jonjennings ,

I’ve never understood why there’s a fuss about default wallpaper. It ships with a dozen options and you can obviously install your own. I guess it’s the opportunity for a news story and a sign that things have reached a certain level of development and are getting close to release.

Personally, I saw the item on installing your own dynamic wallpaper at…, followed the instructions on github and set up a lovely time-of-day based wallpaper based on the game Firewatch (…) - I love all the sunrise/sunset options there but if you’ve played Firewatch then this one might speak to you :)

karbonkel ,

Nice as an art piece, but horrible as a background.

sibloure ,

This is not good. The past few Gnome wallpapers were much nicer.

AndreTelevise ,

The colors are not that great. It’s like a beautiful city being covered in grey smoke.

bumblychicken ,

According to a different commenter, the meaning behind this desktop is supposed to be about forest fires so you’ve hit the nail on the head

mtchristo ,

Very depressing.

s20 ,

I… don’t care. I’m going to switch to my own wallpaper at first opportunity, and whichever distro is probably going to replace the default anyway.

It’s so weird to me when stuff like this makes headlines.

wuddupdude ,

What is this, Ubuntu?

TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar
unionagainstdhmo , avatar

I use this on my laptop and have a Windows XP Plymouth theme

1984 , avatar

I’m sad to admit it’s better than the Gnome wallpaper. Someone puked in that wallpaper we have now.

TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

I do not think how it is sad. Bliss of WinXP is by far one of the all time best wallpapers to exist, considering it is also a real life location.

harl3k1n , avatar

Personally I like gnome a lot as desktop environment. But Gnomes default wallpapers, not so much. Good thing you can change em easily.

neutrino ,

Indeed. I dislike any kind of wallpaper except for just a single color:

<span style="color:#323232;">gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri none
</span><span style="color:#323232;">gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri-dark none
</span><span style="color:#323232;">gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background primary-color '#201b30'
</span><span style="color:#323232;">gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background color-shading-type 'solid'
cianmor ,

why not completely black?

Nanabaz2 ,

Not universally great with any bright light for me.

Also. Black smeared on OLED (I use ASUS laptop) when moving windows - universal issue. And non-consistent black on LCD due to light bleed. So I haven’t prefer black black for a long time. But that’s me. Not sure about him though

Simplesyrup , avatar

had Ubuntu for about 3 months now had has kept the same default wallpaper, I think it looks dope af

uriel238 , avatar

I actually like minimalist wallpapers. Drawings and photos will bother me over time as I start noticing odd details. So in this case, I would not feel the need to change it right away. But I do like variety, so I’d have to build a library of fifty minimalist wallpapers or so.

Kaped OP ,

Lets all be honest and civilized here. Its complete shit

FrankTheHealer ,

I disagree. I think its nice. Professional and colorful

QuazarOmega ,

I like it, though it feels like a slightly different spin on 43’s wallpapersadwaita wallpaper

aleph , avatar

I like 43’s but not these new ones. The colors are weird, plus there’s that patch on the left that looks like someone has taken a cigarette lighter to it.

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Wow, I haven't used Gnome in a long time...looks kinda sparse. Like those old school minimalist WMs such as Fluxbox.

Deceptichum , avatar

This looks very 2009?

paskalivichi ,

Ok, someone please explain to me why default wallpapers are a story in any way?? And everytime a new version of a desktop comes out, I’m baffled to see that theres an actual discussion and debate about…default wallpapers??? Like in the same sense that people talk about ACTUAL desktop features…

You guys don’t change your wallpaper??.. Who in the flying fuck cares about the goddamn default wallpaper?!?!?!?

Orange , avatar

Agreed. Came into the comments to find out why this was worthwhile of a post and I still don’t understand.

bamboobam ,

They are learning from MacOS.

RandallFlagg ,

The first thing I do whenever I install any new OS is change the wallpaper, I dgaf about the default one lol

RassilonianLegate , avatar

Same here, I haven't used a default wallpaper for more than a few minutes since the xp days

boonhet ,

I actually don’t change mine if the default is nice. Or I keep it for a while till I replace it. Still baffles me that people think they warrant much discussion unless Gnome decides to ship a wallpaper with literal gnomes fucking or something.

digdug ,

"Why do you have a wallpaper with gnomes having sex?"
"Meh, it's the default, I can't be bothered to change it."

boonhet ,

I’d definitely keep it on a personal machine just to get people to ask tbh

RickyRigatoni , avatar

They will never attain the perfection of Bliss, anyways.

ipsirc , avatar

The Kali users.

BCsven ,

A clean wallpaper is the first onboarding experience for a user. Some distros have horrible wallpapers. other than that wallpaper doesn’t matter. personally I did a lot of late night computer work so wanted a redish background. I found this image, did a deep search but coyld not find original artist/photographer.

flashgnash ,

Can confirm, I never thought I cared about wallpaper or that it made much difference but it turns out it was a big part of why I like elementOS/pantheon so much and after switching gnome’s wallpaper to a similar one I realised I liked it more

Sounds dumb but it really has a subconscious effect on how much you like the DE as a whole

BCsven ,

Totally. We are driven to look for beauty, form, symmetry in nature, and assymetry for interest. IMO a bad wallpaper could turnoff a potential new user if it has that janky feel. Zorin and Elementary seem very polished because they took the time to start with clean wallpaper and polish the UI. And I realize Ubuntu is a good distro but can you imagine recommending it to a C level exec and their first look is a faceted pather looking thing that seems like 90s tron vector graphics. Similarily Pop!_OS is great but some dude is going to see a minimal colour posterized robot scene and think is this on OS for kids? Don’t get me wrong I love posterized art, but not everyone does.

angrymouse ,

Im using endevourOS for about 6 months, before i used manjaro for 12 months, all without changing the default wallpaper

conorab ,

For me, the default wallpaper throws me back to the period it was made and reminds me of what it was like to use that version. This GNOME one feels a little generic and I swear I’ve seen it before. Feels like the right style to use in a dynamic wallpaper where colours randomly shift.

Aman9das , avatar

The GNOME wallpapers often have inner meaning, the stripe one denotes world temperature over the years getting warmer

This one denotes Forest Fires

Jacub Steiner is pretty creative

dukk ,

That’s actually…pretty well done, I saw that wallpaper and my first thought was forest fires.

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