Secret300 ,
Gooey0210 ,

Are torrent clients next?

shaytan , avatar

To summarize: It was a copycat version of CocoaBob's GBA4iOS, uploaded without his consent, and on top of that, filled with ads and tracking user data.

CaptainBasculin ,

Since the licensing of GBA4iOS was GPLv2 they could've posted the source code with their edits and call it a day; but i guess they didnt even do that.

goldteeth ,

Shit, an emulator getting taken down for... actual copyright infringement? You don't see that every day.

Oha , avatar

That one didnt last long.
Edit: Read the article, Hope the actual devs upload it

MachineFab812 ,

The "actual devs" straight copied another app that is still available on the app store, and then enshittified it heavilly. To the depths with them!

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