
sugar_in_your_tea , in openSUSE Tumbleweed Monthly Update - April

Not sure why they included random Python packages in the KDE Frameworks section.

Good work to everyone patching the various exploits, April was a spicy month. Oh, and I'm loving KDE 6, so awesome work getting the ready too (I think that was last month though).

Archaeopteryx OP , avatar

Yeah, don't know why the Pytnon stuff is in the Frameworks section. I just copy & pasted

jokro OP , in openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the week 2024/13 – Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)

Already wondered what's causing a 5GB Update, but this explains it:

For snapshot 0328, Ring0 has been completely bootstrapped (as the attack vectors for xz were not fully known, we went the safest route) and for 0329 all of Tumbleweed rebuilt against that new base; Ezpect that snapshot to appear ‘large’ (even though many packages will not be different).

HumanPerson , in Plasma update breaks updates

I installed lxqt and did supper DUP from xterm on there. Worked for me.

milicent_bystandr OP ,

I wanted to try a different DE to get things working, but with network manager down I couldn't install anything else! Tumbleweed already had IceWM, but without any networkmanager control there either.

Course that was before I discovered I didn't need any internet to finish the job and fix it. I assumed the update completed but broke something, and hoped against hope there'd be a fix issued quickly that I could further update to.

P.S. I assume you mean zypper dup, but perhaps you're using the new Irish Culinary/Political Linux, and supper DUP is the right command.

pfaca , in Plasma update breaks updates avatar

I had more or less the same problem in my laptop and in my main PC.
But you can get around it just by login again and doing the update through zypper. I believe it restarts the session 3 times, and one of those after login, you just have a black screen. Use Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up the terminal and zypper dup again. After zypper is done just restart and everything will be fine.

Did this with both PCs and both are working with no problems.

milicent_bystandr OP ,

Yeah, if I'd known what was going on I could have just switched to VT1 straight away and finished the update. Did the other machine fine by updating from VT1 from the start.

milicent_bystandr OP , in Plasma update breaks updates

Further to this, my sound stopped working. "No input/output devices detected."

Turned out if I went to the settings and turned on "show inactive devices", then changed the Profile from 'none' to 'Analog Stereo Duplex', it went back to normal and worked. sigh

That's what I get for a rolling release, I guess. I just hope the friends I set up on Linux Mint don't get similar issues, since I'm not around to help when things break.

leftascenter , in KDE Plasma 6 avatar
flyos , in KDE Plasma 6 avatar

It's currently being staged. I guess how much time for it to make to TW is mostly a matter of how well it'll pass QA. Hopefully, it's a matter a (very) few days.

MajinBlayze , in KDE Plasma 6


Archaeopteryx OP , in Exploring Agama's 2024 Roadmap avatar

I'm curious to see how the new installer feels and whether it's really better than the old one.

kylian0087 , in Tried out TW on 2 PCs with very different results

Can you give a bit more detail about rhe hardware of the desktop? Memory cpu gpu etc.

Corr OP ,

CPU: AMD 5600X.
RAM: 16GB 3200~~ MT/s ddr4.
GPU: 3070 FE.
MOBO: Some B550 board.

Do you need any other hardware specs? I’m no longer sure if I installed tgw nvidia drivers both times so I suppose that may have been it but I do think its one of the first things I tried to do. Thanks a bunch for replying!

Petter1 , in Slowroll repo move + upcoming version bump | openSUSE Factory Mailing List

If I need the legacy community patched Nvidia driver, the slow roll distro should be best, shouldn’t it?

u_1f914 OP , in Logo contest deadline has passed. What are your favorite entries?
LunchEnjoyer , in Logo contest deadline has passed. What are your favorite entries? avatar

Imho, only the full theme ones.

u_1f914 OP , in Slowroll repo move + upcoming version bump | openSUSE Factory Mailing List

Interesting, I can’t post here if I select “English” as the post language.
I get an error 400 HTTP status with a JSON error: “language_not_allowed”.
It works fine if I leave the language as “Undetermined”. Are these just the OpenSuse community settings?

woelkchen , avatar

Are these just the OpenSuse community settings?

Those are per-community settings, yes.

superkret , in Looking for a cheat sheet for Tumbleweed with basic commands and ideally their *deb/*buntu equivalent for searching packages that aren’t in your activated repos, and steps to activate the one that contains them.

gohixo9650 OP ,

Thanks, I had a look and I wanted to ask even though it is kinda obvious but I want to confirm about the “community packages”. Who is building them? The word community implies that it may be a community behind them but the naming system suggests that they are personal repos (and most probably not checked). What is the case?

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