@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar



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MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

That's gtk.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I would say a "superset of gtk" since the point of libadwaita is shipping more widgets targeting Gnome UI/UX (including its theme). That's why they describe it like "Building blocks for modern GNOME applications".

Did I just solve the packaging problem? (please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong)

You know what I just realised? These "universal formats" were created to make it easier for developers to package software for Linux, and there just so happens to be this thing called the Open Build Service by OpenSUSE, which allows you to package for Debian and Ubuntu (deb), Fedora and RHEL (rpm) and SUSE and OpenSUSE (also...

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

The universal packaging problem is having all the dependencies for all the software, making it all available for end users, in one place and easily make those packages for virtually every distro by developers wanting to target Linux systems. A lot of companies do not support Linux for this reason: there is no one single format to distribute software (not considering tar.gz).

Having a tool that convert packages to other distro's package format does not solve this, it's just a long chain which original devs of a software are not in control of. The idea of Flathub and Snapcraft (the repos, not flatpak/snap) is to make one place for third party devs to publish their software (foss and not).

Also, flatpak is trying to make a "standard" api to interact with the host system thru the sandbox for privacy/security reasons (like android).

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar
  1. Using a tool that allows you to build using OBS once, and distribute for all distros is already a solution that makes it possible to target all of Linux.

There are projects using this method, but bigs like BlackMagic would prefer shipping one package (like he does right now with DaVinci Resolve). Anyway, after installing a package downloaded from a site, how do you update it? Who publish that software should make a repo for every package type or making app update itself (like apps on Windows do).

Flatpak's sandbox isn't really doing much for security/privacy as addressed by this: https://flatkill.org/2020

Thanks for the link, I was aware of those issues but wasn't aware of this website. Anyway, the major issue here is old bundled libraries, with further spreading of flatpak other issues should be trivial to fix, I hope.

we need to figure out how to get less permissive, well, permissions, to applications

Libportal should fix this.

as well as to apply system theming by default

My flatpaks apps follows system theme by editing global vars, there are a bunch of guides to do it. Distros could add them by default, but (as you said) theming is still controversial.

AND YES, this post was mostly an experiment to see what people think and how they'd react to differing opinions different from the status quo.

Next time just ask. Would make more people engage in commenting rather than just downvoting.

having to type the whole thing. What I mean is running "flatpak run one.ablaze.floorp" instead of just "floorp", for example.

That's to avoid conflicts, flatpak install looks up for entries that's why you don't have to write the whole thing.

Flatseal. I mean, Flathub has THE control center for Flatpak apps and nobody has taken it upon themselves to make this more official

What flatseal does is giving a GUI for configuring flatpaks, you can just use flatpak command itself from cli (that's the official way). That should be embedded in system settings (gnome-control-center for gnome).

Also for Flatseal specifically, can we make it easier to theme (gtk and qt) apps, (like a dropdown or something?) instead of having to look up the envvar name because I can't remember it?

This is entirely feasible, try ask flatseal devs by opening an issue.

Can we find a way to force apps that don't really need full filesystem permissions to remove that?

Maybe like Android does: first time you open an app it asks you to grant permissions to that app without giving them all the permissions it asks by default. That way you can just opt which permissions would like to give to an app on installation or first launch, tho this is not what happen right now because can entirely break some apps so it's up to power users to tweak it.

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Why don't you add some infos and steps you took for people who could need them?

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

In my opinion, public istitutions like schools should push FOSS instead of giving private corps more power.

But most offices actually use those private corps shitty software, so that's why they train students on that.

I need to do more advanced stuff, oh GOD!

These closed platforms by wanting to be more "user-friendly" most of the time become geek-unfriendly. This also make them more profits by making "certified" courses on a damn software. If you need a course to even use a software, then rethink the usability of that software.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I don't have a Nvidia GPU, so I can't test it, maybe Mission Center works.

From their GitLab readme:

Monitor overall GPU usage, video encoder and decoder usage, memory usage and power consumption, powered by the popular NVTOP project

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Does nvk expose anything thru sysfs?
Take a look at "/sys/class/drm/card*/device/"

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

AMD drivers expose API thru sysfs and system monitors just parse that. Seems like nouveau does not expose anything like that. You can still put a thumbsup on nvtop issue about nouveau support.

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Don't lose hope, resistance is NOT futile.
There are third party frontends for most of Facebook/Meta services and desktop apps which can be used when there are no other options.

Be aware of installing Whatsapp app on iOS and Android, there are vulnerabilities currently exploited by the israelian Pegasus. Nothing prevents anyone else from using these vulnerabilities.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

There was bibliogram (web) which I've used a couple of times, but it's now discontinued.
Your best bet here would be using instagram web as a webapp with a bunch of addons limiting their tracking. I dunno if there are some limitation on the instagram website, I don't use instagram at all.

