
The Superior Lemmy Experience ( )

Recently picket up this old Thinkpad T30 for 2 bucks at a local flea market. Its a bit scratched up and the battery is more or less dead but everything else is working fine. Its Pentium 4M, 1gb of ram and 40gb hdd might be a bit overkill for win2k but its really amazing. Running Firefox 13 and a webone proxy to deal with ssl...

Questions about cleaning a PET ( )

I've had some pretty bad experience about cleaning older Machines such as my NES, where I've accidentally rubbed a lot of the letters and number off and noticed too late. Thats something im particularly worried about when it comes to the keycaps. Is there a reason to worry or tactics I should try to avoid rubbing the letters...

I stumbled across this the other day - Old DOS Never dies... ( )

This should boot up on your run of the mill S-100 based system with an 8086. Maybe an 8080 too? Also, it reportedly runs under #simH as a virtual machine. According to some, this is the earliest known version of #86-DOS, not long after replacing #QDOS as its successor....

I reverse-engineered all Timex Datalink watches and devices, the Notebook Adapter, and the CRT graphics in Ruby! ( )

Heya! I thought I’d mention that I’ve been doing a bunch of development on the optical Timex Datalink watches! I have been carefully sniffing data from the original Timex software with a logic analyzer, and have fully reverse engineered every Datalink protocol, the serial Notebook Adapter, and even the CRT syncing graphics!...

Easiest way to connect C64 to modern computer screen? ( )

So, I recently got this C64 for free, and I’ve been wanting to test it. However, figuring out how to connect a monitor has led me to various forums with home-made adapters that require soldering, a 5-pin DIN to 4xRCA to…? My monitor has VGA and HDMI, etc, the usual modern inputs. Someone claimed that the voltages are...

Check out Greaseweazle! ( )

Finally got around to play around with Greaseweazle, and wish I had done it a long time ago! Greaseweazle is a tool to read and write raw data from many different systems. Want to read a CoCo disk, or write a new Amiga disk? I haven’t tried it, but it supposedly can even deal with 8" disks (if you have the drive and interface)...

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