makingStuffForFun , avatar

N8N is great and just keeps getting better. I can only hope enshitification doesn't ensue as it gains popularity

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

What are you using it for? I have like four automations and I feel like they're all super basic.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I have about 12. Anything from checking emails for something I'm expecting and telegram messaging me. Scraping game websites for deals. Auto responder emails when I'm away. Just day to day stuff to automate. But, they've restricted their cloud version and are allowing self hosted a good run still. But, I suspect they'll want more money and chase the wrong people. Self hosters.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

I'm not against them trying to finance themselves as long as they don't cripple the self hosted version.

As for everything you're automating. I'm jealous! I feel like I'm not doing enough.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I agree. It's great software. But a home user simply can't justify that price

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

I've just seen the pricing. Wow! Thank the stars for self-hosting because that's expensive as hell.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

The forums seem to indicate self hosters are going to be screwed in time. Fingers crossed it's not true

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

We can't even fork it as it's not open source, just available source.

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