Juu_lion ,

I’ll check Sync out if I ever start having issues with Thunder. Don’t know why it isn’t as popular as other apps.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t particularly like any of the apps for Lemmy, while they all offered some of the features I wanted, none offered all in a single package.

That, coupled with the clunkyness and bugs that come along with the territory of new developers building something for the first time (which is not a knock against them), I just didn’t really enjoy trying to use Lemmy.

I’m mainly waiting for Boost, but I like to try the new Lemmy apps hoping to find a great one, and Sync is certainly the best so far, with a robust feature and settings set that does everything I need it to.

So that’s why I’m spending a little more time here now, I guess! Lemmy is only as good as the app that acts as it’s interface after all, and as the apps improve and become less of a chore to use, so will user retention.

someguy7734206 ,

I guess anything that will make Lemmy a viable alternative to Reddit is welcome.

AndreTelevise ,
@AndreTelevise@lemmy.world avatar

Sync in my opinion provides the most seamless, Reddit-like experience, so naturally, more people will gravitate towards that

terny ,

I had problems posting comments on liftoff so I stopped contributing altogether.

Nomadiscussion ,

I have a sync-ing feeling you’re right.

Koffiato ,

I don’t know what happened but I also see less politics and more interesting topics, which is making me want to vote more let alone to comment more.

Greyfoxsolid ,

I’m here because of sync. I’ll be using boost for lemmy also.

Aspergillus ,

I am here because of sync, but I am also confused. I made a .ml account and not a .world account. Does it matter? Could someone tell me the difference? Thanks.

s_s ,
@s_s@lemmy.one avatar

It’s like having a *@gmail.com vs a *@yahoo.com email address.

Any instance allows you to send/receive email (or that is, browse lemmy).

If your instance goes down for whatever reason, you’ll not be able to access that account.

Defaced ,

It doesn’t matter, all that means is you created an account on a different instance/server that can access content on .world, it’s the same situation the other way around, .world to .ml instances. It takes a bit to get used to it but after a while it just starts to feel like Reddit but with more meaningful conversations. I have an account on both instances in case one goes down I can still access the same content, that’s the beauty of the fediverse.

lillie ,
@lillie@pawb.social avatar

lemmy.world and lemmy.ml are different “instances” of Lemmy. Anyone can host one, and every Lemmy instance can talk to other Lemmy instances, and similarly any other software using ActivityPub. It’s part of the “Fediverse”, or the federated universe.

In the long term, it won’t matter unless lemmy.ml starts defederating from other instances or other instances start defederating from it. “Defederating” is a term for when the admins of an instance choose not to talk to another specific instance.

LambLeeg ,

Well, those are different servers, basically speaking. As for a user it actually rather won’t be matter what to use. I made it oversimplified, but seems about right.

martyo ,

Simple answer is it does not really matter, everything is connected and most things can be reached from anywhere.

Slightly more complex answer: each server instance (e.g. lemmy.ml, lemmy.world, lemm.ee and any others) has its own rules and regulations, dictated by the individual admin(s). You should read them to know what the instance is about, its general philosophy, and if it is a good fit for you. From this also follows the fact that your instance admins can choose to disconnect from other server instances - in that case you can not reach anything from the other instance. An example is many nsfw-free instances disconnecting (‘defederating’) from porn instances like lemmynsfw. Or disconnecting from right-wing troll instances.

So, the general answer is it does not matter much, but there is some fine print to it you should be aware of.

xxcarpaii ,

Someone else will be better at explaining the why but no, it doesn’t matter. You can still see and do the things.

tym ,

I’m on the connect app from .world and reading your comment just fine!

I like the soft bounding box UI around each post on this app the most.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

They’re just different instances, hosted by different people. You can make an account anywhere and still have access to everything, so from that perspective it doesn’t really matter. You picked one of the major ones, so you’re fine :-)

The big difference is deciding who you trust with your account. Who are they? Anybody can host an instance, after all. Will they keep your details secure? Will they be around for many years, or will they close down and you lose your account after a year, two… three? What’s their ability to withstand hackers and attacks? How good is their server infrastructure to ensure a bug free, speedy experience? Etc.

I just figured the big ones will hang in there one way or another, I find the people running the .world instance to be very transparent about how it’s run, and the issues they face running it.

That said, I wouldn’t store any information in my Lemmy account that I don’t mind being hacked or leaked, just in case.

LemmeInPls ,

Well I’m here, I couldn’t even log in using the other apps. Lemmy is confusing for me at the moment. Sync however made it able for me to log in, view topics that interest me.

charlytune ,
@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Ahh so maybe that’s why I’m seeing a lot more posts, comments and votes… I’ve been using Jerboa since I landed here and on the whole I’m fine with it, can anyone who’s used both tell me whether there’s a big difference between the two?

Mr_Blott ,

Biggest thing for me is Swipe to Hide, my most used feature of Sync for Reddit; stops the same shit coming up again and again

woooferine ,

I was on Lemmy 2 months ago and haven’t been back since. Using Firefox on my phone was just too slow for someone who was spoiled by Baconreader on Reddit.

With Sync, I think I’ll come around more often.

some_guy ,
Gallardo994 ,

I just tried to use reddit via third party app, then got reminded that it’s over. Decided to check out whatever still works and found Sync for Lemmy, wondering if it’s similar. Turns out, it’s even better lol

eestileib ,

It’s official Lemmy, we have our first astroturf campaign!


IverCoder OP ,


Kilamaos ,

I’ve spent countless hours on reddit on the reddit sync

I used lemmy fairly little because on mobile, the experience wasn’t great.

Glad it’s back. I’ll probably be more active because of it ngl.

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