Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 ( ( )

Update: !ios_dev has been created, temporarily managed by @Ategon until some mods volunteer for it

newerAccountWhoDis ,

fucking reddit-logo

WittyProfileName2 , avatar

Reddit and twitter X, racing to see who can burn their company to ash the quickest.

Appointee4912 ,

Let’s be real… as long as people act like brainless animals, there will be zoos they enjoy being in. Reddit lost nothing, sooner than later more and more people will more and more give in and everything will go back to how reddit was. The number of people who care is miniscule.

Asymptote ,

Reddit took a calculated risk and they probably allowed for a wide margin of error.

Slimy_hog ,

IMO Reddit’s risk is paying off. Lemmy isn’t a replacement and tons of people are still using it daily.

Appointee4912 ,

I wouldn’t even call it “calculated”… they calculated nothing… they can always rely on the puppies going back and drooling all over reddit.

Asymptote ,

Normies just don’t care about this stuff. Simple as.

wewbull ,

Doesn’t having it private mean it wasn’t a community of 150k? It was a community of 1.

I understood taking subs NSFW to keep advertising out, but taking them private was causing the community to die. Once that went beyond a few days it was time to shift platform.

Rounddog ,

They sound pretty shady…

SittingWave ,

Who are the mods now?

sverit ,

Some attention hungry incompetent wannabes?

Callie , avatar

So Spez himself?

Reckless_Moose , avatar

tomato tomato

WilliamTheWicked ,

Thank you for fighting a good fight. You’re far better than 98% of the boot-consuming power trippers that folded the moment it looked like they might lose their paper throne. Welcome home.

ericjmorey OP , avatar

I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

Prethoryn , avatar

Lemmy users are fuck heads. Just because you don’t like Apple doesn’t make every dev the bad guy. Fuck off.

Kushia , avatar

I think you might be a little confused friend.

ColdWater , avatar

So ahhh… Lost Lemmer?

Thedogspaw , avatar

That sucks maybe you can restart your community here

ericjmorey OP , avatar

I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

worfamerryman ,

Did you create a new community on here yet?

ericjmorey OP , avatar

I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

worfamerryman ,

Thanks for the heads up🙏

ebenixo ,

Reddit is a failing business it’s going to use every unilateral tactic it can. What are you going to do with that free time?

ericjmorey OP , avatar

I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

Wow it must be an extremely novel experience for an iOS programmer to have a company arbitrarily make decisions about what you can and cannot do on their platform

Ubermeisters ,

Why kick 'em when they’re down already?

aberrate_junior_beatnik , (edited )

[Edit: upon reflection, this post went too far. To any who saw it, I apologize.]

Rai ,

Apple bad

Wait hold on

People wanting to make software for widely used devices bad?

Hudell ,

Who even still uses apple devices in 2023?

  • Sent from a cave far away from America.
Rai ,

Everyone but the oldest sister in the cave next to yours!

Ubermeisters , (edited )

Ok that WAS clever

To anyone who is curious what it said something to the effect of:

why not they seem to like the boot already

aport ,

lol gottem

beirut_bootleg ,

Woah! Sick burn, bro!

regular_human , avatar


samus7070 ,

I wish I could say that Google is better at that. It’s basically the same story but with even less humans to talk to when you’re flagged for doing something wrong or in the case of Google your former college roommate whom you haven’t seen in 10 years did something wrong. It’s the price all mobile devs pay unless they only want to distribute to a small subset of users who have liberated their phones.

peopleproblems ,

there’s a story there that I want to read

samus7070 ,

There was a time when at least once a month on that “other site”’s android channel that you would see a post about someone getting their account permanently banned. Sometimes it was because they made a spammy app while in high school or college but had turned over a new leaf and were using a new Google account. Sometimes it was a company who had employed someone who had been previously banned but only ever signed into the play console under a company email but probably also signed into their personal mail on the work machine. How true are the claims? I can’t say.

anon ,

when I started with mobile apps google was easy and apple was a problem.

nowadays apple is very clear on what they allow and what they don’t and it’s possible to go back and forth with them to get something approved.

google is trying their hard to be as strict as apple while putting 0 of the effort in to correct problems. not to mention that android is a fucking piece of garbage to maintain. you have like 4 deadlines per year, you need to update this or that thing or your app won’t work on this or that device, or the deprecation deadline for fucking safetynet arrives and they take two weeks to repair the google play integrity service.

vox , avatar

tbh i think that safetynet and other attestation features are a waste of time and should die.

fades ,

you do realize in this regard google/Apple are two sides of the same coin right?

wewbull ,

I don’t think he was drawing a comparison.

