
Blocked by Cloudflare ( )

The author was blocked from accessing a work website due to issues with Cloudflare’s browser integrity checks. Despite having credentials to prove his identity, an attempt to bypass the checks by disabling fingerprinting in Firefox resulted in Cloudflare blocking all access. He could still access the site on Chrome, showing...

How to figure out the exact driver needed for the WiFi card to install it on Linux?

I apologize if this seems like a trivial matter, but I have a laptop (a Lenovo Ideapad 3 to be exact) and I can’t get WiFi (or Bluetooth) to work on anything other than Ubuntu 23.04 and its flavors. I tried OpenSUSE Leap and Debian 12, both couldn’t detect the built-in WiFi card. I also tried Ubuntu-based distros such as...

Now is the last chance to escape from AI driven captology

With the recent developments in AI technology, we are entering a new era of manipulation through captology. Mainstream websites/apps are well known to utilize captology to manipulate its users. But now captology is AI driven and will reach a new dimension of manipulation. In the very near future, every mainstream OS will be AI...

While technically POSSIBLE, how viable is it to run Adobe apps, especially Premiere and After Effects, on Linux

I’m keeping it broad by not specifying a distro. I’m just curious is this a real option for actual editing professionals? As far as I understand you can make it work by running under Wine, but I’m guessing this comes with significant drawbacks. I’m having trouble finding any information on both the current state of...

Fan drivers for a Windows laptop

Tldr: Are there fan drivers I should look into for my Gigabyte Aorus XC laptop (Intel i7; RTX 3070; 32GB RAM), so my fans do not get stuck at 100% when running Linux? I installed Mint 2 yrs ago when this happened. Im aware I cant tell for sure without doing another live boot, but I’d like to prepared just in case....

Any way to listen to music (privately?) ( )

I’m going insane. I cannot for the life of me find a suitable way to listen to music privately. I’m on iOS, and I don’t know whether to just stick to Apple Music or give up on music in general (I tried, TRIED to go local, but all the apps are shitty). Any way to listen to music and not have your data compromised? Should I...

Bandit Lair Battle Map ( )

City Underbelly was one of the winning themes of the month, and I decided to go with something that could be pretty versatile. You could use this as an underground lair, or an above ground city chunk, you could put a market down in the large open space too! You can download the free version of the map here:...

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