rolle , to random avatar

Hello Bluesky, this is me posting from Mastodon. 👋 Bridgy.fed is finally live.

doomsdayrs , to Fediverse in Early Access Federation for Self-Hosters | Bluesky


"After you set up your PDS and join the PDS Admins Discord to submit a request for your PDS to be added to the network, your PDS’s data will get routed to other services in the network"



aral , to random avatar and for bridging fediverse folks to Bluesky against their will (and in likely contravention of GDPR in the EU) with typical Silicon Valley techbro sense of entitlement:

“[O]pt in results in far fewer users, and users are critical for a bridge to be useful.”¹

Relevant GitHub issue:


HT @homegrown

DavidBHimself , to random

I'm really tired of the holier-than-you people on the Fediverse!

No, Threads is not full of trolls and evil people just because Meta is evil. Threads is full of people who are not terminally online like we are. This is idiotic to want to block Threads by default. If anything let's show them there is another way.

No, the big Mastodon instances are not full of trolls and evil people just because they're the big instances. They're full of people who are into the Fediverse but for reasons that are theirs have no time, energy, or interest to join smaller instances. This is idiotic to want to block such instances. If anything let's teach them about smaller instances.

And right now, I see people building bridges with BlueSKy and I see very negative reactions from some people about that. Well... No, BlueSky is not full of trolls and evil people.

I'm so fucking annoyed with this bullshit attitude.

Honestly, if your response is "don't federate" every single fucking time, have you thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, you are in the wrong place? Fedi fucking verse. It's in the name.

If you don't want to communicate with people who are different from you, you're honestly no different from the people you are calling names. Please go to your instance that's defederated from everyone else, or even better, go on a closed Discord or something.

Fuck, I barely finished my second coffee and I'm already annoyed.

noellemitchell , to random

So the results from yesterday's poll made it clear: people on the do not want to try ! 😆

82% of people said they will not be using Bluesky now that it's open to the public for registration. I have to say I approve of this high percentage. 😄

rolle , to random avatar

My experience so far with microblogging services:

Threads: I'm in a wrong party and don't know what to say. I feel awkward, everyone is so happy with their gym selfies. Everyone asking endless questions and asking things from the algorithm. Lots of people use it like Instagram, every post is a selfie with a meaningless caption. Some are copy-pasting the same sentence over and over again for each line. Endless quote-post memes... What the fuck is this shit I don't even...

Bluesky: A Twitter clone, but still very barebones. Notifications are still not working, there are no hashtags and I don't find any relevant content to me in any of the feeds. It's mostly Facebook-like what's up in life, furry scene and AI photos. No news, no tech/web scene, no nothing. Not to mention it's still invite-only and won't support ActivityPub (yeah I know the reasoning behind that but for me it's mostly bullshit, I look forward to trying bridgy fed).

Mastodon and the Fediverse: Here I'm at home on my own server. Most content, most features. A community is friendly but has also lots of nitpicking, some angry dudes. Still the most safest, most healthy and most customized, but somehow the most hated network elsewhere. "Too techie", they say. "Too difficult", they say. "No algorithm", they say.

Nostr: Kinda promising, but way too obscure, strange and even techier than Mastodon. Too much crypto shit.

Well, that's that. Sometimes I feel like Internet is ruined. But I believe in the open social web movement and I want to see this grow.

In no other place I can write a status update as freely as this, as long as this or with a low bar as this. I LIKE this 100%. The same can't be said in those other places I'm experimenting with out of curiosity. There I'm the weird kid. Here I feel like myself.

thenexusofprivacy , to Fediverse avatar

Strategies for the free fediverses

The fediverse is evolving into different regions

  • "Meta's fediverses", federating with Meta to allow communications, potentially using services from Meta such as automated moderation or ad targeting, and potentially harvesting data on Meta's behalf.

  • "free fediverses" that reject Meta – and surveillance capitalism more generally

The free fediverses have a lot of advantages over Meta and Meta's fediverses, some of which will be very hard to counter, and clearly have enough critical mass that they'll be just fine.

