Discord clicks are going to game in KDE

Me again!

Using Discord while playing Hunt Showdown and if I alt+tab away from the game into Discord to volume adjust, unmute myself or someone else, the left clicks are going to the game and causing some not so great misfires. Anyway to prevent the left click from propagating into the game window?

Using KDE + Wayland and Discord Flatpak if that effects it at all.

dr_jekell ,
@dr_jekell@lemmy.world avatar

Try going into a menu first so the game isn't stealing the mouse and keyboard focus.

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

What menu are you referring to? An in game one?

dr_jekell ,
@dr_jekell@lemmy.world avatar

Yep and in game menu.

I had the same issue when playing Minecraft until I realized that I had to go into a menu so the game would unlock the mouse &/or keyboard.

imecth ,
@imecth@fedia.io avatar

As a fix, you can run the game through gamescope which should sandbox the game.

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

Good suggestion; haven't dived into the world of Gamescope yet.

smpl ,
@smpl@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You should submit a bug report to your distro. If the window in focus doesn't grab the pointer, that should be a bug.

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

I am tempted to wait as I should be getting Plasma 6 soonish (on Tumbleweed)

visor841 ,

I'm in a similar boat. I've got a bunch of small Wayland niggles, but I'm waiting to investigate them until after I switch to Tumbleweed when it gets Plasma 6 (I'm currently on Kubuntu).

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

Really enjoying Tumbleweed so far. The extra testing cycle they do versus Arch has a measurable effect on stability and need to fiddle with things after a routine system upgrade.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

alt tabs

Clicks around

Tabs back in

"Ah shit! I shot Marvin in the face!"

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

Basically :)

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

At least it might distract him from the terrible pain in all the diodes down his left side.

Fisch ,
@Fisch@lemmy.ml avatar

Are you using Xorg or Wayland?

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

Wayland + KDE

Fisch ,
@Fisch@lemmy.ml avatar

I thought that stuff like this couldn't happen on Wayland by design but maybe that's only true for keyboard inputs. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to help you but I hope that this information was at least useful to someone who knows more than me.

HouseWolf ,

It's an issue even on Windows, Some games just like to hog your mouse inputs even when you tab out of the program. Worse is a few games I've played that locked my mouse to the middle of the screen when I alt tabbed so I couldn't click on anything!

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I would guess both the game and discord are xwayland and since it all happens on that side that happens.

Seems like a similar thing to the xeyes trick to check if an app is really running on native Wayland: if the eyes don't move, mouse events aren't going to an xwayland client.

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

The game is under Steam proton, so I would expect that to use Wayland; unless all that stuff is XWayland?

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

It's all xwayland. Wayland support in Wine/Proton is barely usable yet. Even Valve's gamescope, although a Wayland compositor/client, still only exposes xwayland by default.

million OP ,
@million@lemmy.world avatar

Good to know, thanks for the clarification.

Rooki ,
@Rooki@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it happens sometimes to me with specific games

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