Pirates of the world we need your help to fight back for the sake of Yuzu and emulation freedom!

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12810167

I've made a full archive of Yuzu

Hi I've made a full archive of Yuzu. That would include all their Github issues, the git repo on its last version, the latest available release binaries from the Github page, and all of their progress reports from the Yuzu website. The progress reports are good for understanding the general work and weaving a narrative in your mind about the trajectory of the Yuzu project, and the Github issues can outline resolved issues and outstanding ones.

I do not include any illicit materials in my archive. If you seek keys, roms, firmware, etc, you won't find it here.


While I'm happy to share this torrent for basically as long as possible, I do not have port forwarding available. So if anyone wishes to have these materials and possibly has a seedbox, please assist! Also this is like the first time I've ever created a torrent, but I'm pretty sure I did it right.

P.S. I am completely unrelated to Yuzu team members. I'm just a saddened user like everyone else.

harderian729 , (edited )

Yuzu devs are a bunch of cucks.

Glad I'm not having any issues with the version I'm currently using.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Talking behind a screen is easy, isn’t?

harderian729 ,

I'll say it to your face no problem.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Like I said, it is easy hiding behind a screen.
You are probably a teenager or an manchild.

It is okay though, let adults handle the real world.
You can play the “pretend to be cool” thing on the internet.

harderian729 ,

I'm sorry you're so upset over comments on a forum.

Maybe you should take a look in the mirror.

Mubelotix ,
@Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

Wow guys the download speed was 70MB/s I have never seen a torrent that well seeded in my life. My server will now join the effort

fatalError ,

You should join some private trackers then. I am consistently getting 100+MB/s on many torrents from such trackers. That is of course on gigabit fibre and proper port forwarding configured.

Mubelotix ,
@Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

Thanks, I will look into this!

aStonedSanta ,

Man. I want to but it seems like so much work. I miss tvtorrents so much.

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I'll try seeding but my connection sucks ass

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
rdri ,

Did someone think about backing up the commit history? I believe it can be useful for future devs.

patatahooligan ,
@patatahooligan@lemmy.world avatar

The source code in this torrent is a clone of the git repo. I don't know if there are missing branches but it should have the entirety of the master branch history at least.

jayandp ,

Have you done Citra too?

hector OP ,

Hey it’s not me just sharing the project

patatahooligan , (edited )
@patatahooligan@lemmy.world avatar

I have my own backup of the git repo and I downloaded this to compare and make sure it's not some modified (potentially malicious) copy. The most recent commit on my copy of master was dc94882c9062ab88d3d5de35dcb8731111baaea2 (4 commits behind OP's copy). I can verify:

  • that the history up to that commit is identical in both copies
  • after that commit, OP's copy only has changes to translation files which are functionally insignificant

So this does look to be a legitimate copy of the source code as it appeared on github!


  • This was just a random check, I do not have any reason to be suspicious of OP personally
  • I did not check branches other than master (yet?)
  • I did not (and cannot) check the validity of anything beyond the git repo
  • You don't have a reason to trust me more than you trust OP... It would be nice if more people independently checked and verified against their own copies.

I will be seeding this for the foreseeable future.

hector OP ,

Thanks for doing that! I should write a script to do it, but I’m feeling down this week. So I won’t do it sorry :(

zygo_histo_morpheus ,

I have a copy that I got from https://github.com/yuzu-mirror/yuzu. Looking at its master branch of the main repo, it has dc94882c9062ab88d3d5de35dcb8731111baaea2, followed by 4 commits related to translation (likely the same as OPs) followed by a couple of commits that only change github urls from yuzu-emu to yuzu-mirror.

yuuunikki ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

  • Loading...
  • mnemonicmonkeys ,

    Can't link to them directly per instance and community rules

    lemann ,

    Instance rules, and other instances have defederated us in the past

    harderian729 ,

    Awful rule.

    Are there any instances that don't bend to their corporate overlords?

    narc0tic_bird ,
    @narc0tic_bird@lemm.ee avatar

    These aren't really part of the Yuzu project.

    m105 , (edited )
    @m105@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Here to lend a hand :D

    cali_ash ,

    Well, stop playing airplane and lend a hand!

    hector OP ,

    Seed it! Share the love :)

    DebatableRaccoon ,

    On it and set to force seed for future download

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