INeedMana , avatar

Not much to show, I just use a ringed notebook for noting down things that happen during the game.
I've found that I prefer A5 format. With A4 it gets big and by the time I get to the bottom of the right page, the notes at the top of the left one are ancient. A5 is easier to manage

I prefer systems where I don't need so many stats. Savage Worlds is the most crunch I can work with. So for the plot I only need a way to check up on ideas and "arcs" and for that I use ObsidianMD on mobile or PC. I'm jumping around different topics a lot, so even having bookmarks in notebook would be hard to work with

gedece ,

Mine is a carboard with second hand paper (think used calendar pages, old printed pages) and a strong clip added over the top. Whit this kind of paper I use the other side of the page. I do this to sort of give it a second life. Also this is for notes during the session, this is then rewritten for Campaign Logger once I have time.

I do this both as a GM or as a Player because I like having good notes. In some games, when the game finished, I contact the GM and give him a list of the added NPCs he used, because sometimes my notes are more detailed than his.

INeedMana , avatar

sometimes my notes are more detailed than his

Impressive! :)

myrrh , (edited )

...last year i decided i needed a trapper keeper like the one i used for first edition D+D, but - well, they were kind of junk then and they're still junk today, despite being eminently cool...

...BUT!..while shopping, i discovered that school supplies have evolved over the past five decades and mead produces a modern take on the classic trapper keeper form factor with vastly-improved build quality...

Five Star Trapper Keeper
Five Star Trapper Folders

...i love it; it's like my old trapper keeper but better in pretty much every way (other than roll-your-own décor)...

entropicdrift , avatar

I use a leather journal for GM notes.

My player notes are all on PCs, on character sheets or in my head, so no binder for me.

Can you tell I'm a theater of the mind GM?

P.S. nice username. Are you the real Sky Flourish?

slyflourish OP ,

I am!

TwiddleTwaddle ,

Wow small world! I read The Lazy Dungeon Master in like 2019 and loved it!

entropicdrift , avatar


I've been reading your blog and watching your videos for a while now

flibbertygibbit , avatar

I haven't played in person seriously for many years. We're starting a new in-person group here soon, so I'm going to have to figure something out. I have a boatload of 3 ring binders so I will probably do the clear sleeve thing like you do, Mike. And then promptly pull them all out to spread around the table because I am a loose-leaf person at heart.

Ziggurat ,

I just have 2 boring large binder with my "old character sheets" and a small cardboard one I use for my current game. I lack drawing skills to customize it, but now I feel like I should add some stickers

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