i wish there was a way i could almost emulate being on my programming.dev account and see all that instances communities while im logged into this account. Afaik theres no easy way to do that without visiting some aggregator website. It...

Blaze ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Indeed, but there is no better option right now

Blaze OP ,
@Blaze@discuss.online avatar

Sorry to hear.

I was looking for Zenfone size phones the other day with a headphone jack, there was only the Sony Xperia. That's really sad.

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