Clipboards , avatar

God it’s so good to be back

Tugboater203 , avatar

I didn’t use Sync before but it’s a really solid beta. I can’t wait to be able to post from it. Until then I’m running Jerboa and Sync.

orb360 ,

Using sync for Lemmy feels identical to using sync for reddit… It’s fantastic!

jellyosaurus , avatar

This is actually awesome. Feels like old fashioned reddit

SneedsFeednSeed , (edited )

Sync will lead to the mass exodus from Plebbit to Lemmy. Nice work dev

new_acct_who_dis ,

Yup. This release finally brought me over here. I haven’t logged into Reddit since Sync died over there

Eyeklops ,

Same here. My usage of Reddit has strictly been through the website when I’m searching for answers to technical stuff. I’m happy to use Sync again.

pomodoro_longbreak ,

Just FYI the actual term is “mass exodus,” but I love your way of putting it, too! Actually it sounds, like, more bad ass

SneedsFeednSeed ,

Thanks, edited. Phone posting problems.

iAmArdan89 ,

This app looks and feels super solid. I didn’t use sync for Reddit, but this feels and looks smooth as hell. Secondly going to use this and keep looking to see how all the apps are progressing.

MasterRoach ,

Now we just gotta grow this community and put reddit out of Business

Alienmonkey ,

Reddit will put themselves out of business, they don’t need help.

Sp3z is no Lukas Matsson. Probably more of a Kendall.

kagemushablues ,

This is amazing. Using it right now… Feels like the old reddit again! Can’t believe I was using the reddit app for nearly a year. This is what it should have been all along.

cntzr0 ,

Praise be!

Deftdrummer ,

Testing with Sync.

phorq ,

Verifying your test case with Sync.

Avolate ,


letsgo ,

Trying some fancy characters: ¬`@~£$???~~~~~~~~NO CARRIER

Deftdrummer ,


Stormlight ,

Observing your short exchange on sync

JulesWinnfield , avatar

It’s like having Reddit back, this is amazing. 🙏

For as long as I can remember Reddit and Sync have been one and the same. I never used Reddit website or app, only ever used Sync to browse Reddit hosted content. I used it a lot. I’ve missed it a lot.

Between the Lemmy platform and Sync client, to all intents and purposes what Reddit was has been fully restored/migrated.

I know it’s early days, but I did not expect to see anything like this so soon and it gives me hope that Lemmy can grow and thrive into the network of people that always made Reddit what it was. Everything that’s needed is there - early, a little rough around the edges, but there. And being improved constantly.


cjsolx ,

Lemmying from Sync right now and it brings a tear to my eye. I don’t think anything other than Sync would have made Lemmy feel “right” to me. And now it does.

JulesWinnfield , avatar

He just added an £18.99 one off charge to remove ads as well. Instabuy for me. Just brilliant.

Celediel ,

At first it felt a little steep to me, but then I remembered I’ve been using Sync since 2012.

cjsolx ,

Insta buy indeed lol. Probably double paid to remove ads and get ultra but that’s alright, it’s for a good cause and LJ deserves it.

TheFriendlyArtificer ,


The second that I opened the interface it was like being greeted by an old friend.

I totally get the subscription fatigue that people get. Work gave me an iPad and I was gobsmacked that a simple SSH app using open source libraries was going to cost $6.00/mo. Hell with that.

But in this instance, I feel like the subscription is worth it. The dev has proven that he is extremely active. Weekly updates on the beta channel for the original Reddit version.

steve , avatar

Am I reading this wrong? It is $134.99 Canadian for the one time charge.


Zeroxxx ,

100 USD for me.

limecool ,

That’s for lifetime ultra. Check the sidebar for remove ads option. Should be $24

Coelacanth , avatar

That’s for Ultra. The other purchase is under “Remove Ads”. Ultra comes with some extra features, like cloud storage.

Franki ,

I couldn’t said it better myself. After 12 years on reddit, here I am! Joined as soon as sync launched and after some Eli5 of Lemmy, I’m ready for it.

All tips for interesting instances or give me some tips about what I should check out, or catch up on, it would be appreciated .

Coelacanth , avatar

I usually recommend Lemmyverse as the place to find the biggest/most active communities, or search for specific ones.

I also recommend following !trendingcommunities on which a bot gives daily posts with upcoming/growing communities.

Eyeklops ,

I don’t consider myself to be “Lemmying” or “Redditing”… I’m “Syncing”

bill_buttlicker ,

Helllll yeah!!

UsernameIsTooLon ,

Yea this app going dark for a month made me realize how much I actually enjoy the experience of this app rather than reddit itself. Being forced to use the official app has pushed me away from Reddit more than ever

FlagonOfMe ,

So happy to be using Sync again!

Zurr ,

Wrapping Sync around Lemmy has made interfacing with the fediverse so nice, you don’t get this kind of quality from anyone but a passionate developer.

schwimmbux ,

Used relay for Reddit before. Am excited to Test sync

drzoidberg , avatar

Oh my God this is great. I’ve hated the other Lemmy apps. It feels so much more natural.

lime_red ,

Oh, this is delicious

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