maxerature OP ,

Thanks! Yeah I have only a few changes to /etc and /opt. So I will need to reinstall everything in the end? Or just things that install into / rather than /home for some reason?

Why Are There No Consumer Server GPUs?

I work with machine learning tasks daily, both as an ML researcher and as a hobby. The difference between what I can do at work and at home is significant - an A40 at work can do far more than the 3080 I have at home. This obviously makes sense, given the massively increased price point....

maxerature ,

While true, sometimes being passive aggressive is warranted imo

maxerature ,

I can't really agree with some of these things. I never found the slog to be an issue. The "sexist" bit is kind of... entirely missing the point - that being that the differences between the genders are so minor and hypocritical. The unlikable characters are a major plus of the series - your favorite characters become shit people and the characters you hate at the beginning become your favorite.

maxerature ,

Tbh I'd be happy if it just never releases. Fuck Amazon and especially fuck Rafe Judkins.

maxerature ,

Why not "Mike"? Name of the computer from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Fits the moon theme people seem to be going with

maxerature ,

My favorite subreddits were those that had a good 25k active users. Enough that there were a good 2500 active posters and commenters, and people knew each other a little. However, some support subreddits with 100k+ were nice.

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