By looking up on f-droid there is "barinsta" which received a cease and desist letter from a law firm representing Facebook. Maybe you can find an active fork of it.

If you find something, please update us. There could be someone else in your same condition.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

my Linux phone

What brand? My pinephone stopped turning on :(

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Have you tried fixing your pinephone?

I don't know what stopped working. I could have tried buying a brand new mobo, but at the same price I bought a Pixel and flashed Graphene but I do miss Linux phone.

Can you please share some info?
How's battery life? Is everything smooth enough? Are you on phosh or plasma mobile? How's call quality? Does VoLTE works?

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Pixel phones ship the entire Google garbase.

Anyway, OP said can't get a Pixel phone.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

The cleanest out of the box would be a brand shipping AOSP or something closest to it. Maybe Nokia, I'm not sure.

Pixel phones do not ship third party apps other than Google apps.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar
MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Never heard of them, I'm gonna check them.

For you fellow lemmies, here are the links:

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Isn't Tor plagued by NSA managed nodes?

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Are you using Fedora Workstation? Have you installed "additional" multimedia codecs?

The issue with Fedora is that because of being backed by RedHat, they fear using some software for their licensing. So, to use features of your GPU you paid for, you need to install codecs from RPM Fusion.
This can be an hussle when big version updates of Fedora comes and you need to wait for RPM Fusion repo to catch up.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I've been thinking of making one, thank you for beating me on time. I'll bookmark it.

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I moved from Debian mainly because I kept breaking apt somehow. But I was saw people recommending it for desktop use, so maybe it got improved.

Edit: typo

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Would creating a Lemmy instance with that content be enough? Doing so the already enough large Lemmy community could already interact with it.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

The question & answer format requires data that Lemmy just isn't able to fully replicate as it is.

Other than marking the correct answer and having user score/badges, there is anything else?

Also the community editable nature

You're right, I just forgot that people can edit your questions and answers.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Still got server-side code closed source and by default messages are not encrypted.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Telegram :P

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Having server-side source code open can help into finding not on purpose backdoors. But yes, no one can verify that's the same exact version used by the actual servers.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Been there, done that. I don't remember where I retrieved that code, but somehow I managed to do that. Maybe it was on Microsoft site loggin in with his credentials.

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Funny you say that, because that was the case. If I'm not wrong he logged into his work account, which used just once on his personal laptop and MS Windows decided to encrypt the drive and connect it to that account. Funny stuff.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

It does makes sense if they encrypt your drive without telling you.

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Does nix package manager have some issues adressed by this implementation or was it born for another reason?

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

This is the best answer, but I would like to just add a tip:

  1. I used OneDrive

Try "Online Accounts" inside settings, should work without installing anything else (I've never tried it, but should work).

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

OP said is using pop_os and for the time being pop still ships gnome.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

how can I be sure that software from the flathub is kept up to date? My understanding is that it's often community maintained?

If it got the ownership verified then should be kept updated by original developers, like Kodi for example (see the blue checkmark).

MrSoup , (edited )
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Can't they theme gtk4/libadwaita without editing libadwaita? Like gradience do

I've made a bunch of libadwaita apps, because I like its UI/UX not because I want to break other Desktop Environment. That would mean even more fragmentation.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

They want to push even more other desktop environments and distros to use XApps, because a lot of gnome's ex-gtk3 apps now are half-broken and looks alien inside Mint and other distros like Xubuntu.

If an application doesn’t support Cinnamon we can’t ship with it in our Cinnamon edition. The same goes for MATE and Xfce.
We could do like Ubuntu 24.04. They provide a finished product with a high level of integration. The way they do that is by modifying libAdwaita to support their theme: Yaru. We could do the same with Mint-Y. It would make all GNOME applications look nice in Linux Mint, but we’d have to remove theme selection, since it would only work with Mint-Y. In the long term it wouldn’t solve the main issue either: These applications are designed for a desktop which is more and more different to ours by the day. It’s not just a question of themes or look. Today these apps are losing menubars, themes, tomorrow they might come with no minimize button or anything GNOME doesn’t use.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Aren't mint themes gtk themes?

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I use Gnome too and I don't like their attitude against other DEs. Their attitude is becoming a real threat to Linux interoperability.
At least we got flatpaks.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

You can use NoScript.
Enable WebGL in LibreWolf/Firefox, block it with NoScript and manage a white list adding manually sites you need.

MrSoup ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

I use Firefox with uBlock and NoScript plus other addons and seems to be no interference between those two.
Should not be an issue on LibreWolf.

MrSoup OP ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Why should I need a rooted phone? Can't dialer apps send whatever they want through cellular network?

MrSoup OP ,
@MrSoup@lemmy.zip avatar

Just curious really, would be cool using cellular network with an encrypted signal. Here some telcom companies offers infinite calls minutes but limited GBs of internet, so making voip calls would use those GBs.

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