Mobile development sucks in general.

Blackmist ,

I tried to follow an Android tutorial (in Kotlin, so it should have been a modern one) a while ago, and the only conclusion I can come to is it was all designed by 500 different people over 15 years who never spoke to each other, and nobody ever dared throw anything away.

I’ve never seen such a basic CRUD app (and incidentally wasn’t even doing the C, U or D of that) take so many lines of code to do “properly”. Nothing that simple should be that complex. Everything seems geared up for “what if you want to translate to 100 different languages, change the back end at any point, and individually configure forms for these 80 different aspect ratios on devices?” Yeah, what if I don’t?

I still use Delphi for my sins, and while it has its faults (mostly that it’s closed source, and no fucker else uses it so I can’t work anywhere else), but simple apps like that are “drop a few things on a form, add half a dozen lines of code and run it”.

There’s all these places in Android that should be easy, but because you’re going through three levels of XML files and umpteen factory classes, it isn’t.

Hudell ,

Eh, no need to bring the iOS/Android fight into this. OP saw an opportunity for a joke and took it. The butt of the joke is iOS because that’s what the sub is about. If it were for android the same joke could be made, though folks would probably make different ones with other more glaring issues that Google has.

terath ,

We really don’t need this sort of pathetic shit posting.

Callie , avatar

Fr, that shit should be left on Reddit where the only reason people said it was for upvotes.

Snarky ass comments or just being hateful is 100% gonna drive away users from this platform

sounddrill ,

Tbf I’ve found google and apple fairly good to develop for(they handle app signing, deployment and more)

Once you fork over the cash, that is…

MonsiuerPatEBrown ,

Walled garden programming sub walled out of own garden

terath ,

How’s your linux phone doing?

starman , avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • kattenluik ,

    You know that all Apple devices are Unix too? You’re not making a point and do not know what you’re talking about.

    testAccount ,

    Test missing comment please ignore

    JeffCraig ,

    Not sure what he expected. I commend all the protesting, but we all saw how reddit responded. They didn’t give two shits. Yet people stick around in a toxic relationship with the site until they get removed. It’s weird. Why not just make the move to Lemmy before they take everything from you?

    ineedaunion ,

    This is borderline bootlicking. Not sure what he expected? A protest is a protest dude. That line is GOP approved.

    Zuberi ,

    This 100%

    nyakojiru , avatar

    I dont get why subreddit mods work or worked for free for a company that makes money from what they do ……

    goferking0 ,

    Probably same reason people go crazy for power, no matter how small of an amount

    SkepticElliptic ,

    You can make money doing it, you just have to have extremely loose morals.

    ElHexo ,

    Because some of them find value in building a community, because humans are quite social.

    Dangeresque ,

    Look I get it but some of these people going to work for free are just screwing over everyone else who wants to get paid for their value. Also it leads to corruption in that the mods of places find a way to get paid anyways.

    Dalimey , avatar

    Coming from r/DnDMemes I feel you dude. Thank you for putting it all on the line and sticking to what you felt was right.

    ericjmorey OP , avatar

    I’m just passing along the message. Communicate directly with the person responsible on Mastodon.

    fades ,

    Have you found an alt on lemmy for dnd memes?

    Reckless_Moose , avatar

    I’m new to Lemmy, not sure how to do the fancy link thing. There are a couple other communities too. I’ll get to posting there eventually.

    fades ,

    Thanks!! I’m relatively new myself, although I’ve been off and on since the death of 3P on that other place. Trying to rebuild my collection of communities and such

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