Hazdaz ,

They are laughing at you, not with you.

ericjmorey OP ,
@ericjmorey@programming.dev avatar

All my life.

roofuskit ,
@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

No alt-text makes me sad. Can't be an xkcd without it.

XTornado ,

“Found myself moderating chats about my Mastodon moderation setup.”

ericjmorey OP ,
@ericjmorey@programming.dev avatar

It’s not XKCD

milkjug ,

This is 100% me but for Lemmy.

xtremeownage ,

Can confirm, lol

Transcriptionist , (edited )

Image Transcription:

A one-panel XKCD-style comic with the title “The Self-Hoster” One character is seated at a computer, talking to a second character standing behind their chair. Character one says: “It took all weekend, but now that I have a Mastodon instance running in Docker behind a reverse proxy with cloud-provided media storage, I can enjoy interacting with a federated network of other users without compromising on privacy or content moderation.” Character two replies: “Cool, what kinds of topics does your network discuss?” Character one replies: “Our experiences self-hosting Mastodon instances, mostly.”

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

ericjmorey OP ,
@ericjmorey@programming.dev avatar

The only mistake I see is attributing the work to XKCD.

Transcriptionist ,

Hm, I guess I assumed based on the style. It’s an edit? I’m not really sure what to call it then. I’ve edited my post but if you have any suggestions please let me know.

ericjmorey OP ,
@ericjmorey@programming.dev avatar

It’s an original work in the style of XKCD

JuxtaposedJaguar ,

Meh, it’s a hobby. Lots of people talk about their hobbies.

Still a funny comic, though.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I was on Lemmy for a month before I realized this was a community about hosting servers, and not the Lemmy equivalent of a self.post from Reddit. 🤦‍♂️

HawlSera ,

I hate googling things and just being lead back to reddit… Where my account was permabanned for “Report Abuse”, something literally not even discussed in their TOS

And they’re not every clear on if I’m allowed to use an alternate account, they just said “If you go onto another account and continue this misbehavior it’ll be banned”, which sounds like I’m allowed to use an alt, but… only if it plays by the rules, but else where I’m seeing that “Ban Evasion” is against the rules, so which is it Jim Jam?

uranibaba ,

I hate googling things and just being lead back to reddit

This is so far my biggest problem med Lemmy and federation in general, all content is not in one place. It was nice just searching for problem x reddit and you found a solution 9/10 times (because you had everything in one place).

HawlSera ,

That and the Specific Fandoms aren’t here, no FNAF, no Sonic, no Taco Bill, no Mudkips, nothing

GiuseppeAndTheYeti ,

Make them

dx1 ,

Their stance is that you personally are banned for life from subs regardless of which account. Would be a real shame if your IP got changed between accounts, your cookies and local storage got cleared, and you never mentioned the old account again. You could accidentally post in a sub you got banned from, and they wouldn’t be able to helpfully re-ban you from the sub!

If you were still trying to spend time on reddit in the first place at least.

JuxtaposedJaguar ,

That’s what my “friend” did. Reddit banned every account he used on his phone at once, but with a different IP, desktop browser, and cookie isolation, they haven’t noticed so far. He might sound like some professional troll, but he was actually banned for a stupid reason.

HawlSera ,


midas10 ,

I genuinely think Reddit might be the worst social media site just cause of the egregious amount of echo chambering. And I’m not even talking about only one side of the political spectrum is on the site, it’s sub-dependent. If you don’t fully agree with anything in a community you run the risk of the ban hammer at the very least in the community and possibly even site-wide. Every single community (and apparently Reddit) has at least one rule that’s vague enough for them to justify removing posts/banning people they don’t like with it. And even worse, everyone on the site thinks they’re the epitome of intelligence cause they’ve been in their circlejerk forever.

HawlSera ,

The kind of people who mistake their own ass for an air freshener.

Jumuta ,
@Jumuta@sh.itjust.works avatar

tbf I feel like lemmy also has a lot of echo chambering, it’s literally 70% tech nerds and nearly everyone is atheist

madargon ,
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@midas10 @HawlSera this is the reason I got rid of reddit long before last chaos. It was like everyone tried to send message "you could think exactly like us or you are traitor, crazy, human trash and you deserve the worst". It was too exhausting for me.

corsicanguppy ,

Maybe let’s not suggest that all self-hosting is just container-bros and related struggles?

traches ,

…… am i a container bro?

roofuskit ,
@roofuskit@kbin.social avatar

Wow, gate keeping self hosting. I guess there's one in every community.

FuyuhikoDate ,

Hmm… Maybe i should write a Post about my Problems with the home Assistant App ^^

But Unfortunatally i mostly think “the official forum might be a better Place?”

admin ,

Love it. . IMO opinion self hosted instances are the coolest thing about federated social media and it’s part of how we will take back the internet from the corporations that have captured it.

Kangie ,

IMO opinion

You know what ‘IMO’ is an acronym for, right?

spez_ ,

IMO my opinion I don’t know

Comment105 ,

In My Own opinion, lmao ass off.

JuxtaposedJaguar ,

SMH my head

Infinity187 ,

Wow…you really believe this?

QuazarOmega ,

Only one way to find out!

infyrin ,
@infyrin@lemmy.world avatar

“Here, I just want a space where we can just talk about the idea of talking about what we would like to talk about!”

shrugal , (edited )
@shrugal@lemm.ee avatar

This sounds complicated, but it’s pretty standard practice and probably a matter of minutes to set up if you have self-hosted other services before. What takes more time is the stuff that’s not standard, like ominous configuration options.

teuniac_ ,

Very easy to set up and almost no work to maintain*

If you, despite knowing better, rarely update your containers and host OS and often think about a list of other important tasks that you have yet to do.

GreenMario ,

Shit I’m about to turn my old computer into a server. And tbh I don’t need it but I gots to use it for something.

hoodlem ,

LMAO. So, so true and I have no problem with it. Self-hosted seems to be one of the most active communities on Lemmy. I learn a lot and y’all all seem cool.

lemmy ,
@lemmy@lemmy.stonansh.org avatar

So true

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