
The fediverse Goodreads alternative: Bookwyrm ( bookwyrm.world )

If you are interested in sharing book recommendations with other, or just manage your books, then bookwyrm is great for that! The .world team also has a bookwyrm instance up and running at bookwyrm.world with a community here on lemmy as well at !bookwyrm. Read Ruuds original post about it here: https://lemmy.world/post/5904792...

What Meta-corp can give the fediverse: Money ( blog.erlend.sh )

I suspect the fedi-collective has more negotiating power in this moment than it realizes. We may as well make some asks, see how Meta responds, and they in turn will see how the public, the media and the regulators respond to them in this bold new era of pervasive Big Tech skepticism....

Improve Instance representation on the join-lemmy.org website

After having spent some time on Lemmy and learning of the intricacies of the different Lemmy instances, I think the landing page for the Lemmyverse could do with some streamlining. I remember that back when I joined, the only information I used to decide on an instance to join was the user count, the signup policy and the...

Does Reddit shadowban mentions of Lemmy?

In the months since I deleted my Reddit accounts and joined Lemmy, the lack of user base growth has made it clear that we need some users to stay on Reddit as a means of shepherding more users over on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, Reddit simply got what it wanted: less users who make a fuss about how it manages its platform...

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