Here's a set of strategies for the free fediverses to provide a viable alternative to surveillance capitalism. They build on the strengths of today's fediverse at its best – including natural advantages the free fediverses have that Threads and Meta's fediverses will having a very hard time countering – but also are hopefully candid about weaknesses that need to be addressed. It's a long list, so I'll be spreading out over multiple posts; this post currently goes into detail on the first two.

  • Opposition to Meta and surveillance capitalism is an appealing position. Highlight it!

  • Focus on consent (including consent-based federation), privacy, and safety

  • Emphasize "networked communities"

  • Support concentric federations of instances and communities

  • Consider "transitively defederating" Meta's fediverses (as well as defederating Threads)

  • Consider working with people and instances in Meta's fediverses (and Bluesky, Dreamwidth, and other social networks) whose goals and values align with the free fediverses'

  • Build a sustainable ecosystem

  • Prepare for Meta's (and their allies') attempts to paint the free fediverses in a bad light

  • Reduce the dependency on Mastodon

  • Prioritize accessibility, which is a huge opportunity

  • Commit to anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and pro-LGBTQIA2S+ principles, policies, practices, and norms for the free fediverses

  • Organize!

@fediverse @fediversenews

thenexusofprivacy OP , avatar

The free fediverses should work together with people and instances in Meta's fediverses and on Bluesky whose goals and values align with the free fediverse

Part 6 of Strategies for the free fediverses

Many of the Meta advocates I've talked to share the free fediverses' long-term goal of building a sustainable alternative to surveillance capitalism -- and the same is true for people on Bluesky. So there are likely to be situations where some of the people and instances in Meta's fediverses and Bluesky wind up as situational allies to the free fediverses.

A few areas where collaboration could be very useful:

  • A key principle of organizing is meeting people where they are.

  • Moderation on decentralized networks is a shared challenge.

  • Bringing concepts similar to Bluesky's custom feeds to the fediverses, and more generally focusing on human-focused and liberatory (as opposed to oppressive) uses of algorithms in decentralized social networks designed from the margins.

  • Meta's fediverses, Bluesky, and the free fediverses are all vulnerable to disinformation.


hankg , to random avatar

OK Enough playing with the new Friendica...back to the tasks I am supposed to be doing. The Bluesky bridge, the thing I've been looking forward to the most seems to be working very well. Posts from Friendica shows up there, with proper segmentation if longer than their paltry 300 character limit. Following an account from the Friendica side propagates over to the Bluesky Account. Reshares/likes/comments on Bluesky posts done in Friendica are properly reflected there. Reshares/likes/comments on fediverse posts do not show up over there, as expected. The Bluesky content is not federated to other fediverse servers, as expected. I can't even get it to come up with a direct link search. So all thumbs up! The only hiccup I've found so far is posts that are reflected from Friendica to Bluesky seem to show up in Relatica as from my Bluesky user when they are split up. Still overall excellent work to everyone that worked on it, especially @heluecht

david_megginson , to random avatar

Let's not compete with BlueSky.

If people who want to be on BlueSky end up on BlueSky, and people who want to be in the fediverse end up in the fediverse, we'll all be happier.

Tech details aside, I understand that the culture of BlueSky is "Twitter without Elon." I came to the fediverse looking for the same thing, but I've stayed because our culture isn't remotely like Twitter before Elon, either.

cragsand , to random

BlueSkys official account just highlighted a community developer project to bridge it with

early on decided not to go with the open standard in favor of implementating features like account migration. Planning to start federating next year, they've made some decisions I'm skeptical about.

Many servers will likely decide against bridging, having different values regarding privacy and data collection. What do you think?

TildeGartenzaun , to random
jwildeboer , to random avatar

A little reminder to all: This is the . Not the "Look, I'm on " or "I got a account and this is how it all works in 30 toots" network.

atomicpoet , to fediversenews

There’s already backlash against on .

They’re not happy about it. The oxygen has just been sucked out of the room.

I understand where they’re coming from. They thought AT protocol was going to catapult over . And now Threads has chosen ActivityPub.

