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PanArab , avatar

EVs are cheaper to fill up than internal combustion engine cars, even in oil rich countries - Changan Eado EV, 9 Saudi Riyal (2.4USD) to drive 460km (287.5miles) - . I want to get an EV eventually, I just want to know how well can they handle +50C temperatures.

MrOzwaldMan ,

Same, but I fear the risk of the car getting hacked giving the hacker the control or an EMP attack causing the electric car to shutdown indefinitely.

Tar_alcaran ,

An EMP will brick any car from the past 3 decades. And also trigger ww3, so I'm not sure if you've got your priorities straight there.

MtnPoo ,

ICE cars are just as reliant on computers. Have you seen the articles on "your car is spying on you" and BMWs heated seat monthly fee?

Plus, when you consider all the emissions controls required by the government versus the car companies trying to make the cars exciting for the consumer, the whole thing ends up one big giant mess of computer and sensors.

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