Homeryo ,

Let’s keep him caffeinated!

phamanhvu01 OP ,

I’ll wait until Ljdawson sets up regional pricing, not really used to paying American prices for everything online personally.

FrankTheHealer ,

This is my first time using Sync. I bounced around different reddit apps back before the shit hit the fan but never tried Sync. I have to say. Im impressed. It’s so much more stable than Jerboa.

sdrawk ,

Oh… You’ve unleashed The Flood…

zabadoh ,

User and community filters aren’t working.

I changed my base instance to lemmynsfw.com, entered some community and user filters, but their posts aren’t being filtered.

Fract ,


TheMorningStar ,

Just the thing I’ve been waiting for. We are so back.

uSirPatrick ,

Happy to pay the monthly fee to support this

JulesWinnfield ,
@JulesWinnfield@lemmy.world avatar

It’s like having Reddit back, this is amazing. 🙏

For as long as I can remember Reddit and Sync have been one and the same. I never used Reddit website or app, only ever used Sync to browse Reddit hosted content. I used it a lot. I’ve missed it a lot.

Between the Lemmy platform and Sync client, to all intents and purposes what Reddit was has been fully restored/migrated.

I know it’s early days, but I did not expect to see anything like this so soon and it gives me hope that Lemmy can grow and thrive into the network of people that always made Reddit what it was. Everything that’s needed is there - early, a little rough around the edges, but there. And being improved constantly.



Might want to charge your phone or you won’t be able to use it. 🤨 🙃

phamanhvu01 OP ,

Lol I charged it after posting this

Raiderkev ,

Just in time. Reddit killed RIF all the way just now

Isthisreddit ,

Yeah I just saw that. RIP

I’m making a stand and abandoning reddit like digg

camillaSinensis ,

I was on the verge of abandoning reddit before when I could only use RIF to browse logged out, but now that it’s gone for good…goodbye, reddit. I wonder if it’ll affect things like reddit traffic at all. Time will tell, I suppose.

Steak ,

Fuck yeah!!!

microoptics ,

It feels so surreal to be in a newly-budding set of communities with the same UI I fell in love with years ago.

Thank you, LJ!

zorrothefox2001 ,
@zorrothefox2001@lemmy.world avatar

We are so fucking back

ndsvw ,
@ndsvw@feddit.de avatar

Is it not for free? Why is it not on f-droid?

zorrothefox2001 ,
@zorrothefox2001@lemmy.world avatar

It is for free. It is not Free. Never was.

First ,

It’s for fee

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Living the life that’s completely free. 🎶

Hexarei ,
@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

Free as in beer, but not speech

punseye ,

It’s not open source, f-droid is for open source apps only

CoyoteHart ,

In order for something to be on F-Droid, it needs to adhere to being FOSS, which is free and open source software. Sync is not open source .

codemaster ,

It’s closed source and full of ads and spyware

adventurecyclist ,
@adventurecyclist@feddit.uk avatar

Awesome… Only need a replay for Lemmy now.🙂

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