How things change in the space of three months.


ainmosni , to random avatar

Is it just my bubble, or does the seem to "click" much more with than with ?

ainmosni OP , avatar

That's not to say that I don't welcome all the Americans that are here, or will join, but it just feels that Europeans tend to have a higher retention here, and seem to be less interested in things like .

jillianne , to random avatar

isn’t perfect but the two complaints I read about it this morning (on of all places) have me just… boggled.

  1. “mastodan is like bluesky but if you needed to open an Excel sheet every time you wanted to post”
    …What are you even TALKING about?

(I realize there are complicated parts of Mastodon, fine, but posting? That’s the easy part!)

  1. Masto users are overly sensitive.
    slow blink
    We need more sensitivity in this world, not less.
pfefferle , to random German avatar

The AT Protocol

Vor zwei Jahren wollte Twitter in das „Dezentrale Netzwerke“-Business einsteigen und gründete eigens dafür das Projekt Bluesky. In den folgenden zwei Jahren wurde viel evaluiert und diskutiert, was wohl die beste Lösung für Twitter sei und wir alle fieberten mit ob es nun ActivityPub oder doch Matrix werden würde…

Aber das Warten hat ein Ende! Bluesky hat verkündet wie es weiter geht!

Sie entwickeln ein neues Protokoll!

Das AT Protocol, kurz für Authenticated Transfer Protocol!

Ich hab mir die FAQ mal angeschaut und dort steht warum Bluesky sich gegen ActivityPub entschieden hat:

Account portability is the major reason why we chose to build a separate protocol. We consider portability to be crucial because it protects users from sudden bans, server shutdowns, and policy disagreements. Our solution for portability requires both signed data repositories and DIDs, neither of which are easy to retrofit into ActivityPub. The migration tools for ActivityPub are comparatively limited; they require the original server to provide a redirect and cannot migrate the user’s previous data.

Das erinnert mich ein bisschen an die Subline von meinem OpenWeb-Icons Font:

Why OpenWeb Icons? Because Font Awesome had no RSS-icon […]

Weil ActivityPub keine perfekte Lösung für „Account portability“ hat, bauen sie ein komplett neues Protokoll?

ActivityPub ist sicherlich nicht „feature complete“, aber ein guter erster Wurf, was das Fediverse erfolgreich bewiesen hat! Warum arbeitet Twitter also lieber an einem eigen Format anstatt mit dem W3C zusammen an ActivityPub v2?

Warum macht sich das W3C überhaupt noch die Mühe „Standards“ zu definieren?

Wegen der Interoperabilität!

Würde Twitter mit HTTP(S), HTML oder CSS ähnlich umgehen, würde der Browser einfach leer bleiben, weil das &$%§& Internet nur mit einheitlichen Standards funktioniert!

Und das gleiche gilt auch für dezentralte Netze, zumindest wenn sie erfolgreich sein wollen! Darüber hab ich tragischerweise schon vor 10 Jahren geschrieben!

Diaspora* wurde kaum für „tot“ erklärt und schon steht das nächste Projekt in den Startlöchern! soll ein protocol for distributed social networking and personal data storage werden. Alles neu, alles anders, alles besser als OStatus, DiSo oder Diaspora*. Aber mal ganz ehrlich… was haben die Diasporas & Co. bisher geschaffen? Ziel war es Facebooks „Walled Gardens“ aufzubrechen und was kam wirklich dabei rum? Eine ganze Reihe an dezentralen „Walled Gardens“. Na danke!

Dezentrale „Walled Gardens“

Das fediverse hat (wie schon erwähnt) bisher einen großartigen Job gemacht und verschiedenste Netzwerke mit den verschiedensten Ausprägungen vernetzt! Ich glaube bin der festen Überzeugung, dass sich diesmal wirklich das offene Format (ActivityPub) durchsetzen wird und Blueskys Authenticated Transfer Protocol auch in ein paar Monaten oder Jahren keine Rolle spielen wird!

Ben Werdmuller hat eine gesunde Einstellung zu dem Thema:

I’m so burned out by open source social, but I’m glad to see people throw energy at the problem, even if it’s not how I would have gone about it.


Mehr hab ich dazu eigentlich nicht zu sagen, außer dass wir in der aktuellen Folge des neunetzcasts sehr ausgiebig über genau dieses Problem gesprochen haben!

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